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On nights where Muzan said he needed to be in places, Sakura couldn't help but wait while waiting for him in her window. Sometimes, it stresses Sakura out whenever she'd have customers at night and they seek her service. She wanted nothing more but to be wherever Muzan is. He could be up in the North or down in South, and Sakura wouldn't complain. At all.

Because she believes that no man would ever love a man eating flesh demon like her. All the men in the world will only look down at her.

Sighing softly to herself, she remembers the nights where Muzan and her would make love all night in her room. Muzan himself told her that he loved how spacious her room is, and that they could do a lot of activities together. And even though Sakura is a demon, she swore she could feel her heart beat wildly inside her chest. She wanted to feel his lips on her lips, his lips on her neck, his tongue swirling around her areola and nipple and down to the in between of her legs where she would be writhing underneath him in frenzy.

As Sakura blinked, a salmon haired demon with black lines on his face and shoulders suddenly appeared before her. Blinking her eyes, neither of them spoke a word, just staring at each other.

"How may I help you?" were the first words Sakura spoke.

"You must be the new upper moon that Daki talked about!" He said, smiling at her. "Hey, new upper moon. What's your name?"

"And why should I tell you?" Sakura asks, removing her brain from her head and invisibly flying over to his, reading his thoughts.

His name is Akaza.

A favorite of Muzan.

He doesn't hurt women.

Before he kills, he talks to them, wanting to get to know them a little. Before giving the final blow.

"Didn't that Daki tell you, Akaza?" Sakura giggles as she sees a confused expression painted his face. Returning her head back to herself.

"How did you know my name?" Akaza asks, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm not an upper moon for nothing." Sakura smiles, shrugging her shoulders.

"May I pretty please have your name?" Akaza asks, clasping his hands together and pouting at her for effect.

"My name's Sakura!" Sakura beams. "Do you want to get inside? Why are you even here?" She asks him.

Akaza showed two of his fingers to her. "I came here for two things. One is because Lord Muzan asked me to find something. No clues for you like I promised him!" Akaza teasingly says, "And second, I wanted to meet the newest addition to the list! You're quite the topic among the community." He says, walking inside her room. "Is it always empty like this?"

Sakura nodded her head, slipping into her demon form. "All of my items are over there." She spoke, pointing at one side of her room.

"Woah, you have such pretty cool hair!" Akaza says, looking at her pink and white ombre hair. "What's your ranking number?"

Sakura shows him her true eyes. And once Akaza sees her eye without a number, he raises his eyebrows together. "No number, huh? I guess Lord Muzan has favorites now." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Silly you. I don't I'm the favorite." Sakura smiles, clasping her hands together. "You don't need to hang around here longer anymore since you told me Muzan is asking you for something." She nodded her head. "You're only wasting time if you're here with me."

Akaza shrugs his shoulders once more before going out through her window. "True. But hey, it was nice meeting you, Sakura!" Akaza bids before running into the dark of the night.

yokai | t. giyu, douma & k. muzanWhere stories live. Discover now