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italicized means flashback

Heavily breathing with half lidded eyes, Seriya still laid down on the ground and had no intentions of getting up until the forty minutes are over. Slowly, as the minutes and seconds kept ticking, she could feel a cold, tingling sensation on her feet. The feeling was like a slime on her legs that slowly slid away from her toes. When the pain of overnight finally subsided and Seriya could see the rising sun on the horizon, casting a blinding glow across the sky, she slowly sat up from the ground, pushing away the debris on top of her.

Blinking her eyes, the golden fingers of the sun crept through every corner and alley. It was, for the first time after how many years of casting herself away from the morning light, did it shine so bright. It felt warm and everything is real. Everyone around her shouted happily and rejoiced, bursting into tears that Muzan is finally defeated.

She wondered to herself, did the Sakura in her was able to say her farewells to the demon king? But the thoughts of it banished from her head when Giyu turned around and looked at her, his eyes welling up with tears before rushing to her. Seriya's eyes began to water and at the same time, the two of them rushed towards each other, hugging the remnants of the pain of yesterday away.

Slightly pulling himself away from the hug, he cupped her cheeks with his hands and finally, after years of waiting and holding back, did he finally close his eyes and lean to press his lips against hers. Their hearts pounded inside their rib cage. Giyu thought to himself, this is finally Seriya with him. The feeling of holding her was foreign, even her breathing and scent were foreign to him. But after years of separation, he could only feel happiness as they are finally reunited.

A few weeks to almost a month ago,

A kasugai crow flew down and nestled it's feet on the windowsill, using its beak to tap against the window when it's eyes caught sight of Tamayo inside the house, sitting on a wooden table before looking at the black crow with confusion.

"How did you know?" Tamayo asks as she opened the window, letting the bird inside.

"I've asked the new owner and other civilians about your whereabouts!" The crow reported, flapping it's wings. "I come bearing a letter from Tomioka Giyu!" The crow announces.

Casting her eyes down, Tamayo found a rolled parchment paper tied around the crow's leg. Untying the string as she takes the paper in her hands, she begins to read the contents of his letter addressed to her. And in the letter, the words 'anti aging', 'Seriya', 'Sakura', 'serum' and 'demon' were most notable. 

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

Three months later,

Seriya basked under the blue skies and yellow morning sun as the spring breeze and cherry blossoms flurry around her. Outstretching her arms up above her head, Seriya had never felt more alive than ever. And as she lets out a contented sigh, she was determined to live a brand new life. One where it didn't involved her killing men and then eating them limb per limb afterwards.

Humming to herself while setting her arms back to her side, she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her waist from behind. A gentle smile began to paint her lips while she places her hands on the arms wrapped around her. She didn't needed to turn around to know who this person is.

"You kept me waiting long enough" She teases him, her cheeks flustering and turning pink in color.

"Sorry about that." Giyu responded, chuckling before placing a quick kiss on her cheek. "The cherry blossoms are blooming pretty, right?"

"It is!" Seriya agreed, watching the pink and white blossoms blooming and swaying on the branches. As the two were silently admiring the blossoms, Seriya was reminded of something.

"Can we...go to the market later?" She asks, turning her slightly to take a glance at Giyu.

"Hm?" The raven haired boy hums, his eyes on her. "Do you need anything? I'll come along with you." He states.

Seriya slowly shook her head. "I just have to look for someone." she simply stated.

Later on that day, Giyu and Seriya ventured to the market together, hand in hand. He wasn't exactly sure who exactly Seriya is looking for, but he nevertheless, supported her; helping her ask other people about the whereabouts of two children named Himari and Tsumugi.

When the sun's rays began to get hotter, telling him it was already noon, he was about ask Seriya if she was hungry and wanted to grab something to eat when two loud shrieks and cries errupted in the middle of the road.

"Oiran!" Two children cried and hugged Seriya's legs with their small arms.

"What took you so long, oiran?"

"We keep waiting for you everyday!"

"Oiran, please take us home with you!"

"Please! please! please!"

Seeing the two children made her heart swell in delight. Squatting down to hug the both of them in her arms, she hushes their cries while patting the back of their heads. Though she's no longer the "oiran" they know, she kept the little secret from them.

"I'll take you both home with me, yeah?" She begins to say, easing their sobbing. "Yae did a good job taking care of you both, right? Let's pay here a little visit before I take you with me."

After that day, both Seriya and Giyu adopted Himari and Tsumugi, settling in a house that's accessible to the mountains and the city. Months after adopting the children, they both tied the knot, their wedding being attended by the remaining members of the Slayer Corp. The now family of four regularly visited the graves of their passed loved ones, replacing withered flowers with new ones and offered prayers, did household chores together and ate in one table like a family.


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