Part 11

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•3 weeks later
•You leave to Go to Georgia tomorrow
•You are so excited
*You are sitting on your bed on your phone*
Dad:Y/n have you finished packing
Y/n:Oh shit no sorry
Dad:It's 9pm you leave in a few hours Omg
*You quickly finish packing*
Y/n:Alright I'm going to bed night
Krystal:Night sweetie
*You are laying in bed and you get a FaceTime call from Jayla*
Jayla:I'm so excited
Y/n:Same omg
Jayla:Jadens out for dinner with his friends because they just got back from training
Y/n:Oh yeah I forgot he told me about that
Jayla:So am I picking up tomorrow morning
Y/n:Yeah you and Wanna right
Y/n:Jaden said was telling me he has a big game tomorrow
Jayla:Oh yeah tomorrow is finals so they are trying to win this year
Y/n:Aww I can't wait to watch
Jayla:Alright you need to sleep Bye y/n I love you
Y/n:Bye jayla love you
*You put your phone down and watch a movie*
Y/n:Ahh I can't sleep
*You get up and grab your phone and AirPods*
Dad:Y/n where are you going
Y/n:Just for a quick walk I can't sleep
Dad:Alright be quiet and safe
*You nod and put your AirPods in*
Y/n:Hmm what song
*You hear your phone ring*
Y/n:Oh it's Jaden
*You answer*
Y/n:Hey babe
Jaden:Hey- what are you doing
Y/n:Couldn't sleep
Jaden:So your walking
Y/n:Yeah duh
*You are walking back to your house*
Y/n:You need sleep babe you look tired and you have your big game tomorrow morning
Jaden:Yeah I know
Y/n:Alright well I'm home now so I'm gonna go
Jaden:Bye Babe love you
Y/n:Bye Love you more
*You walk inside and go back to bed it's now 1am*
Y/n:I'm watching clueless
*You put clueless on and you fall asleep*
Y/n:Ah what time is
*You check and it's 4*
Y/n:Oh shit
*You get up and shower and get changed and go downstairs*
Y/n:I'm ready
Dad:Alright let's go
*You dad is carrying Jaxon to the car asleep*
Y/n:My bags are in let's go
Y/n:Oh shit I didn't say goodbye to Ryder hold up
*You run to Ryder's room*
Y/n:Oi wake up idiot I'm leaving
Ryder:Yeah Yeah have fun don't get pregnant
Y/n:Omg ryder seriously
*You roll your eyes and walk out and you can hear him laughing*
Y/n:Alright let's go
*You guys all drive to the airport it's 5:30 now*
Dad:Ok y/n be safe call me when you land I love you
*He hugs you*
Krystal:Be safe and have fun but not to much love you kiddo
*she hugs you*
Jaxon:Bye sissy
*He gives you a big hug*
Y/n:Alright bye y'all
*You go through Security and all that*
Y/n:Ah I have to wait
Your Instagram story:

*You call jayla and she doesn't pick up and then you call javon*Y/n:Hey wannaJavon:Hey omg your at the-*He stops himself*Javon:Shit sorryY/n:I'm waiting to board Javon:What time will you get hereY/n:Around 10Javon:Alright me and jayla will pick yo...

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*You call jayla and she doesn't pick up and then you call javon*
Y/n:Hey wanna
Javon:Hey omg your at the-
*He stops himself*
Javon:Shit sorry
Y/n:I'm waiting to board
Javon:What time will you get here
Y/n:Around 10
Javon:Alright me and jayla will pick you up then
Y/n:Cool Alright I can't wait I'm so excited
*You hear "can La to Georgia please board now"*
Y/n:Shit I have to go bye see you soon
*You run onto the plane and sit in your seat*
Y/n:Ah few
*An old lady sits you next you can tell she's nervous*
Y/n:Hi I'm Y/n
Old lady:Oh hi I'm Alice
Y/n:Are you ok
Alice:Yeah just a bit nervous I haven't been on a plane before
Y/n:It's ok I know how you feel
Alice:I'm here visiting my Sick sister
Y/n:Oh no that's not good
Alice:Why are you going to Georgia
Y/n:To see my boyfriend and best friend
Alice:Long distance
Y/n:Yeah it sucks
Alice:Aww it's ok sweetie
*You guys talk for a while and then fall asleep*
Y/n:Hey Alice wake up
Alice:Oh what
Y/n:We are here
Alice:Oh thank you
*You get off the plane and get all your things*
Y/n:I need to call them
*You call Javon*
Y/n:Hey I'm here where are you
Javon:Look up
*You drop your bags and run over to them*
Jayla:Omg hiii
*You are hugging her*
Y/n:Hi omg
*You hug javon*
Y/n:Hey dude
*You guys walk to the car*
Javon:I'm driving
Y/n:Is that a good idea
Jayla:Probably not
*You get in the car*
Y/n:I'm putting double seat belts on because wanna is driving
Jayla:I would to
*You guys are driving*
Y/n:What time does Jadens game start
Jayla:I'm 30 mins
Y/n:Shit javon drive Faster
*You guys get to the game*
Jayla:So what's gonna happen is
*She tells you the whole plan*
Y/n:Alright that sounds good
*You all walk over to the seats*
Jessica(Walton's mum)
Jessica:Omg y/n
Jessica:It's so nice to meet you
Y/n:Thank you
Dj(Walton's dad)
Dj:Oh hi you must be Y/n
Y/n:Hi yeah I'm y/n
Dj:Well it's lovely meeting you
*You seat next to jayla*
Jayla:Ok now we wait
*You guys are waiting*
Y/n:Woah he's a good player
*Its half way through the game*
*The game is finished*
Jayla:Alright let's go
*Jayla brings you down to the field*
Jaden:Jayla I need my water-
Y/n:miss me
*He runs over to you and picks you up*
Jaden:Hi Omg
*You wrap your legs around him*
*He kisses you*
Baseball team:WOAH!!!!!
*You and Jaden laugh*
Jaden:What are you doing here
Y/n:I came to visit
Jaden:I love you
*He puts you down*
Jaden:I'm going to get changed I will be back
*Jaden runs off to get changed*
Javon:Woah he really does love you
Y/n:Of course I mean look at me I would love me to
*You and jayla are laughing*
Jaden:Ok now can I have my Girl back
*He says pulling your arm*
Y/n:Bye guyssss
*Jaden and you are walking out holding hands*
Jaden:Let's go get icecream
Jaden:Me and y/n are going to get ice cream we will see y'all later
Jessica:Ok be safe
*You and Jaden are walking*
(You haven't meet daelo yet because he wasn't at the game)
Jaden:Why didn't you tell me you were coming
Y/n:I wanted to surprise you
*You pulls you to his side and hugs you while y'all walk to the ice cream shop*
Y/n:I love you
Jaden:I love you more
*He kisses you*
Y/n:Come on I want icecream
*You and Jaden get icecream and walk back to his house*
Y/n:Woah I love your house
Jaden:It's pretty cool
*You and Jaden go inside*
Jaden:I'm going for a shower
Y/n:Hi daelo
*You sit on your knees to talk to him*
Daelo:Your very pretty
Y/n:Thank you daelo
Daelo:I think we are gonna be best friends
Y/n:So do I
*Daelo runs away*
*You go lay on jadens bed*
Javon:I'm bored
Y/n:Go find something to do instead of annoying me then
Javon:Nah I'm good
*You roll your eyes*
Javon:Fine then
*He storms out the room and you hear him laughing*
*Jaden walks out the bathroom*
Jaden:What the hell is going on
Y/n:Ask your brother
*Jaden lays his head on your stomach and y'all are watching Twilight*
Y/n:I'm tired
*You start to fall asleep and then javon walks in the room with Emo hair and makeup and plays "im in love with an emo girl"
Jaden:What in the
*You and Jaden are losing it laughing*
Javon:I was bored so I dressed as an emo
Jayla:Wtf is happening-
*You and Jaden still laughing*
Jayla:Leave them alone javon Omg
*She drags him out the room*
Y/n:What the fuck was that
*You and Jaden calm down from laughing and continue the movie and fall asleep*
Jayla:Javon come here
*Javon walks in*
Javon:I'm so posting this
*He takes a photo of you and Jaden and posts it*
Javon's Instagram story:

*You call jayla and she doesn't pick up and then you call javon*Y/n:Hey wannaJavon:Hey omg your at the-*He stops himself*Javon:Shit sorryY/n:I'm waiting to board Javon:What time will you get hereY/n:Around 10Javon:Alright me and jayla will pick yo...

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