Part 6

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•It's been 4 months
•It's finally summer break from school
•You and Jaden flirt all the time
•You both definitely have feeling for each other
*It was the first day of spring break it felt good to wake up when I wanted not to an alarm*
Y/n:Ah finally spring break
*You look and see you weren't on FaceTime with Jaden anymore he hang up*
*You go downstairs and eat some breakfast*
Y/n:I'm getting ready for the day byeee
*You run to the bathroom and get in the shower*
Y/n:Why am I so happy today Woah
*You wash your body and hair and face then get out the shower*
Y/n:Ah I love this song
*You are brushing your teeth*
Y/n:Dam I look good today
*You are singing while doing your skincare*
Y/n:"I don't wanna live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain"
ryder:STFU  Y/N
Dad:Language both of you!
*You roll your eyes and get changed*
Krystal:Hey sweetie did you take your meds today
Y/n:Yeah I did with my breakfast
*You call jaden*
Y/n:Like my fit for the day
Y/n:Watch this ready
*You slide up the hallways but you fall over at the end*
Jaden:Why are you so happy
Y/n:I don't know I just woke up like this
Jaden:Mh ok
*You go back to your room*
Jaden:I have to go
*He just hangs up*
*You felt a bit sad now*
Y/n:Im going for a walk
*You put your AirPods in*
Krystal:Be safe
*You go outside and your walking*
Y/n:Why was he being so weird Did I do something
*You started to overthink*
Y/n:Im going home
*You go home*
Dad:You ok
*You give him thumbs up and walk to your room*
Y/n:Im gonna try message him
Y/n:Hey j
-read at 10:45
Y/n:Jaden are you ok???
-read at 10:50
Y/n:For fuck sakes jaden
*You roll your eyes*
Y/n:Maybe if I call Kylee
Kylee:Hey Y/n what's up
Y/n:Jadens being an ass
Kylee:Oh why
Y/n:I don't know
Kylee:I haven't talked to him in hours
Y/n:Alright bye
*You hang up and Just brush it off*
Dad:We are having a pool party and we invited Zendaya and the neighbours
(The neighbours had 3 kids 2 girls 1 boy )
Y/n:Oh ok I will get changed and be there
*You change into a White bikini*
Zendaya:Knock Knock
*You hug her*
Zendaya:Come on
*She drags you down stairs*
Zendaya:Y/n meet Tom
Y/n:Holy shit
Tom:Hello to you to
Y/n:Sorry I'm just shocked Tom holland is standing in front of me in my own home
Tom:Nah it's ok I would be to
*You and Zendaya are sitting outside on the sun beds*
Y/n:Ahhh Lilly
(Lilly=neighbour she was 2 years younger then you)
Lilly:Hey y/n- Wtf Tom holland
Y/n:Yeah don't worry about him
*She is just looking at you*
Y/n:Come on
*You guys get outside*
Lilly:Zendaya Ok wtf
*You laugh and you all sit down*
Y/n:Jaden is being an ass and won't talk to me
*You guys are all talking when see you again by Tyler the creator comes on*
Y/n&Lilly: Can I get a kiss And can you make it last forever
*You guys laugh when you get up to get a drink*
Y/n:Hey Reilly
(Reilly=neighbours kid he's 7)
*You hear a knock*
Dad:Can you get that y/n
*You open the door and drop your glass of water*
*You jump up and hug and you both start crying*
Jaden:I can't believe this is happening
*Your still hugging him*
Y/n:I don't ever want to let go
*You wrap your legs around him*
Y/n:You asshole you ignored
Jaden:I didn't want to I swear but I wanted to surprise you
Y/n:It's ok
*You get down and grab jadens hand and bring him inside*
Zendaya:Holy shit
Dad:Surprise y/n
Y/n:So you knew about this to
Krystal:So did I
Ryder:Me to
Zendaya:Me to
*You turn and look at jaden*
Dad:well hi Jaden nice to finally meet you
Jaden:Hey nice meet you to
*You drag him to your room*
Y/n:I still can't believe your here
*You say hugging him again*
Jaden:I can't believe I'm here
*He says hugging you back*
Y/n:I'm gonna cry again
Jaden:Noooo don't cry
Y/n:Come on
*You pull him back downstairs*
Jaden:I'm just going to grab a drink
*You let go of his hand*
*You run over to Lilly*
Lilly:Holy shit Y/n
Y/n:I know I know I can't believe it
Lilly:I'm so happy for you
*She says hugging you*
*You guys are talking when someone hugs you from behind*
Y/n:Shit you scared me
Y/n:Jaden this is Lilly
Jaden: Hi
*You walk over to Zendaya leaving them talk*
Y/n:I can't believe you knew And you didn't tell me asshole
*You say slapping her*
Zendaya:I wasn't gonna spoil it
*You guys are talking when you notice Lilly is getting touchy with jaden*
Y/n:Z don't turn around but Lilly is getting touchy with Jaden
*She says turning around*
*You hit your head with your hand*
Y/n:Nah fuck this
*You walk over to jaden*
Y/n:Heyyy jaden
*You say hugging him*
*You kiss his cheek*
Lilly:I'm gonna go
Y/n:Aww ok bye
*You say as she walks away and you roll your eyes*
Zendaya:Hey jaden
Jaden:Hey Zendaya
(They know each other because of javon)
Zendaya:How's javon
Jaden:He's good
Zendaya:Oh shit i have to go
Y/n:Aww ok bye Z
*She leaves with Tom and the neighbours leave to*

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