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Sakura didn't know what to be concerned about, the fact that her kamuro's Himari and Tsumigi calling her mother instead of oiran or the possibility of Douma and Muzan meeting each other outside the Ogimoto House. In the end, she decided that she would be concerned to both.

"Himari, Tsumigi, there's no need to call me mother. Call me oiran instead." Sakura says as the two little girls helped tying her hair.

"We don't want to!" They both chorused while shaking their heads. Sakura sighed softly before applying white concealer.

"You don't have to believe in what he's saying. Just believe in me." She says, however, both girls shook their heads again.

"We don't want to go against father's wishes." Himari says

"I like him more than Miyamoto san!" Tsumigi chimes, a bright smile painting her lips.

The vivid image of Muzan from last night still brought a pang inside her chest. If it weren't for him saving her, Sakura would have been lying down on the side of the road, dying. She owed him a lot, from receiving a bountiful amount of his blood that makes her improve her blood demon art to receiving the attention and love she never knew she would crave for.

But then Douma came and unfolded to her the reality that he kept her from.

And to be honest, Sakura felt both irritation and relief. Because of him and whatever he ate or had, both Himari and Tsumigi refused to listen to "their mother", would always ask for him to return to the ageya or bask in "their father's" warmth and attention. Due to this, her irritation increased. Yet somewhat simmered down because, if it weren't for Douma, Sakura would have continued to be living in a lie. Muzan having a family of his own is one, how many more would she have to unfold and face?

Her thoughts and the way she applied her red eyeshadow and lipstick were interrupted when she heard what seemed to be like a commotion downstairs. Turning their heads outside the door, she could hear male and female voices raising.

"Stay here, alright?" Sakura begins to say, standing up from her cushion. "Don't come out, okay? Jump out of the window and call for help." She says, heading outside of her room before sliding her door close. The last sight she was both Himari and Tsumigi hugging each other with their eyes starting to gloss with tears.

And while running down the wooden stairs, Sakura thought, maybe okaasan or the other courtesans have a dispute with the customers? Customers do tend to be aggressive when the courtesan they booked refused to meet them after the three invitation steps. And it would always be okaasan and her husband who would have to deal with her rude behavior. But as she reached the end of the staircase, the worse case scenario happened.

Both Douma and Muzan stood facing each other in their human forms.

"What business do you have here?" Muzan asks, glaring at Douma underneath his fedora hat.

"I could say the same!" Douma cheerfully responds, a smile on his lips and his eyes closed. "Aren't you supposed to be at work? Or be with your wife?" The way Douma pronounced 'work' and 'your wife' had a little teasing tone. "From what I heard, your marriage was almost on the brink of divorce because of your infidelity. And for me to catch you red handed really satisfies me!" Douma says. Whispers and murmurs arises from the courtesans, Sakura stood still and in shock. 

"Who are you to snoop into my private life?" Muzan seethes, his hands clenching on his sides. "And what about you? Do you think what you just said can redeem you, cult leader?" Muzan spat. A few collective gasps can be heard from the red painted lips of the courtesans, even okaasan and her husband had their eyes widened in surprise.

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