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AN: This short piece is inspired by Chiyo's dance in Memoirs of a Geisha

italicized means flashback

As the lights were dimmed and the only source of light comes from the lit candles and lanterns of the yukaku, Sakura slowly comes into the stage wearing a white flowing kimono, the tallest koma geta the town has to offer and a parasol in her hand. But it wasn't just any parasol, she had embed her blood demon art into it. That for whoever looks into her parasol, they'd be hypnotized. Falling into a trance before their insides completely blow up.

Amongst the crowd of her usual customers is none other than Muzan himself. Seated in the far back of the room, clad in a white suit and gray fedora hat.

"Miyamoto san is here again? Seems like he really likes your service." One of the courtesans spoke to Sakura.

Smiling to herself as her kamuro's help her decorate her hair with many hair pieces, Sakura shook her head. "I'm only doing my best in earning!" She chirps happily.

"So humble. But really, Miyamoto san looks so expensive." One of the courtesans says

"I'm so jealous! I want a customer like Miyamoto san as well!" Another chimed into their conversation.

But unbeknownst to them, Miyamoto san is Muzan in disguise.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

On the other side of Yoshiwara, inside House of Kyogoku, three elderly women were outside by the veranda, feet slightly swaying and feeling the tips of the green grass in the pads of their feet. Kiseru's situated in between their index and middle finger.

"With an attitude like Warabihime, she won't get anywhere in the industry." One of them says, gray smoke wafting around them. "I've heard that there is another rising oiran in House of Tokito, her name is Koinatsu."

"Koinatsu is my rising star. I have pride in her that she will beat Warabihime in being the top oiran." The elderly woman from Tokito house says, grinning as she inhales the powdered tobacco before exhaling it. "Although, Sakura is one hell of a top oiran to beat." She admits.

"Where did you meet Sakura?" The elderly woman from Kyogoku asks. "A girl born with attractive features like Sakura is like finding gold among dirt!"

"It's been a long time." The elderly woman from Ogimoto House says, smiling to herself as she exhales smoke from her nostrils. "Sakura was all alone by the riverbanks when my husband found her. From then on, I worked very hard to teach and mold her into what she is now."

"Sakura is a lucky girl." The elderly woman from Kyogoku says. "A high paying customer like Miyamoto san is a lucky catch too."

"He has the money, but I wonder why won't he buy her already?" The elderly woman from Tokito house asks. "If anything, I would love it if Koinatsu and Sakura are to finally wed. They look like suitable wives." She spoke, exhaling a gray smoke past her chapped lips. "But Warabihime? Never."

The three elderly ladies shared a laugh before resuming to their little smoking session. Unknown to them, a pink obi with intricate design began to slither behind them.

Sakura stares at the wall of her room, visibly annoyed by what she is sensing.

"How did she...split herself and transfer the other here?" Sakura wonders to herself. Deep within the walls of Ogimoto house was a demonic sense slithering inside.

"She's too troublesome." Sakura begins to say, sighing softly to herself. "Why transfer her other body in this house. Did my words really still bother her from last time?" She asks, a small cynical smile painting her lips.

Sakura finally stood up and started walking away from a wall of her room. "Whatever. I hope she enjoys what she's seeing." She says, comfortably laying down on her white and purple futon.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Huh..so you finally decided to come home."

Muzan knew the tone laced in those words. The once bright and happy home turned sad and gray, the curtains drawn and Rei sat on one of the dining table chairs, a glass of wine and popped wine bottle open.

"You know work demands a lot from me." Muzan says, removing his hat and coat and trying not to sound irritated.

"Work? You're really using that excuse again? Or maybe you were with someone else? You smell...quite floral right now." Rei says, gripping on the base of the wine glass. "You didn't smelled like that before leaving the house." She told him.

"Are we keeping track of scents now?" Muzan asks, removing his shoes before neatly placing them into the shoe rack. "I have female co workers as well. They spray a lot of their perfume since I heard a new was released."

"Stop lying!" Rei shouts, taking a hold of the wine glass before smashing it into the wall behind Muzan. "Why can't you...just be honest with me?" She whispers, her voice cracking.

"Aren't I honest with you right now?" Muzan quirks his eyebrow up at her. "Are you accusing me of infidelity?" Muzan sighs

"I don't know what to think anymore! Tell me then, are you seeing someone else?" Rei asks, tears falling down from her eyes as her black eyeliner smudges.

It never occurred to Muzan that he would be fallen captive and wrapped around Sakura's finger. The concept and feelings of love are so foreign to him, and if it is really love that he feels for her, then Muzan would let himself get hit by his growing emotions for her.

And since he still needed this house to provide him extensive disguise to find what he is looking for, Muzan sighed to himself as he found everything so bothersome.

"There is no one else, only you." He whispers to her, walking closer to Rei as he wraps his arms around her side. Letting the older woman sob into his chest, her tears damping his button down polo.

As he gently pats her shoulder, Muzan couldn't help but think about Sakura. Not only did the young demon dominate his body, but she did a splendid job at dominating his mind and heart as well. If only he could home to Sakura in a house where it's just the two of them, he wouldn't have to deal with any accusations such as infidelity and such.

For Muzan, it was Sakura and only Sakura. No other could compare to her.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

As Giyuu accepted the post of becoming a Hashira, particularly as a Water Pillar, he wanted to laugh. And no it wasn't because of anything stupid or silly, but because water reminded him of someone.

Reminded him of a certain someone who's afraid of water because they didn't know how to swim. And it was Seriya. 

He was reminded of how when they were younger, she would cling to his arm and sniffle whenever they were near the ocean. Seriya feared that the waves might take her and never return her to the sandy shores. He remembered laughing at her words but promised her that he would come and save her if ever that would happen.

It never happened yet he couldn't save her when she went missing.

Sighing to himself, Giyuu adjusted his mismatched haori before walking taking a stroll by himself outside. And though it was dark, the pink and white cherry blossoms bloomed beautifully and smelled fragrant in the night. He remembers, whenever he misses Seriya, Sabito would take him to this place and pretend that she is here with him.

But now that the two of them are gone, Giyuu never felt so lonely in his life. But as long as they remained in his heart and mind, he is never alone. 

yokai | t. giyu, douma & k. muzanWhere stories live. Discover now