Part 5

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•It's been 2 months
•You and Jaden are really close
•You still haven't meet him yet
•You Ft Jaden all the time
•You are really close with jayla She's your other best friend
*You get ready To go out with your family for dinner*
Krystal:There is a parcel here for you
Y/n:Oh thanks
*You open it up and it's a fluffy blanket and frog plushie  and a hoodie*
Krystal:Who is it from
Krystal:Aww that's cute
*You smile and read the note*
"I know you have been having a hard time so i bought you a these and my hoodie -Love Jaden<3"
*You run upstairs and lay on your bed*
Your Snapchat story:

Dad:Hey y/nY/n:MhDad:Krystal said you got a package from Jaden Y/n:YeahDad:What did he get you*You show him everything*Dad:You picked a good one kiddoY/n:we aren't even datingggggDad:We leave in 5 mins*Your dad laughs and walks out*Y/n:Ah I'm bore...

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Dad:Hey y/n
Dad:Krystal said you got a package from Jaden
Dad:What did he get you
*You show him everything*
Dad:You picked a good one kiddo
Y/n:we aren't even datinggggg
Dad:We leave in 5 mins
*Your dad laughs and walks out*
Y/n:Ah I'm bored
*Jaden calls you*
Y/n:I got-
Dad:Y/n come on please
Y/n:Bye Jaden I will talk you later
Jaden:Ok I have a game so byeee
*You run outside to the car*
Y/n:I'm here I'm here
Ryder:Took you long enough
*You smack the back of his head*
Ryder:Who sent you a parcel anyways
Ryder:Isn't he related to the dude that plays Ashtray on euphoria
Y/n:Yeah his names javon
*You guys get the restaurant*
Y/n:Who are we going out for dinner with Anyways
Dad:Alexa and Zendaya
Y/n:Wait really
*You get excited because you have always been close with zendaya*
*You run up to her*
Zendaya:Ahhh hi kiddo
*She gives you hugs hug*
Y/n:I missed you soooo much
Zendaya:I would of came and saw you but I was really busy
Y/n:I have so much to tell you
*You guys all sit down and you sit in between Zendaya and Jaxon*
Zendaya:Are you dating Jaden
Zendaya:Mh whatever you say
*She laughs*
Y/n:He bought me a frog plushie and a fluffy blanket and posted it to me and he sent one of his hoodies
Zendaya:How do you knew it's his
Y/n:One I saw him wear it on FaceTime and 2 it smells like the clone he told me wears
Zendaya:Woah ok I think someone has a crushhhh
*You roll your eyes and laugh*
Jaxon:I have to go to the bathroom
Y/n:Come on
*You wait outside the bathroom for him*
Jaxon:All done
*You guys go back and eat your dinner*
Zendaya:Well I better get going it's late
Zendaya:Toms waiting for me I have to go sorry
Y/n:Ok bye Z
*You hug her*
Alexa:Hey kid
Alexa:How are you
Y/n:I'm good
Alexa:You got a boyfriend yet
Alexa:I thought you and Jaden were together
Alexa:I saw your story what did he get you?
y/n:*You tell her*
Alexa:He must really like you
*You shrug your shoulders*
Dad:Alright well it's past Jaxons bedtime so we better get going
*You say goodbye and everyone goes home*
Y/n:I'm going to my room
*You go and have a shower and put jadens hoodie on*
Dad:Night y/n
*you get a call from jaden*
Jaden:Nice hoodie
Y/n:Thank you sooo for it all
Jaden:You deserve it you do everything for everyone else and never do anything nice for yourself
*You are doing your skincare*
Y/n:How was Your game
Jaden:We won again
*He says proudly*
Y/n:I'm proud of you I wish I could come watch
Jaden:Ahhh I just want to meet you in person Omg
Y/n:Same I just want to meet my best friend
*Jayla walks in*
*She says grabbing Jadens phone and running away*
Y/n:Hi jayla
Jayla:I saw Jaden sent you parcel what did he get you
Y/n:A fluffy blanket, a frog plushie and his hoodie
Jaden:Jaylaaaaa can I have my phone back
Jayla:Fine bye y/n
Y/n:See ya
*Jayla gives the phone back Jaden*
Jaden:Want to play minecraft together
Y/n:Of course
*You get your controller and join Jaden in minecraft*
Jaden:Did you like your frog
Y/n:Omg yes and I named it
Jaden:what did you name it
Y/n:Jay (you named it after Jaden)
*He laughs at you*
Jaden:I'm glad you like it
*You put the frog in your lap*
Y/n:Do you like my house
Jaden:Mines better
Y/n:No way
Jaden:I need a drink
*He says taking the phone to the kitchen*
Jessica (jadens mum)
Jessica:Hey y/n
Y/n:Hi Jessica
*You say waving through the phone*
*He says running back to his room*
Y/n:Want to play Fortnite
*You and him are playing Fortnite*
Your Snapchat story

Dad:Hey y/nY/n:MhDad:Krystal said you got a package from Jaden Y/n:YeahDad:What did he get you*You show him everything*Dad:You picked a good one kiddoY/n:we aren't even datingggggDad:We leave in 5 mins*Your dad laughs and walks out*Y/n:Ah I'm bore...

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The frog plushie

———————————————————————The frog plushie

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The blanket

The blanket

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The hoodie

The hoodie

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