Part 17

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•It's been a couple of hours
*Everyone but you are in jayla's room live*
Jaden:You coming
Y/n:I need finish packing babe
*He runs off again and you continue packing*
Y/n:Alright I'm done
*You go to jayla's room*
Y/n:Surprise bitches-
*You go and sit in front to Jaden and lay in his lap*
Jaden:I love you (Whispered)
Y/n:I love you to (Whispered)
*The chat is going crazy saying "Jaden and y/n kiss"*
Y/n:Omg we have never kissed on social media
Jaden:Your right
*Jaden grabs your face and kisses you and you kiss him back*
Jayla:Alright that's enough ew
Kylee:I'm gonna be sick
*she says running out the room*
Jaden:That was funny
*You and Jaden are laughing*
Fan:When does Y/n leave
Y/n:In a couple of hours sadly
Jaden:pAcK yOuR bAgS lAddIes
*You are all laughing*
Jaden:We have something big coming up so don't be so upset I will see her soon
*You are sitting in jadens lap with his arms wrapped around you*
Javon:Is y/n sleeping
*You were asleep in jadens arms*
Jayla:It's so loud in here how is she even asleep
Jaden:This girl can literally sleep anywhere
Fans:Awww y/n's asleep
*Jaden got up and carried you in his room*
Y/n:Mh what happened
Jaden:You fell asleep
*You say cuddling into jadens blanket*
Y/n:Where are you going
Jaden:To see Jayla I will be back dont worry
*He kisses your head and walks out*
Jaden:Are you still live
Kylee:Nah we left when you walked out
Jaden:Oh alright
*He says sitting on Jaylas bed*
Jaden:Do yall recon Y/n seemed off today like she barley talked
Jayla:Yeah but I didn't want to say anything
Kylee:Yeah and she was trying to leave all the time like she didn't want be here
*Jaden walked back into the room and you were sitting on your phone*
*He layed next you and watched your phone with you*
Jaden:You ok
*You smile at him*
Jaden:you sure you've just been off all day
Y/n:Yeah I'm fine
*Jaden was just looking at you*
Jaden:You barley talked today and you seemed sad
Y/n:I just wasn't in the mood to talk I go quiet because my social battery runs out and I don't feel like talking
*You smile at you him*
Y/n:See I'm smiling
*He laughs and hugs you*
Y/n:I love you
Jaden:I love you more
*You cuddle Jaden his arms are wrapped around you*
Jaden:Night babe
*He kisses your forehead and you guys fall asleep*
•it's 6am
*You wake up to Jaden shaking you*
Y/n:Ahhh stop
Jaden:Wake up babe
Y/n:It's only 6 my flight isn't till 9:30
Jaden:Y/nnn come on I want to spend time together before you have to leave
*You get up*
Jaden:Get ready we are all going out for breakfast before dropping you off
*You shower and brush your teeth and do your Hair and makeup*
Jayla:Y/n hurry up
Y/n:I'm just getting changed
(what you wear)

•It's been a couple of hoursJayla:WE ARE GOING LIVE AGAIN*Everyone but you are in jayla's room live*Jaden:You coming Y/n:I need finish packing babe*He runs off again and you continue packing*Y/n:Alright I'm done*You go to jayla's room*Y/n:Surprise...

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*You go downstairs with your bags*
Jess:Leaving already
Y/n:Yeah I wish I didn't have to
Dj:We will all miss you
*Jess hugs you*
Y/n:Aww bye Jess
*Daelo runs over to you*
Y/n:Bye little dude
Y/n:Daelo I have to go but I will be back in 3 weeks
*You give him a big hug*
Daelo:Bye Y/n
*He looks sad and waves and Jaden takes your Stuff to the car*
Dj:Bye Y/n
Y/n:Bye thanks for having me
Jess:Anytime sweetie can't wait to see you again
*You give Daelo one more hug*
Y/n:Bye buddy
*You all get in the car*
•Javon driving
•Jayla passenger
•You in the middle
•Kylee and Jaden on your side
Jaden:Drive safely Javon I want to live
Javon:Fuck off
*Everyone laughs*
Jayla:Alright let's go in I'm starving
*You all inside the restaurant and sit in a booth*
•You in the middle
•Jaden and jayla on your side
•Javon sitting in front of you
•Kylee in front of jayla
*You all order your food*
Y/n:It's so cold today
Jaden:I know
*He says hugging you*
Kylee:Ahhh im starving
*You all get your food*
*everyone finishes eating and you are still finishing eating*
Kylee:Your such a slow eater
*Javon starts throwing food at you*
Y/n:Fuck off you bitch
*You throwing food at him*
*You laugh and grab your drink*
Y/n:I will throw it on you
Jayla:Alright alright that's enough
*You all are laughing and you finish eating*
Jaden:Let's go
*You are all walking out the restaurant when 2 girls about you age Look at you and start whispering and laughing*
Y/n:Wtf (quietly)
*Jaden watched it happen*
*You say looking down and covering your stomach with your arms*
Javon:You alright
*You all get the car*
*Jayla turns it up*
Jayla:This song is amazing
*Everyone was singing*
Jaden:Why aren't you singing y/n this is your favourite song
Y/n:Just don't feel like
Jaden: Mama, oooh I don't want to die, I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all (Whispered in your ear)
*You laugh at him and lay your head on his shoulder*
•It's about an 1 hour and 30 mins drive to the airport

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