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AN: For the most part of the first chapters of the book contains a lot of smut. If you aren't a fan of reading Muzan and Douma smut, then either skip the smut contained chapters or just don't read this book to save your time. But if you are a minor and you stumbled upon this book, I suggest don't reading it. No minors to interact in this book.

cw: blood

"Where are you going?"

An attractive girl with waist length raven colored hair with hime bangs, a set of pink beige eyes, pale skinned, pink glossy lips and a curvy figure instantly smiled, clasping her hands together. "I'm going with Tsutako oneesan to the night market!" The girl beams, "I really want to get her the obi she wants. Giyu chan knows were going out too!" she adds.

"Going out in this hour?" Her mother asks, quirking an eyebrow upwards as she directs her head towards the direction of the wall clock. "Since you're going with someone, be sure to come home quickly. It's not good to be going out in the late hours, Seriya!" Her mother exclaims.

But Seriya didn't understood why her parents kept telling her to be cautious when she's going out with someone who's older than her. Sure they are going to be careful, and as long as she sticks too Tsutako, she would be fine. No harm would ever come to her.

"I will be fine, mother! I'll be home as quickly as I can!" She smiles, raising her hand to wave at her mother before closing the door behind her.

Her mother, who remained standing in the same spot lets out a small sigh. She could only hope and pray that her only daughter is out of harm's way.

"Oneesan, I think this color fits you!" Seriya says, smiling as she points at the white obi to her. "You and Giyu chan wear a lot of dark colored clothing. It wouldn't hurt to add a few light colors in your wardrobes!" She says.

The older girl lets out a small chuckle while nodding her head. "Alright, I'll try and see if this obi looks good on me." She says, taking the obi Seriya pointed to her awhile ago.

"I'll be waiting here!" As Tsutako stepped into the little fitting room, Seriya sat down on the small chair, waiting for her to come out.

"You have a keen eye for colors."

Seriya turned her head and found a man who looked like in his twenties standing behind her. A small smile painted his lips, wearing an expensive suit and white fedora hat. She couldn't help but smile and giggle at the man's compliment to her.

"Who doesn't want to live a life with colors?" She asks, pursing her lips as she eyes the color scheme of his suit. "You have a good taste in fashion too." She smiles at him.

"To let me know that you are thinking of me is an honor." He smiles at her, his eyes darting around the various designs of obi the store has to offer. "Tell me, if an attractive girl is wearing a pink kimono, which color of obi should I get for her?"

Seriya's eyes immediately wanders around the store. "That usually depends on whose wearing it. But taking me as an example, I'd say either green or white would compliment it!" She says, taking out a green color obi with red and white flower designs. "Like this one."

The man smiles and takes the obi in his hands before turning to face the attendant of the shop. "I will be taking this one." He spoke to the female attendant, immediately, she processed the chosen obi and neatly placed it inside a shopping bag. As Seriya sat back on her seat, the man wearing an expensive suit returns to her, handing the shopping bag to her.

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