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cw: slight nsfw

Sakura couldn't believe what she's seeing right now - before her and Douma were a field of white lilies under the illuminating moon light.

"They are so pretty!" Sakura gushes, clasping her hands together as she bent down to inhale the sweet, floral scent of the blooming flowers. "Thank you for bringing me here, Douma!" She says, smiling as the taller demon with her.

Douma smiles as he watches Sakura admiring the flowers around them. While slowly motioning his right hand up and down while holding onto the gold fan, he couldn't help but think of her greatly in her human form, especially with the way how she looked like her.

"You really look like Kotoha" Douma carelessly spoke out loud, a sweet smile painting his lips as he looks at Sakura. "You're naive but strong like her. I'm glad...that I found you." he says, closing his eyes as she remained stood on the ground.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Sakura didn't know what to feel about what she had just heard. First, she understood her blossoming feelings for Douma and second, is he really gonna compare her to someone else?

"Who's Kotoha?" Sakura asks, lifting her head up to look at Douma, slightly feeling disinterested in the flowers now as well. Drifting her mind off her heads as she directs it inside his, reading his thoughts and memories of who he's talking about.

"She used to be a member of Paradise Faith!" Douma beams, fondly talking of her while smiling with his eyes still closed. "Before she decided to snitch on me, she happily told me that she gave birth to a son named Inosuke! I kind of wanted to see the baby more, but oh well, I guess won't since she tossed him from a cliff." Douma says, tilting his head to the side.

There it was again - the same pang feeling she felt when she first saw Muzan's human family. Inside his mind, Sakura found his cult followers majority to be young women, one of them being the Kotoha he spoke so fondly of; digging deeper into his mind, he didn't ate her at first because he made an exception and wanted her to be by his side, to just die of natural causes. But then, when things made a turn, he eventually killed and ate her. She wanted to drift away from his mind but then she caught sight of herself inside his thoughts and how he found this Kotoha in her.

"Why are you so quiet now?" Douma asks, looking down at Sakura.

Gritting her teeth, Sakura stood up and started walking away, ignoring Douma's words. Sakura's hands began to tremble in anger, a stimulating feeling coursing through her veins. She felt used, felt like a rebound to him. In her mind, Sakura thought, men are all the same. They love you and leave you until there's nothing left for you to pick up except the shards of yesterday. Trying so desperately to make yourself whole again.

And that is the sole reason as to why Sakura only ate men. They always had an unrealistic painting image of how a woman should be - curvy, virgin and dumb. Bonus points if the woman is a damsel. Sakura thought to herself, if she could kill and devour every man like that, then she'd do every woman in the country a favor. 

As Sakura kept walking away, she felt a hand clamp around her wrist; and she didn't needed to turn around to know who it is.

"Can you let go of me? I don't want to be around you anymore." She spoke plainly, yanking her arm away. When the hand clasped around her wrist wouldn't budge, Sakura twisted her arm, breaking it in the process before regenerating herself.

"Don't be like that, petal. I took you here because you were feeling down." Douma spoke, taking a hold of her other arm with a tight grip.

"Yeah? Well no words can explain how I feel more horrible especially with you around." She snarkily replied. And as Sakura decided to break her arm again, Douma lets her go. His action caused her to lose balance, falling down on the earthly ground in between the white lilies as Douma hovered on her top, gently removing a pink and white strands of her long hair away from her face.

"I know you don't mean that." Douma whispers, peering his face closer to hers. "I know you're angry and you have every right to be. But I know you don't mean that."

Tears started to cloud her vision until she could no longer see Douma clearly, slipping from the corners of her eyes. "I mean what I said." she says, placing her hands on his muscular chest to push him off of her, but to no avail.

"You won't get away from me easily, my petal. After living a century without you, who am I to just leave you?" Douma spoke, smiling softly as he leans closer to her face, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I'm an apathetic person, petal. I don't care whatever happens to someone else - be it be human or demon, but you make me think otherwise." He whispers, his lips going down to place a kiss on the tip of her nose.

"You owe me...another century with you." He whispers. "Kotoha...is nothing compared to you. I don't care about the dead anymore, now that I have you with me, I want to focus on everything you've never had."

And with that, Douma places a kiss on her lips.

In the kiss, Sakura closes her eyes yet feels strange, as if she accepted the deal of a lifetime. Kissing Douma back, she felt him dip on top of her, pressing his weight against her body, with hands holding and intertwined fingers as if he would never let her go.

"You make me feel things I've lost before." He whispers to her in the kiss. Sakura's heart leaping into her throat. "I'm glad that I'm feeling everything again with you." Tilting his head, Douma deepened the kiss, exchanging hard and hungry kisses, unable to contain the urgency and desire coursing through his body for her.

He tore his mouth away from hers to take in a deep breath. His rainbow colored eyes devouring her flustered, innocent look beneath him. From Sakura's face to her breasts and back up to her pink colored eyes. For the first time after many years, Douma felt heat coursing through his body as he could feel Sakura's soft, feminine curves against his. He wanted to explore her more.

"What are you thinking of?" Sakura softly asks.

"Why is it that I wanted to put my lips on your breasts more?" He asks, his rainbow colored eyes going back to stare at the peeking out cleavage from her kimono. And as Sakura heard his words, she began to blush profusely, looking away while nodding her head.

"Y-you may..." she stutters, biting her lower lip as she quickly stole a glance at him.

Douma's felt like his heart skipped a beat. In one swift motion, he untied her red obi until the fabric of her kimono slid down and unraveled her body to him.

Sakura's flush blush seeped through the skin of her cheeks. Douma's lips pressed down to hers softly as she softly pressed back. The kiss intensified. Intensifying and intensifying with each twist and turn, Sakura felt the heat of his body radiating from his clothes to her bare, soft skin. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his neck while one hand moved to caress his golden hair as the kiss deepened. Douma's hands gripped her waist gently while his nose nuzzled against hers.

Douma's lips parted from hers and attached on the skin of her neck. Tilting her head to the other side to grant him access, offering him no resistance. Her hands removing his black crown to place it on top of her head before removing his robes and discarding the clothing away from them, raising her right leg before hooking it on his side. Sakura lets out a tremble and a shaky breath of moan as he sucked harder on her neck, his free hand making its way to cup, grope and massage her breast. With fingers pressed and squeezing her breast harshly, Sakura felt her nipples hardening in his palms. Now she's gripping on the back of his head, fingers buried in his hair, holding on.

Then she felt the telltale tightening in her core. A flood of wetness began to drench his pants.

"My Sakura..." Douma groans in need and hunger. 

After how many days of moping and being concerned about everything, Sakura finally loosened herself, arching her back as she discarded her kimono off her body to feel more of him.

yokai | t. giyu, douma & k. muzanWhere stories live. Discover now