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italicized means flashback

As Muzan called all the upper moons for another meeting about the location of the blue spider lily, Douma was finally present. As Nakime plays a string on her biwa, all the upper moons stood in the same platform as her.

"Akaza, I missed you! Care to give your buddy a hug?" He asks, smiling at the pink haired demon. However, Akaza clicked his tongue and instead pulled out his arms from his body and threw them away.

"Hug on that." Akaza mumbles, walking back to his spot.

Though Douma didn't find Akaza's way of greeting an an irritating one, in fact, he found amusement. Grinding his teeth together as he finally felt a new emotion unlock inside him.

"My friend never fails to surprise me." Douma says before regenerating his arms again, picking up his gold fan that had fallen on the floor. "But my my, why is everyone's faces like that?" He asks, taking note of the look of irritation on Daki's face, Gyutaro's slightly pink cheeks, Akaza's and Kokushibo's blank looks. "Enlighten me" he says.

However, Daki scoffs, turning her head away. "If only you were here last time then you'd know." She said, refusing to say someone else's name. 

Douma dug his index finger inside his temple, soothing his brain with it. "And who are we talking about?" He asks in utter confusion.

"...A new upper moon has joined us." Akaza says. "But this one...doesn't have a number." He adds. And upon hearing the news that a new demon has joined them, a look of wonder washes Douma's face, a wide smile painting his lips.

"My oh my, a new fellow among us." He giggles softly, gritting his teeth on his golden fan. "Is it a girl? Perhaps a boy? What do they look like?" He asks, intrigued by the news of the new addition. "Are they here with us?" He asks Akaza before turning his head both left and right. "I don't see a new face here." He mumbles, shoulders drooping down in disappointment.

"Lord Muzan doesn't want her anywhere in the castle. Anything about this castle or the blue spider lily is strictly off limits to her." Akaza says, heaving a deep sigh for he has no update on where the flower could be.

But the blue spider lily is the least topic for Douma, because now that he has an idea on who the new demon joining them, he felt a wave of relief that it's a girl. Somehow, he was already getting sick of seeing Nakime and Daki and he silently wished for a new one to join the ranks.

"A girl you say?" Douma smiles, already imagining inside his mind on what she could look like. "What are your impressions on her?" He asks.

"She's so annoying and thinks she can do a better job than me!" Daki shouts, clenching her hands together on top of her folded legs. "Embarrassing me in front of Lord Muzan? Who does she think she is?!" Daki turns her head to look at her older brother. "You're annoyed by her too, right?"

As much as Gyutaro wanted to answer his younger sister's question, he couldn't. Because as a matter of fact, Sakura had a different approach to him that night.

"I didn't know another demon is here." Sakura says, smiling at him while walking closer. "You're Daki's older brother, right?" She asks.

Before Gyutaro could say anything, Sakura took a hold of his hand and gently caressed them in hers. "You shouldn't think of yourself so low. You're someone's ray of sunshine." She says, smiling with her eyes closed and handing him a small white bag filled with candies.

"I know demons can't eat human food, but I managed to make these edible for us! There's lots of flavors in there too - orange, lemon, strawberry, cherry and a whole lot more!" Sakura then lets go of Gyutaro's hand.

yokai | t. giyu, douma & k. muzanWhere stories live. Discover now