Part 34

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Hey guys like I said last chapter I have heaps of stuff going on at home with family and also My mental health hasn't been so good so I would appreciate if y'all could not rush me so much No hate to y'all I love you guys all so much❤️❤️❤️
•A couple hours later
*You walk to Jaden room and knock on the door*
Y/n:Hey can I shower in your bathroom everyone else is using there bathrooms
Jaden:Yeah of course I will get you a towel
*He throws you a clean towel*
*You shut the door and get into the shower and get changed*
Jaden:Yo you done
Y/n:Yeah just brushing my hair come in
*He opens the door*
Jaden:I need to brush my teeth
*You and him are both brushing your teeth at the same time*
Jaden:Want to do an All nighter together
Y/n:How could I say No to an all nighter
*You and Jaden are sitting in his bed*
Y/n:What wanna
*He flops on the bed*
Javon:Guess what
Javon:I just got an email-
Jayla:Yo what did I miss
*She says laying over yours and jadens legs*
Javon:Be quiet jayla im trying to talk
Jaden:Anyways continue
Javon:I just got an email saying I have to fly to La for Euphoria Season 3 in 2 Weeks
(I know he died but pretend he doesn't)
Javon:I don't know
Jaden:Some peace and quiet for a while
Javon:Hey that's rude
*He says throwing a pillow at Jaden*
Javon:What are y'all doing in the same bed
Jaden:An all nighter
Javon:Can I join
*He says walking out and slamming the door*
*You guys laugh*
Jaden:Want to watch this Tv show I found
*He turns the Tv show on*
Y/n:This is actually good as
Jaden:I know right
*You guys are watching the show for ages*
Y/n:Bro she's a bitch
*You guys talk about the show*
Y/n:Alright now what movie
Jaden:I know
*He puts tangled on because he know it's your favourite Disney movie*
Y/n:My favourite how did you know
Jaden:I'm a genius you know
*You guys laugh*
Your Instagram story:

•5amY/n:I'm bored*You say hanging off the side of his bed*Jaden:Same*You fall off the bed and your head hits the Floor hard*Y/n:Ouch*You guys lose it laughing*Jaden: You good DudeY/n:I think I might have got an Concussion but I'll be right*You say...

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Y/n:I'm bored
*You say hanging off the side of his bed*
*You fall off the bed and your head hits the Floor hard*
*You guys lose it laughing*
Jaden: You good Dude
Y/n:I think I might have got an Concussion but I'll be right
*You say laying back next to Jaden*
Jaden:Why don't we go live
Y/n:I'm down
*He goes live*
Y/n:What's up y'all
Jaden:Hey guys
*You guys are reading the chat*
Chat:Are y'all back together
Y/n:No we aren't we are just best friends
*You say smiling at Jaden and resting your head on his shoulder*
Chat:It's like 5am why are y'all still awake
Jaden:We are doing an all nighter even tho we will probably fall asleep at sunrise
*You guys read the chat for a while*
Jaden:Alright y'all we are going to hop off the live talk to y'all soon
*He ends the live*
Jaden:Want to watch another movie
*He puts a movie on and you lay your head on his chest*
Jaden:I'm tired
*He looks down and you were asleep on his chest*
Jaden:Omg it isn't even 6am yet
*He Moves your hair from your face and tucks it behind your ears*
Jaden:Your so pretty (whispered)
*He says kissing your head*
Jaden:I love you (whispered)
*Little did Jaden know jayla and javon were listening to him through the door*
Jayla:No fucking way
Javon:I knew he still liked her
*You and Jaden were fast asleep*
Jaden:she's still asleep Omg
*He gets up trying not to wake you up*
Javon:Morning Jaden
Jaden:Why are y'all so happy
Javon:No reason
Jayla:Where's Y/n
Jayla:Are you serious I'm going to get her ass
*Jaden pulls jaylas arm*
Jaden:Jayla don't she needs the sleep
Jayla:do you still like her
Jaden:What no well Umm maybe
Javon:We heard you say y/n is beautiful last night
*He goes bright red in the face*
Jaden:what no that must of been the Tv
Jaden:Whatever you guys are to hard to lie to anyways
Jayla:So you do still like her-
Y/n:Who likes who
*Jaden smacks javon's head*
Jayla:What wanna was trying to say was jaden Likes Pizza
Y/n:Whatever you say
*You get a bowl and cereal and milk*
Javon:fruit pebbles seriously what are you 5
Y/n:Omg yes how did you know
Javon:Alright smart ass
*You flip him off and he does the same to you*
*Jess walks in and you and Javon quickly act like you guys weren't just flipping each other off*
Dj:Why is it so quiet in here
Jaden:I don't know
*Jess and Dj stand in front of you all*
Jess:We need to talk
Jaden:oh lord what is it
Dj:Well because Javon is going away to shoot Euphoria we thought it would be nice idea for all of us to go on holidays to Bora Bora for a week before he leaves
Javon:When do we leave
Dj:Early tomorrow morning
Y/n:Omg i need new Bikinis
Jayla:Same let's go shopping
Jaden:Can we come
Jayla:Nope girls only
Javon:It's ok We can hang together Jaden
*You and jayla go get ready to go shopping*

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