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The following night, Sakura found herself back in the yukaku, specifically inside one of the private rooms. Casting her blood demon art to project an illusion that she and Douma in human form are enjoying tea while she play the shamisen for him, the two of them escaped by the window, heading up to the roof.

"And where are we going exactly?" She asks, sitting down while turning into her demon form as they got away from human eyes.

"Have you ever been to Asakusa?" Douma asks, standing beside her as he gently motions his fan to himself.

"Asakusa?" Sakura repeats before shaking her head. "I've never left Yoshiwara for years." She confesses.

Douma could only sigh, a small smile painting his lips. "Very much like Lord Muzan. He does keep you in the dark." He says, bending down a little as he extended a hand out for Sakura. "Do you trust me?" He asks.

Although Sakura doesn't exactly know what Douma has in mind, she reaches her hand out to him, placing it on top of his. A sweet smile immediately paints Douma's lips as they walked together towards the direction of the city.

Seeing Asakusa right before her eyes felt surreal, it was like Douma helped her transport into another world. Asakusa's like Yoshiwara, but more children friendly. As they walked together in their human forms but in their demon clothes, foreigners and locals walk among the busy, bustling city with their friends, lovers or family. Everything felt new and shiny to Sakura. She was lost in her thoughts until she felt something warm being draped on her shoulders.

"Those low lifes keep looking at what's mine. If there aren't so much people, I would've gauged their eyes out." Douma growls.

What Douma said was right. Men were eyeing her, ravaging her with their eyes. The kind of men that Sakura liked to devour. But somehow, with Douma in front of her, she felt safe.

"I have you with me. There's nothing worry about that, right my dear husband?" Sakura cheekily asks.

Douma smiles at her. "At least my wife isn't stupid." He smiles, holding her hand as they continue walking. "Were getting closer." Douma says until finally he stops walking and points at something a few feet from them. "There it is!"

Sakura's eyes widens in surprise at the sight before her - Muzan in his human form, carrying what seemed to be a two year old little girl in his arms while a woman whose hair is tied into a tight, neat bun had her arm looped around his. The way they walked was heading towards the two of them and Muzan immediately stops in his tracks as he caught sight of Douma and Sakura.

"What is it, dear?" The woman asks, turning her head to look at Douma and Sakura. "Do you know them?" She asks once more.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" Sakura asks, finally turning her head down.

"Yep!" Douma answers cheerfully. "They always go here for walks. Kind of like their little family thing. Isn't it cute?" He asks, but his cheerful facade broke into a look of concern as Sakura was no longer beside him. Instead, she turned on her heels and started to walk away, tears falling from her eyes.

"Are you really crying over a guy like him?" Douma asks. "You shouldn't. He's not worth your tears." He tells her.

"What do you know?" She snarkily replies back to him. "You have everyone in your little cult, ready to get on their knees, offer you the best of everything while praising you. And me? I have nothing!" She spat at him, removing his coat off her shoulders and tossing it at him.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Knew I'd find you here." Douma says, smiling as he enters through the windows of her room. "What's that scent?" He asks, inhaling the sweet floral scent wafting inside her room.

Sakura was too lazy to answer his question and instead pointed at the burning incense she also uses to project an illusion.

"Your demon art really amazes me." Douma smiles, walking closer to Sakura and sitting down beside her futon bed. However, Sakura just turns around so that her back is facing him.

"Don't be like that, my petal." Douma whispers, leaning down to her, placing his hand over her arm. "You're alright. You didn't even know, I'll forgive you for that." He softly spoke to her.

"Why are you here?" Sakura asks

"Why you ask? I wanted to spend more time with you! Muzan is actually looking for me but I decided not to show up! He's actually looking for you too!" He beams to her. "I'm distracting my thoughts by thinking of something else, so he won't know I'm here."

"...Good for you." She sullenly replied, raising her white blanket over her head.

"Don't be sad over him." Douma whispers, yanking the blanket off her head. "If it makes you happy, you have me."

Sakura remained quiet, but in her silence, she flew her mind towards Douma's thoughts to see if he's truly genuine enough - and yes, he is genuine with his words to her.

"Please listen to me" Sakura begins to say, her back still facing him. "I've never met you before until last night. We couldn't perhaps be married, but...I actually...like your company." She says, slowly turning around to face him. "So please stay with me tonight."

Hearing her words were a delight to Douma's ears. "Can I kiss you again?" He asks

"No" Sakura responds.

"That's a shame." Douma sighs, "But since I get to be this close to you, it'll be enough." He hums.

"Oiran? Are you awake?"  The sliding door to Sakura's room slowly slides open, both Himari and Tsumigi take a peak, their eyes widening upon seeing the same man from last night.

"Were sorry oiran!" They both apologized, bowing their heads. While they closed the door, they heard the man from last night call out to them.

"Himari? Tsumigi?"

Sakura furrowed her eyebrows, wondering what Douma was planning. "What are you-"

"Ah! It's so good to see my children!" Douma beams, extending a hand out while motioning them to come forward. "Come here, my children! Your mother is a little sad tonight, but we'll try to cheer her up!"

"Mother?" The two of them asks, looking at each other.

"That's right! Me and Sakura are now your family!" He happily announces, fanning his gold fan to himself.

Sakura knew whatever Douma was saying won't get them both. She knew Himari and Tsumigi wouldn't fall for anything, except, that was what she thought.

"Father!" The two girls beamed, jumping into Douma's arms as they hugged him.

Sakura could only look at her two kamuro's in disbelief. She knew them longer than Douma, yet she really couldn't believe that they would be in Douma's arms, loving the way how he rocks them tightly in the hug.

yokai | t. giyu, douma & k. muzanWhere stories live. Discover now