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cw: gore, blood, nsfw (orgasming after drinking blood)

"Thank you for seeking my service, Manyuda san." Sakura says, bowing her head to the aspiring politician standing before her.

"Oh please lift your head up now, Sakura. I wanted to have tea and have a little chat with you!" Manyuda says, taking a seat in front of Sakura.

Sitting together in a private booth inside the tea house in Yoshiwara, Sakura subtly raised the sleeve of her kimono, giving the man a glimpse of her skin, whom she caught staring at her wrist with such look on his face.

"What did you want to tell me, Manyuda san?" Sakura asks, smiling a little at him after placing the tea pot back on the table.

"Well, for starters," Manyuda begins to say, bringing the cup to his lips to take a sip. "How do you like your coffee and eggs in the morning?" He asks

This question slightly caught Sakura off guard. As her eyes widens a little, she blinked twice before smiling again and shaking her head. "I do not drink coffee and eat eggs, Manyuda san." She says.

"Really?" Manyuda asks, curiosity brimming inside him. "What do you look for in a man?" He asks again.

"If I were to settle down, I'd want a man who only looks at me." Sakura smiles, thanking the attendant for bringing them wagashi sweets. "It would be such a turn off if I were to marry a man who looks at someone else just like how he looks at me." She sweetly say.

"Do you like mochi, Sakura?" Manyuda asks. Slowly, Sakura nodded her head.

And as Sakura nodded her head, Manyuda took the only strawberry flavored mochi in the set and handed it to her little plate. "Sakura, I've been meaning to ask you" Manyuda starts to say, opening one of his coat as one of his hands took out a black velvet box. Opening it, a gleaming diamond ring rests in the middle.

"Manyuda san" Sakura spoke, staring down at the engagement ring.

"If you say yes, I will pay all of your debts from the Ogimoto House. I would like to wake up every morning with you by my side and end the day having you in my arms. Will you marry me, Sakura?" Manyuda asks

Before Sakura could say anything, she heard the sound of shattering plates and cups near them. Turning her head to the direction of the sound, a woman wearing black kimono with wavy hair tied into a bun stared dangerously at Manyuda. Sakura knew who this woman was, it was Muzan in a different form and aura again.

"Sakura?" Manyuda calls out to her, reaching his hand out to hold hers. "Are you alright? You aren't wounded are you?" He asks her. Sakura smiles and then shaking her head.

"I'm alright!" She happily chirps. "You aren't wounded too, right?" She asks

Manyuda smiles, his heart beating fast in his chest because Sakura was concerned for him. "I'm alright!" He nods his head, "Well? What do you say?"

Sakura purses her lips into a thin line, she turned to take a quick look at Muzan who was now staring at her before making a decision.

"Manyuda san, I know you mean well for me, but...I need some time to think about this." Sakura says, "I hope you can understand my decision. Marriage is a really big step for me." Sakura says, smiling widely at him. "I assure you, I will give you my decision tonight." She says.

Manyuda, who is hopelessly in love with Sakura, nodded his head vigorously. "Of course! Then I will stay by your side until the night comes!"

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

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