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AN: I'm sorry for the late and short update! I'm not quite feeling well emotionally and mentally.

For some unknown reason, Sakura feels like she's hurting. Although her body and mind are both mentally and physically well, there was something that doesn't sit right with her.

Was it the after effects of the wisteria seeds? No, it couldn't be that. If it were, then she would have dropped dead already instead of feeling something painful in her chest.

Was it because she's used to having Douma around her and that she misses him now that he's away with his cult? Although she didn't understood him at first, eventually, she came to find comfort in his presence.

Or was it because she misses Muzan? She didn't know what he's up to or where he is as of the moment. But there is no denying that she misses his touch at times. In the beginning, she only had Muzan.

"What are you thinking of, my flower?"

A soft gasp escapes her lips and Sakura turned her body around. "Muzan sama? Why are you-" before Sakura could finish her question, Muzan's hand immediately clamped and squished her cheeks together tightly.

"I specifically told you that when you encounter a hashira, you run away. Remember?" Muzan asks. Teeth gritting and jaw clenching, Sakura whimpers before placing her hands on his hand.

"I-I ran away like you told me before! But there was another one-!" Sakura was unable to finish her sentence when the hand of Muzan squishing her cheeks tightly gripped more.

"Muzan sama..." Sakura whispers, fat tears brimming in her eyes before they slowly fall down on by one. "I never meant to disobey you." She whispers.

"And who do you think you are to throw me away and take Douma's side?" Muzan asks, the tips of his nails piercing through Sakura's skin, drawing blood. "Did you have fun following him?"

Sakura chose not to answer his question and kept quiet as her mind was suddenly filled with the memory of the night she and Douma spent.

"You should know better than listen to him, flower." Muzan softly spoke, slowly loosening his hold around her cheek and chin. "I've given you everything and this is how you repay me?" He asks.

Immediately, Sakura yanks herself away from his hold and places her hands on the floor, pressing her forehead on the floor as well. "I regret my actions and let me atone my sins, Muzan sama!"

Sakura already expected a wave of pain coursing through her, courtesy of one of the stories Douma had told her before. But she didn't feel anything except Muzan going down on knee and tapping the back of her head with a finger.

"Lift up your head now, flower." Muzan spoke, softly this time. "I'll let this one slide. And don't bow your head to me. I'll forbid you for doing that."

Slowly, Sakura lifted her head up and turned to look at Muzan's blood red eyes. Muzan's expressions softened upon coming face to face again with Sakura. The days and nights he spent not being with her were hellish, he got into another fight with his wife, got accused of having another woman and tried so hard to calm his nerves.

But now that Douma was out of the picture (he gave him a task to separate him from her), Muzan can now monopolize Sakura all for himself. Finally, he has her for himself once again.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"I'm sorry for your loss." Giyu softly spoke as he stood beside Shinobu before Kanao's casket.

Just like Shinobu, there were others who were in mourning. Oyakata, his wife Amane and their children came on the second day viewing and paid respects.

"I don't understand..." Shinobu mumbles as tears began to fall from her eyes, hands clutching on her uniform tightly.

"I understand your pain. It's really hard to accept a loved person dying." Giyu says, averting his eyes to a resting Kanao inside her white casket.

"That's not it." Shinobu says, slowly bringing her arms up to hug herself. "That night...there were two demons. I came face to face with a demon with pink and white hair. I gave her a good hit but...how come wisteria seeds and wisteria itself have no effect on her?" Shinobu asks, her hands shaking as she held herself.

While Shinobu was telling the story, Giyu had his turned turned to look at Shinobu before looking away. Indeed it was a mystery, how a demon can withstand the wisteria flower. Were demons evolving every year? That he didn't know.

"I know she's an upper moon demon, I can feel it from her. But her eyes didn't show it." Shinobu says, gritting her teeth. "I'll come back and kill her one day. For Kanao and aiding another upper moon."

Giyu remained quiet. His eyes looked up into the dark sky and blank twice before finally speaking.

"Good luck with that." was all he said before turning around and walking away.

yokai | t. giyu, douma & k. muzanWhere stories live. Discover now