Part 21

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Sorry this chapter is taking forever I had school today and then things to do after school!!!!
———————————————————————Doctor:And we figured out the reason you passed out was you haven't been taking your Meds and it caused side effects like passing out dizziness
Y/n:Ah what
Dad:Y/n Wtf you know what happened when you don't take your meds Omg now we are sitting here in a hospital at 2 in the fucking morning because you didn't take your meds
*You get tears in your eyes*
Krystal:Lucas Wtf it's not her fault
Doctor:If you would like to sign here she can leave then
*You were nearly crying and your dad Signed it and you got all your stuff ready*
Jaden:You ok
*You look down*
Y/n:Yeah I'm just tried
*Jaden carry's you out the car*
Krystal:It's ok you know it's not your fault right
*You sit the middle of ryder and Jaden*
Krystal:Anyone down for McDonald's
Jaden:No thanks
*They get McDonald's for ryder*
Y/n:I'm so tired
*Jaden puts his arm around you*
Dad:Everyone straight to bed when we get home
Krystal:Stop being so harsh
*You guys get home and you and Jaden go to your room*
Y/n:I'm going to get changed and Brush my teeth
*You clean all the blood off you*
Y/n:Oh for fuck sakes
Jaden:You good
Y/n:I forgot my clothes
*He hands you clothes*
*You get changed and brush your teeth*
Krystal:Good night you 2
*Jaden hugs you behind while your brushing your teeth*
Jaden:I love youuu
Y/n:I love you moreee
*You wash your mouth out*
Jaden:Come on babe I'm tired
*You turn off the bathroom light and go and lay on the blow up mattress*
(your bed was taken by the moving people so you have a blow up mattress)
Y/n:I love you
*You kiss him*
Jaden:I love you to
*You lay your head on his chest and you guys fall asleep*
*Your arm was killing you today*
Y/n:Ah fuck
*You get up and go downstairs with jaden*
Krystal:Take your meds
Y/n:Mh I know
*You take your meds and painkillers for your arm*
Y/n:Im going to get Jaxon and go and see Lilly you coming jaden
Jaden:Yeah just let me go get a hoodie it's legit freezing
*You wait for jaden*
Y/n:Come on
Jaden:Alright alright
*You guys walk next door and knock on the door*
Lilly:Hey Y/n- And Jaden what
Y/n:he goes home tomorrow he came to help us move and to see me
Y/n:Can we come in
*You guys go in*
(Lilly's mum=Zoe)
Zoe:Hey Y/n how you feeling
Y/n:Tired and sore
Zoe:Oh that's not good
Zoe:Oh and you must be Jaden I've heard all about you
Y/n:Ah what I haven't said anything about him to you
Zoe:Oh no Lilly tells me about him all the time
*You look at lilly*
Jaden:Yeah I'm Jaden nice to meet you
Y/n:I'm going to grab Jaxon and go
Zoe:He's in reillys room
*You and Jaden go to jaxon*
Jaden:I will carry him
*He picks him up and carry's him*
Y/n:Thanks for looking after him
Zoe:It's ok anytime
*You guys leave and Jaden carry's Jaxon home*
Y/n:I'm tired
*You say laying on the mattress*
*You cuddle up to him on the couch*
Y/n:Hey Jaxons in his room
Dad:Oh did Zoe come over
Y/n:Nah me and jaden brang him home
*He leaves*
Y/n:Did you notice how Zoe said Lilly talks about you all the time
Jaden:Yeah it makes me uncomfortable
Y/n:if I could move my arm I would beat the shit out of that little girl
*Jaden laughs and you end up falling asleep*
Jaden:Are you sleeping
*He checks to see if you were sleeping and then gets up*
Jaden:Hey do you guys need any help moving
Dad:Yeah I guess we have box's to pack
*Jaden helps them pack up*
Krystal:Thank you Jaden
•5 hours later
*You notice jadens not there so you get up*
Jaden:In here
Y/n:Oh hi
Jaden:I was just helping your dad and krystal pack
Y/n:oh thanks
*You hug him from behind*
Y/n:I love you
Jaden:I love you to
*You go and lay on the couch again*
Jaden:Want to go get food
*You get up and grab your keys and a blanket*
Jaden:I'll drive
*Your throw the keys at him*
*You get in the car*
Jaden:We should go live when we get food
*You guys go and get your food and sit in the carpark*
Jaden:I'm going live
*he goes live*
Jaden:Hi guys!
Y/n:What's up guys
*You guys are reading the chat*
Chat:When did Jaden get there
Chat:When does he leave
Jaden:Tomorrow but Y/n is moving literally right near me so no more long distance this is our last long distance
Y/n:I'm so excited
Chat:Why is Jaden there
Y/n:There was a problem yesterday so he decided to come see me
*You and Jaden are talking for while*
Y/n:I hope y'all are having a good day or night wherever you are
*Jaden throws food at you*
Y/n:Oh you bitch
*You throw food at him*
Jaden:Jesus sorry
*You guys laugh and read the comments again*
Chat:Yo y/n Kinda looks like Kylie Jenner
Y/n:What I don't look anything like her
*You and Jaden are losing it laughing*
Jaden:If anything Y/n is way prettier bro
*You guys calm down for laughing*
Jaden:Alright well it's like 8pm it's late So we are gonna go bye guys!!!
Y/n:Byeee have a good night or day guys!!!
*You guys end the live*
Y/n:Let's go
*You guys are driving home when it starts raining*
Y/n:Oh for fuck sakes
Jaden:This is going to be fun
*You guys get home*
Y/n:Omg of course
*the rain gets heavier*
Jaden:You ready
Y/n:I think
*You guys both are running*
*He falls over and then you fall right after him*
Y/n:Ah fuck
Jaden:You good
Y/n:Yep I think so
*You guys are laying in the rain laughing*
Y/n:I'm cold
*You guys get up and go inside drenched*
Ryder:Wtf happend
Y/n:We fell over in the rain
*He laughs*
Y/n:I'm going to change*
*You guys get ready for bed and cuddle up and listen to the rain all night*
No cliffhanger today love y'all❤️😘

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