Part 24

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Y/n:Shit I have to get ready
*You say running to your bathroom you shower and Get ready*
What you wear:

Krystal:You readyY/n:Yeah let's go*You and Krystal get in the car*Y/n:I think I will like the school*You guys get there and get out the car*Krystal:Alright let's go*You guys go to the Front Office*Krystal:Hi we are here for a tour of the schoolOff...

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Krystal:You ready
Y/n:Yeah let's go
*You and Krystal get in the car*
Y/n:I think I will like the school
*You guys get there and get out the car*
Krystal:Alright let's go
*You guys go to the Front Office*
Krystal:Hi we are here for a tour of the school
Office lady:To your right and wait
Krystal:Oh ok
*You guys wait*
Lady:Hi I'm miss smith I will be giving you a tour today
Y/n:Hi I'm Y/n
*She shows your around and then shows you a class room*
Miss smith:This is mr McDonald's Science class
*She opens the door and of course it was Jaden and javon's class*
Miss smith:Hi mr McDonald this is y/n
*You look at jaden and Javon and you all are trying so hard not to laugh*
Jaden:Mr can I go to the bathroom
Mr McDonald:No jaden sit down
*You try so hard not to laugh*
Miss smith:Ok well we will be on our way
*we leave and she shows us around more*
Miss smith:So how do you like the school
Y/n:it's good
*You see jayla*
Y/n:Hi jayla
Miss smith:Jayla get to class
Jayla:Alright bye y/n
*She hugs you and runs off*
Miss smith:So that's the end of the tour
Miss smith:Have a lovely day bye
•It's 12:30
*You run out the car where Krystal was waiting*
Y/n:I love it
Krystal:That's great
*You guys drive back home*
Dad:Hey Y/n how was it
Y/n:I loved it
Dad:That's good
Y/n:How was the interview
Dad:Great I got the job
Y/n:Omg that's amazing
*You hug your dad*
Y/n:Can I go to the Walton and bring Jaxon to meet daelo
Y/n:We are going across the road come on
*You guys walk over and knock on the door*
Jess:Hey Y/n
Jess:Come in
*You guys go inside*
Jess:And who's this boy
Jaxon:I'm Jaxon
Jess:Oh well Jaxon it's very nice to meet you
*Jaxon smiles*
Y/n:Is Daelo here
*You bring Jaxon to daelo*
Y/n:Hey dude
Y/n:I bring my little brother over you guys can play together
Daelo:Ok Hi I'm daelo
Jaxon:Hi I'm Jaxon
*You leave to go find jess*
Jess:How's moving been
Y/n:Stressful and tiering
Jess:I bet
*You guys talk for a while*
Y/n:Hey J
*He walks off to his room*
Jayla:Come on let's go to my room
*You guys are sitting in jaylas room*
Javon:What's up
*You all decide to go live*
Jayla:Hi guys
Y/n:Hey guys
Javon:What's up guys
*You all are talking*
Chat:Did Y/n move yet
Y/n:Yes I did yesterday
*You notice it's like 4:30*
Y/n:Shit I have to go bye guys
Jayla:See ya
*You run to Jadens room*
Y/n:I have to go bye babe
Jaden:See ya
*You grab Jaxon and leave*
Jaxon:Why do we have to leave
Y/n:Because it's getting late
*You guys get home*
*You go to your room*
Y/n:Oh shit I need to get my books ready for tomorrow
*You pack your bag*
Y/n:Ah I'm bored
*You lay on your floor on your phone for a while*
•1 hour later
Ryder:Yk you have a bed why tf are you on the floor
Y/n:Because I can
*He walks away*
Krystal:Come get dinner it's McDonald's
*You go downstairs*
*You guys sit on the floor and eat*
Dad:So Jaxon how do you like daelo
Jaxon:He's so cool
*You all laugh*
Dad:I'm glad you think that
*You guys talk for a while*
Krystal:Jaxon alright it's bath time and then bed
Jaxon:Aww ok
*You go to your room and shower and get changed*
Y/n:Ah where's my hair brush
*You are drying your hair*
Y/n:Who keeps messaging me Omg
Y/n:Yes Kylee
Kylee:Your moving to my school right
Y/n:Yeah I start there tomorrow
*You hear a knock at the door*
Y/n:Come in
*He sat at the end of your bed*
Y/n:I'm just brushing my hair
*You notice it looked like he was ready to cry*
Y/n:Are you ok
*He shakes his head*
Y/n:Aww baby
*He starts to cry and you sit next to him*
Y/n:It's ok baby
*You say hugging him*
Y/n:Do you want to talk about it
*He shakes his head again*
Y/n:That's ok
*His head Is on your stomach*
Y/n:I love you
Jaden:I love you to
*you run your fingers though his fluffy hair*
Y/n:Want to watch a movie
*You put a movie on and You and Jaden cuddle up*
Jaden:Thank you
Y/n:What for
Jaden:Always being there for me
Y/n:Anytime you know you can tell me anything
*You and Jaden watch the movie*
Jaden:What's the time
Jaden:Oh shit I better go home
Y/n:You sure your ok
Jaden:Yeah I'm fine now
Y/n:Alright I love you
Jaden:I love you more
*He kisses you and runs home*
Y/n:What could he be so upset about
*You end up falling asleep*
I have an idea planned and I can't wait to post it😻🤞

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