Part 28

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Y'all guess right😜anyways I was a bit bored and needed to make some drama soooo
*Your heart immediately breaks*
*You see Jaden and some girl kissing*
*You say with tears streaming down your face*
Girl:Oh that's Her I'm guessing
*You run away*
*You push past him*
Jaden:Y/N! Let me explain
*You look him dead in the eyes*
Y/n:Explain what that you were literally kiss another girl
Jaden:I- Ummm
Y/n:Wtf happened to "oH I wiLl nEvEr hUrT yOu y/N" and "I wAnT tO gRoW oLd wItH yOu"
Jaden:Y/n please
Y/n:I don't have time for your bullshit excuses Jaden Why don't you just go Continue kissing that whore
Kylee:Jaden you cheated ON HER I SWEAR TO GOD
*Next thing you know Kylee is chasing Jaden out the Front door*
*You walk to Kylee's room*
Y/n:I'm fucking done with everyone's bullshit
*You lay on Kylee's bed*
Y/n:Oh lord yes what
Kylee:He's gone
Y/n:I figured
Kylee:You ok
Y/n:Trying to be
*She hugs you*
Y/n:Umm do you think I can crash here tonight because I don't really want to go home
Kylee:Yeah of course
*Kylee leaves to go back to the party*
•30 mins later
*You hear a knock*
Y/n:Come in
Javon:That's what she said
*You laugh at him*
Y/n:What's up
Javon:It's to hectic Out there
Y/n:Yeah tell me about it
*Javon sits next to you*
Javon:so What happened with Jaden
Y/n:i walked in the Kitchen and ummm
*You were trying so hard not to cry*
Y/n:He was Kissing another girl
*A tear rolls down your cheek*
Y/n:Shit sorry
*You say quickly wiping your face*
Javon:It's ok
Y/n:I just don't understand one minute he's telling me he Would never hurt me and stuff and next he's making out with another girl
*Your break down in tears*
Javon:It's ok
*He says hugging you while you cry*
(before y'all say "Omg y/n and javon" javon is Y/n's best friend so ofc there Close)
Y/n:Fuck sorry
Javon:It's fine don't worry
*Jayla walks in*
Jayla:Hey everyone gone
*You walk down stairs*
Y/n:Here Kylee you go to bed I will clean the house
Kylee:You sure
Y/n:Yeah I need something to Distract me
*You say taking a trash bag*
Kylee:Thank you so much
Y/n:It's all goods
*You are picking up all the trash*
Javon:Yo You want some McDonald's I'm going to Uber eats some
Y/n:Yeah sure
*Javon helps you clean up some more while You guys wait*
Javon:Oh it's here
*He grabs the food*
Y/n:ew there's Vomit on the floor
Y/n:Jesus Christ could you yell any louder
Javon:Yes I can actually
Y/n:Alright smart ass
*You throwing fries at javon*
Y/n:Do you know if Jaden got home
Javon:No I haven't heard from him
Y/n:Call him but don't say I'm here
*Javon calls him and puts it on speaker so you can hear*
Javon:Hey Jaden
Jaden:What's up dude it's 1am
Javon:Just making sure you got home
Jaden:Yeah I'm fine
Javon:Ok good
Jaden:I fucked up big time with y/n
Javon:Yeah you did
Jaden:I feel fucking terrible
Javon:Then talk to her
Jaden:She will just push me away like always does
*You get tears in your eyes*
Jaden:Anyways bye
*He hangs up*
Y/n:I'm going to clean some more
*You say trying so hard not to cry*
Javon:Oh Ok
*You walk to the kitchen*
*You say punching the table*
*Javon comes in*
Javon:you good
Y/n:Yeah I'm fine
Javon:You sure
Y/n:Yes for fuck sakes
Javon:Oh well I'm going to bed goodnight
*You felt terrible for saying that*
*You continue to clean for a while*
*You are cleaning the table*
Javon:Bro it's like 4am your still cleaning
Y/n:Yeah can't sleep
Javon:Bro you need to sleep its fucking 4 in the morning
*You throw the paper towel in the bin*
Y/n:It's all done anyways
*You say walking past javon and sitting on the couch*
Javon:Bro if you can't sleep because of Jaden Don't worry about it he's just having a moment
Y/n:Mh yeah
*You and javon have to share the couch he's on the one side your on the other of it*
Javon:Want to watch a movie
*He puts a movie on*
Your Instagram story:

Y'all guess right😜anyways I was a bit bored and needed to make some drama soooo———————————————————————*Your heart immediately breaks*Y/n:Wtf *You see Jaden and some girl kissing*Y/n:Jaden*You say with tears streaming down your face*Girl:Oh that's...

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*Javon falls asleep and you end up falling asleep a little later*
I know y'all are gonna get mad because of Y/n and Jaden but I have something planned don't worry😭❤️

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