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italicized means flashback

After several months have passed, Giyu found himself sitting on the front steps of his mansion. Though it was dark outside because it is nighttime already, the cherry blossoms' color lit up the tree branches. Giyu specifically remembers what happened on a night like this a few years ago.

He met Seriya on a night like this, met her under the cherry blossom trees because she quickly snuck out of their home just to admire the pretty pink and white blossoms and had his three firsts with her.

"What's your name?" A young Giyu asks, his eyes slightly widening as he took interest in the girl who hugged her knees close to her chest.

"...Are you a demon?" The girl asks, blinking her eyes at him.

"Demon?! Do I look like a demon to you?" It was the first time ever in Giyu's life to be accused of being a demon. "I'm human!" He told her, sitting down besides her. "What are you doing here? Are you lost?" He asks

The girl shook her head. "I just snuck out of my house. Mommy won't let me out, but I really want to admire the flowers!" She complained, a small frown painting her lips. Suddenly, the frown on her lips turned into a small gasp. "Did you know I'm named after the spring winds?" She asks him.

"But I don't even know your name!" Giyu tells hers.

"Seriya" Seriya mentions her name to him. As if on cue, a cool wind passed them by. "See! I'm named after the spring winds!" She gushes to him. Loving the way how the spring winds kiss her skin.

Not only was it Giyu's first time to be accused of being a demon, it is also his first time to feel his face heating up because of a girl. The only girls in his life are his mother and his sister. But now, all that's changed.

"Hello? Earth to you?" Seriya says, waving a hand in front of Giyu's face. When Giyu snapped out and shook his head while blinking his eyes, Seriya lets out a small chuckle.

"There's pink petals on your hair. Let me get it for you." Seriya spoke and moved a little closer to him, removing pink and white petals from his dark hair.

A light pink tint shade splotched across Giyu's cheeks as he watches Seriya remove the petals for him. On that night, not only did he make a new friend but it is also the first time his heart began to beat for a girl.

Giyu stood up from the front steps and sat down under the cherry blossom tree. As he sat down, he immediately felt the cool breeze whoosh him by.

"Hey Seriya" Giyu whispers to himself, watching pink and white cherry blossom petals fall down from the branches. "Come back, will you? I miss you already." He spoke, leaning his back on the tree trunk. Heaving a soft sigh, Giyu continued to watch the petal slowly fall down.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

On the other side, Seriya found herself sitting on one of the branches of a cherry blossom tree. Watching Douma engage in a battle with a long haired, female Hashira.

"I am remarkably happy that you offer yourself to be our dinner." Douma spoke, evading each and every attack of the flower breathing hashira.

"In case you forgot, I'm not eating her." Sakura spoke, her legs dangling underneath the tree branch. "But I like the flowers." She smiles, tilting her head to the side.

Sakura knew in the back of her head that whenever a hashira is close, she would retreat. Those were Muzan's words to her. But since Muzan wasn't around and Douma is, she somewhat felt rather safe. Although the feeling of it soon came off when another figure emerged from the dark. This one had her hair tied into a ponytail, her looks resembled to the girl Douma is fighting. However, she gave off no hashira energy.

"Picking a fight with me?" Sakura coos, cupping her cheeks as she stared at the younger girl before her. "Although you will be disappointed that I do not engage in fights, rather, I hope you are fast enough to catch me." She smiled before jumping out of the branch and running as fast as she could. While Sakura was running, she flew her mind into the girl running after her.

Her name is Shinobu, the younger sister of the hashira Douma is with.

Her form is insects.

Her sword is not capable enough to kill yet it is poisonous.

She lives in the Butterfly Mansion along with a few other younger girls.

"As much as I admire your desire to kill me, I will have you know that I do not fight and eat women." Sakura tells her, slowly slowing down in her tracks as she prepares herself for Shinobu's sword to strike her. "Come on then. I'd like to see you and your poisonous sword try-" Sakura was not able to finish what she was trying to say when Shinobu's sword pierced through her body.

Shinobu's eyes widens, wondering why Sakura was not falling to the ground, wondering why Sakura is still up in her feet and not feeling any pain at all. 

"How..." Shinobu mumbles, staring directly in Sakura's pink beige eyes. 

Placing a hand on the area where she got stabbed, Sakura dipped a finger inside her wound and examined the two toned running liquid before bringing it closer to her lips. "Wisteria seed" she spoke, a grin painting her lips before sucking the rest of the poisonous liquid off her finger.

"I like the taste of wisteria seeds too." She says, holding onto the blade of Shinobu's sword before taking it out of her body, throwing her aside. As Shinobu fell down on the ground, Sakura used this opportunity to run away again, knowing all too well that Douma is still where he is, only this time, eating the flower breathing hashira.

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