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cw: smut (implied threesome, breast play), gore

As the young feudal lord sat down in front of her, Sakura smiles and bows her head to him. "Thank you for meeting and acquiring my services today, Honoda sama. But may I ask, why did you a book a room so far away from the rest?" She asks

The young lord in his twenties chuckles softly before gently shaking his head. "My seniors told me you were the best at giving services, so I seek you myself." He smiles to her, "Although I seek you as well because I have a problem."

As an attendant placed two cups and a tea pot filled with green, Sakura bows her head before pouring a cup for Honoda first. "And what problem would that be?" She asks.

"I-It's kind of embarrassing..." Honoda says, looking away as he could feel his face heating up. Seeing him in a flustered state had Sakura chuckling softly.

"I won't be of any use if you don't tell me what's bothering you, Honoda sama." She says, placing the tea pot down.

"...You promise not to laugh?" Honoda asks, looking at her with his tomato colored face and ears.

"I promise to be as useful as possible." Sakura smiles, slightly nodding her head to him.

"There's...there's this girl that I love. I don't want to embarrass her, she's actually experienced than I am. So...." Honoda clears his threat "I want to experience my first with you!" Honoda announces.

"Hm?" Sakura hums, blinking her eyes twice. "But...if the girl you love loves you too, she would be happy to teach you everything she knows." Sakura says. "Isn't that what love is supposed to be, Honoda sama?" Before anything, Honoda scooted closer to Sakura, taking her right hand between his hands.

"Please...I beg of you, Sakura." He begins to say, his head hung low. "I want you to be the one to teach me everything I need to know...on how to please a woman."

Looking down at him with her eyes slightly wide, Sakura gently paints her red lips with a small smile. "In that case, you wouldn't mind if I bring a maiko* with us? She'll teach you everything you need to know as well!" Sakura beams.

Now that an opportunity was granted to him, Honoda immediately nods his head. "Of course! I would love to have two pretty woman with me in one room." He spoke, blushing.

And as if on cue, Muzan who is in his geisha form, bowed his head curtly before stepping inside, sitting down on his knees behind Sakura.

"She's really shy and rarely speaks. I hope you can forgive her, Honoda sama." Sakura smiles, slowly shifting her legs to her front, slightly parting her thighs as she leans comfortably against Muzan's chest.

"No need for apologies, Sakura and friend! Any given opportunities for me is a blessing! So, I will take everything." Honoda answers, smiling as he nods his head towards them.

Slowly, Muzan encircles his thin arms around Sakura's waist, slowly untying her obi in front of the young feudal lord in front of them. "Have you ever seen a woman's treasure, Honoda sama?" She asks, as her white obi untied and discarded, Muzan slowly removed the five layers of her kimono. "Have you ever felt them in your hands too?"

The young feudal lord gulped and stared at her soft bosoms and pussy lips, the longer he stared at Sakura's naked form, the tighter he could feel his pants getting.

"Don't be shy, Honoda sama. Come and feel them!" Sakura urges him, holding her hand out to him. Honoda slowly got up on his knees and moved closer towards them, not missing the way how Sakura's maiko friend glared daggers at him. Gulping, he slowly extended his hand out, but it was Sakura who took a hold of his wrists and placed them on top of her breasts. Guiding his hands in massaging her round breasts in circular motion. Nipples hardening under the warmth of his palms.

"They feel nice, don't they?" Sakura asks in an airy tone, squishing her thighs together. "Stick your tongue out too. It adds up the pleasure." She suggests, smiling at him. "Don't get shy with me now, Honoda sama!" Sakura beams, placing a hand on the back of his head to bury his face between her breasts. "If you continue being a shy boy, how would you please the girl you love? Being shy won't get you anywhere!" She taunts him, caressing his hair between her fingers.

Taking up on her words, Honoda closes his eyes and sticks his tongue out, lapping his soft pink muscle around her hardened nub before taking it in his mouth, sucking her nipples like an infant hungry for milk.

"You're doing good" Sakura smiles, still caressing Honoda's hair before lifting her head up to look at Muzan's face. "You think so too, right?" She asks him before slowly their faces inches closer, sticking their tongues out and tangling their tongues together, tasting each other. Muzan places a hand on Sakura's neck, holding her head up more as he deepens the kiss.

As Sakura pulls away from the kiss, she gently pats Honoda in the back of his head. "You're doing good, Honoda sama." She says, admiring the innocent look painted on his face, shifting her to sit back on her knees. "Kiss me" she tells him. Inching closer, Honoda's chapped lips tasted her moisturized lips. Sakura wraps her arms around Honoda's neck before pulling his body closer to hers, parting her mouth slowly to clamp and tear his mouth away.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"I wonder....what does the world look like to you since you have six eyes?" Sakura asks. Her eyes marvelling on Kokushibo's face. Her hands placed behind her back. "I wonder though, if you want to blink, do all of your eyes blink together?" She asks again.

Kokushibo wondered to himself how did Muzan stumble upon a girl like her. Pink kimono worn off her shoulders, the knot around her obi showed cased at the front, black koma geta slippers that makes her look taller in height and her pink and white ombre hair falling down on her back.

"Are you that curious?" Kokushibo asks, looking down at her. But Sakura smiles and gently shook her head. "I'm no longer curious anymore, I already have my answers!" She beams to him.

"Did you really now? What did you find out?" Kokushibo asks, as if challenging her.

Sakura purses her lips into a thin line before parting her lips. "You're the number one upper moon and Muzan sama happens to favor you and Akaza! Although you really don't care about numbers, Muzan sama thinks you're favorable and worthy of your spot. At the same time, you look up to him as well!" Sakura says.

Kokushibo stares down at her, now wondering to himself how did she know all of that when they met just a few seconds ago.

"And now you're thinking why I happen to know all of that. I'm correct, aren't I?" Sakura asks, the smile painted on her lips never leaving. "I can fly off my head to any individual I choose as long as they are ten meters around me. If beyond ten meters, then I won't be able to." She spoke truthfully to him. "I'm glad I can do it invisibly too! It'll be a bothersome if you all saw what my brain looked like. Sakura chuckles.

"You have such an intricate katana as well!" She says, going a little closer to inspect it. "I see...it's made of flesh and blood." Sakura mumbles to herself before straightening her back. "I wonder what made you come here to Yoshiwara as well. I've been sensing a lot of demons here lately. What gives?" Sakura asks, smiling up at Kokushibo.

"Everyone is interested to meet you. Especially how Daki and Akaza revealed that you didn't have a number." Kokushibo darted his eyes on her blank eye. "And I wonder why."

Sakura playfully shrugs her shoulders. "No clue as well." She says, "I guess you all think of me as a little cat and mouse game...or some kind of hidden attraction."

"My apologies then." Kokushibo says, smiling a little as he bows to her.

"No need for apologies. I'm quite a nice fellow!" She beams, the two of them walking around in the forest close to the lower class area. As the once dark night sky slowly turns into a hue of lilac, both Sakura and Kokushibo parted ways before the orange morning sun could paint the blue morning sky.

yokai | t. giyu, douma & k. muzanWhere stories live. Discover now