Part 8

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•Its been 5 days
•You have fallen in love with Jaden
*You and Jaden wake up and notice it's raining*
*He says kissing your head*
Jaden:How did you sleep
Y/n:Really good
Jaden:That's good
*You and Jaden go downstairs and eat*
Krystal:Your dad and I's work have been called in early so we have to get going bye kids
*They leave*
Ryder:I'm going out bye
*He leaves*
Y/n:Jaxons still asleep so we have the house to ourselves for a bit
Jaden:Want to watch a movie
*You and Jaden cuddle up on the lounge and watch a movie*
*Jaden and you quickly move away from each other*
Y/n:Morning buddy
Jaxon:Where's everyone
Y/n:At work
*He says rubbing his eyes*
Y/n:I will make you some breakfast
*You make him some cereal*
Y/n:Want to play a board game
Jaden:Hell yeah
Y/n:Jaxon want to play
*You are all playing*
*Jaxon falls over*
Y/n:Oh no
*Its just you and jaden*
Jaxon:Ok one hand on a blue and a foot on the green
*You and jaden look at each other*
Y/n:I'm winning this
*You both quickly put your foot down*
*You and jaden fall on each other*
Jaxon:it was a tie
*You and Jaden are laughing while still on the floor*
Y/n:Why don't you watch a movie While me and Jay go bake a cake
*You drag Jaden to the kitchen*
Y/n:Ok jay can you get the Milk and butter and flour and eggs
*He gets you all the ingredients*
Jaden:What cake are we making
Y/n:Chocolate the best one
Jaden:Vanillas better
Y/n:It must suck to suck
*He rolls his eyes*
Y/n:Did you just roll your eyes at me how rude
*You are mixing the ingredients when you feel something hit your face*
Y/n:Oh you bitch
*Jaden threw flour at you*
Jaden:Oh shit
*You run after him and hit him with the flour*
*Jaden is chasing you and you slip over and then jaden falls on top of you*
Y/n:Holy shit
*You look at Jaden and kiss him*
Jaden:We made a huge mess
*You laugh and get up*
Y/n:I need to put the cake in
*You put the cake in the oven*
Y/n:We need to clean
*You both clean up the Flour*
Y/n:Jaxons being quiet
*You go and check on him and he's asleep on the couch*
*You go and sit on the kitchen counter scrolling on your phone*
*He says walking over you*
*He stands in between your legs*
Y/n:I have to keep an eye on the cake
*You and jaden are looking at each other*
*You smile at him*
Y/n:Yes Jay what
Jaden:Y/n I really like you like I like like you and I was wondering will you be my Girlfriend-
*You kiss him*
Y/n:Of course
*Jaden smiles at you and kisses you back*
Y/n:Shut up
*You flip him off*
Y/n:I need to check the cake
*You get the cake out*
Y/n:We should put icing on it
*You make some Icing up and put it on the cake making a love heart*
Jaden:it's cute
*He kiss your head and you hug him*
Y/n:Look at me
*You put icing on his nose*
*You smile at him*
Jaden:Your so pretty
*He kisses you*
Krystal:IM HOME
*You guys Quickly pull away*
Krystal:Cute cake
*You look jaden*
Y/n:I'm going for a shower
*You go and shower and get changed into something comfortable*
Jaden:My turn
*You are watching for jaden*
Your Snapchat story

•Its been 5 days•You have fallen in love with Jaden*You and Jaden wake up and notice it's raining*Jaden:Morning *He says kissing your head*Y/n:Morning Jaden:How did you sleepY/n:Really goodJaden:That's good*You and Jaden go downstairs and eat*Krys...

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*You laugh and he lays next to you*
Jaden:Should we go live
*you got up to grab a hoodie and Jaden goes live*
Jaden:Hey guys
Fan:Who's house are you at
Jadens:I'm with-
*You jump onto the bed*
Jaden:Yeah y/n
Fan:Omg yall have finally meet
*You lay your head on jadens shoulder*
Y/n:Chill omg
*Jaden laughs*
Y/n:Anyways javonnn hiii
*You invite Javon to join*
Javon:What's up guys
Jaden:Hey bro
*Yall are on live for a while when Jaden starts tickling you*
Y/n:Babeeeee stop
*Jaden looks at you and you look at him*
Jaden:Omg (quietly)
Javon:Ah Wtf
Jaden:Im gonna end the live bye guys
*He quickly ends it*
Jaden:Y/n Omg
*You look at him worried*
Jaden:It's ok I'm not mad
*He says hugging you*
Y/n:Now they know Omg
Jaden:It's ok Y/n I swear
*Jaden holds you in his arms*
Jaden:We should just make it official
Y/n:another day
*You say laying on his chest*

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