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Pink beige colored eyes met dark red ones inside Giyu's home. Sakura didn't know that Giyu would be having guests in his estate, but she was glad that she was in her human form.

"You must be Seriya!" The boy with dark red eyes spoke to her, a bright smile on his lips. "He really talks a lot about you! Says that if he sees you again, he wants to-" the boy wasn't able to finish what he was going to say because Giyu had chopped the back of his head with his hand.

"You didn't have to hit him like that, Giyu chan." Seriya says, placing a hand on the back of the boy Giyu just hit. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm okay!" The boy cheerfully responded, smiling while rubbing the back of his head.

"Seriya, meet Tanjiro. Tanjiro, meet Seriya." Giyu introduced the two of them together.

"It's nice to meet you, Seriya san!" Tanjiro says, waving his hand at her.

Seriya, who felt shy in front of Tanjiro, looked away. "You came here with a purpose, right?" She asks, blinking her eyes.

"I do!" Tanjiro enthusiastically agrees. "Is it alright if I get a sample of your blood? There's another demon who's working on creating a serum that could make you a human again!"

Hearing his words made Seriya's eyes widen in surprise. She turned to face Tanjiro with wide eyes. "Such a demon exists?" She questions. "Is this demon not under Muzan sama's control?" Upon realizing what she just asked, Seriya suddenly gasped, placing both of her hands on her face.

"I possibly can't..." Seriya mumbled. "But...I want to."

"May I have your blood then?" Tanjiro asks, taking an injection in his hands. Seriya nodded and lifted the sleeve of her pink kimono up. Hopefully praying to herself that this serum would work and be able to turn her back into a human.

Later that night, somewhere in the city, a pair of eyes wandered around with the optic nerve moving and squirming.

"I found one more person." Nakime says, inside the Dimensional Infinity Fortress. "I now know sixty percent of the demon hunters' whereabouts. But I still have no idea about the sun conquering girl and Sakura."

Muzan, who sat on a floral printed single sofa, wearing a white button down and black pants, smiled as his eyes scanned the map he is holding on to. "Nakime, you've grown a lot more than I expected. It's wonderful." Muzan praises the one eyed demon.

"It's an honor." Nakime responds.

"And now I suppose...I should try here." Muzan then points at a certain location with his index finger.

A small grin slowly paints on his lips. "Nezuko, Ubuyashiki, and my sweet little blossom, I will find you very soon." 

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

At that same night, Seriya falls asleep for the first time, as a demon. Whenever Giyu had free time from training, he would go back to his estate and watch her sleep. At first, he didn't know why Seriya wouldn't wake up from her sleep, thinking she was in a coma or some sort. But Tanjiro had to explain it for him that sleeping is the only form that Seriya could strengthen herself, now that she was restraining herself from eating any humans.

"That's...really impressive." Giyu mumbled when he first heard it from Tanjiro. "Keep sleeping, Seriya chan. When you wake up, I'll be here." he says, softly stroking her hair with his hand.

A week and three days have passed and Seriya continues her slumber. But in her slumber, she could see hazy images of a little girl and boy playing before her, she couldn't talk to them nor approach them, they couldn't see her nor hear her anyway. But one day, another person whom she could not recall suddenly joined the two children.

"Seriya! Giyu! Lunch is prepared!" This girl says, a soft smile on her lips.

So warm. Seriya thought to herself. That woman is so warm. And I didn't know those children would be me and Giyu chan. She adds to her thoughts.

Just as Seriya was staring at the older girl, she turned her head to look right back at her which caused Seriya to gasp.

"You can see me?!" Seriya suddenly gushes.

"You..." the older girl begins to say, "you're the older..." the older girl begins to point at both the younger and older Seriya.

"Is this how you became when you grow older, Seriya?" The older girl asks, smiling at her. "Do you still remember me?"

Seriya didn't know why, but tears started welling up in her eyes that slowly slid down and cascaded on her cheeks. She hiccuped before shouting the older girl's name.

"Tsutako san!" Seriya shouted, crying as she ran up to the older girl and greeted her with a big hug. "Tsutako san, please forgive me! If it wasn't for me, you would have gotten married and Giyu would still be happy!" She hiccuped, sobbing onto the older girl's shoulder.

"Maybe...I wouldn't have become like this if we just went out in the morning!" Seriya continued to sob. Tsutako looked at Seriya with her round eyes before gently patting the top of her head.

"Don't be sad about it, Seriya." Tsutako says, smiling down at the teary eyed girl. "Giyu's with you now. Take care of him for me, will you?"

Seriya sniffed before slowly nodding her head. She averted her eyes to look at the two children inside the house, happily eating and chatting to themselves. The amount of guilt Seriya's feeling right now is immense, if the guilt she is feeling right now turned into water, she would have been drowning already.

"Wake up now, Seriya." Tsutako tells her, wiping the tears away from her cheeks. "Don't forget, tomorrow sunrise!" She brightly spoke to her.

"What do you mean tomorrow sunrise?" Seriya questions, feeling something pulling her away from Tsutako's hold and up into the air. "Tsutako san!"

The moment Seriya opens her eyes, she felt excruciating pain within her body. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw what seemed to be a lavish home filled with sliding doors and flooring at different angles above her head.

"Where am I?" she questions herself, looking around at the strange place she is in.

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