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cw: smut (all fours, missionary)

Situated inside the private room of the tea house, Sakura poured the feudal lords and politicians with hot green tea, played the shamisen merrily and laughed with them whenever they make a joke. Even though it wasn't funny, Sakura had to play along. With the number of customers she has for tonight, she'll be earning big once her work time is over.

"I hope you don't mind, Sakura" First district representative Shibayama says, "But I've brought an escort with me who is an oiran as well from Kyogoku. Mind if I bring her in?" He asks her

Sakura smiled and nodded her head, already sensing another demon within the grounds of the tea house. "The more the merrier, Shibayama san" She happily responds, putting her shamisen down as she pours the men more hot green tea into their empty cups. As the escort oiran Shibayama brought with him entered, Sakura corrected her assumption that the demon she sensed earlier is the oiran. 

"Warabihime oiran! Do you perhaps know Sakura oiran from Ogimoto?" Shibayama asks in a happy tone. Though Sakura and Warabihime sat on either end of the room, Sakura parted her head, invisibly flying towards Warabihime, infiltrating her thoughts. And it only takes one minute for Sakura to know everything. From the good to the bad to the dirty.

Warabihime isn't her name. Her name is Daki.

She's an upper moon, seated at number six with her older brother inside her.

Her older brother's name is Gyutaro.

She's an oiran for over a century.

Only eats pretty and fresh girls.

"It is my first time to meet Sakura from Ogimoto." Warabihime says, turning her head to bow at Sakura. "It is nice to meet you, Sakura. You are very pretty, however, you play the shamisen like a newbie."

Retrieving her brain, Sakura smiles and bowed her head as well. "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Warabihime of Kyogoku." Sakura begins to say, "I see you've noticed my playing of the shamisen. Surely you'd know all about it since you're an oiran yourself for such a long, long, long, long, long, long time." Sakura sweetly replies, playfully strumming a string of the shamisen.

The feudal lords and politicians laughed merrily at what Sakura says. Unable to sense the malice in her words.

"That is a good one, Sakura!" Second district representative Watanabe says, wiping a tear from his eye with a checkered handkerchief.

Generously, Sakura smiled and bowed her head to him. Grinning, Sakura playfully glances at Warabihime who was looking at her with a sneer on her face. "Wind down, will you? I only meant to get close to you." Sakura says, thanking the tea house attendant for bringing sake into their room. "It's actually nice to see someone from Kyogoku. I think...we'll get along really well!" Sakura beams.

Clicking her tongue, Warabihime didn't liked the way Sakura was talking to her. She should be talking to her with respect, she's the senior between the two of them. But Shibayama gently nudged her shoulder.

"To Sakura and Warabihime's new found friendship!" The men toasted. Cynically, Warabihime grins, clapping her hands.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

When their little party was over, Warabihime clamped her hand around Sakura's nape, forcing the younger girl to turn her around before slapping her across the cheek. 

"You think you're the shit, huh?" Warabihime grins, chuckling softly as she raises her hand to slap Sakura once more. However, Sakura caught her hand and held a deadly tight grip on her wrist. One that Warabihime was unable to move her hand away from.

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