十八 x 2k reads special

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AN: I hate procrastinating but it sticks to me like glue-

italicized means flashback

Fat drops of rain pitter patter against the earthen ground followed by the loud, booming sound of thunder ripping in the dark gray skies. Strong winds wallowing from the left side, making trees sway to the right direction. Not a single person can be found frolicking the streets nor any shops open in the market. Just like everyone, Seriya is inside with her eyes closed.

Seeing the water always made her feel uneasy, there is always an inexplicable way for her stomach to twist and turn whenever she sees a puddle of water after the rain. And due to the heavy thunderstorms they are experience, it is no doubt that Seriya will not leave the house until the sun has come back up in the sky to dry out all the rain.

Giyu, who sat beside Seriya, ever since the skies began to rain, stared at her with curiosity in his eyes. It is safe to say that it is his first time seeing someone be so scared of the rain. However, he definitely understood where the fear of water of Seriya came from. Because after all, Seriya almost died drowning before they met.

And it wasn't much, but Giyu kneeled down behind Seriya and covered her ears with his hands. He hoped that it would be enough for her to feel safe. His heart pounding inside his chest when he finally saw a genuine smile and a loud "thank you so much!" from her.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

When the news of Ogimoto House burning down on the ground reached Muzan, he didn't find it a particularly big of a problem. He can always purchase a better house living for Sakura. Or maybe, convert her once oiran profession to become a top geisha in Kyoto. Muzan would never doubt Sakura, with skills and a pretty face like hers, she can definitely climb back with status.

But when the news of Sakura's sudden disappearance in Yoshiwara reached him, the Infinity Castle was almost flipped over, if it not for Nakime to place everything back in order. Every book, table, chair and anything Muzan can touch and make a sound was thrown across the room. He needed her, and he needed to find her fast.

And although he didn't like the idea of lower moons stepping foot into the fortress, he needed them to find where in the whole country could Sakura be. Pushing away the thoughts of her being killed, Muzan had instructed all lower moon demons to look for her and return her back to him. If succeeded, a lower moon will be able to find a place amongst the upper moon rankings.

And as for Muzan, he turned into his geisha form, travelling to Kyoto and visiting different prefectures, in the hopes that he would be able to find a trace on where Sakura could be.

When the news of Sakura's disappearance reached Douma, the compound definitely flipped over. His devoted followers couldn't help but watch him in fear tear everything in his sight. For Douma, he couldn't hear anything, couldn't hear the pleas of his people begging him to stop or to calm down and think things calmly with ease. When one man tried to step forward and halt Douma from ripping apart a cushion, he got thrown across the room instead.

"Instead of calming me down, why don't all of you be useful to me?" Douma sadistically grins, finally turning around to face his devotees.

"I want you all to look for a raven haired woman with full bangs. She has two little girls always following her, sometimes she's holding a smoking pipe." Douma begins to say before replacing his sadistic expression into a smile. "Find her for me! I don't care where you all start to look for her. But rewards are all duly waiting!"

After Douma's announcement, one by one they fled the compound and began to scatter in different cities and prefectures, all in the hopes of looking for his missing lover. And when Douma was left alone, he sunk down on the ground, leaning his back on the concrete wall. He pushed his hand inside the pocket of his pants and pulled out a black velvety box, flipping the lid open, the pearl glinted in his eyes.

With a sigh escaping his lips, Douma wished he could find her soon. But he didn't know where to start, especially when everyone in Yoshiwara parted in different ways.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

Darkness. That was what enveloped Sakura as of the moment.

But in all honesty, she is trapped within the slither of the white serpent, it's enlarged body almost crushing her.

"It's so slimy in here! Get me out!" She shouted, kicking and pushing the snake's body away from her but to no avail.

"You're in no place to talk. I would want to kill you but bringing you to the corps will lure Muzan out, rankless upper moon." He spoke to her which infuriated her more. When her smoking pipe broke into two pieces, Sakura's heart sank.

She didn't know for how long was she stuck in this position. The body of snake around her almost made her feel like she was slimy all over, the feeling of it's skin against hers was no comforting feeling. But despite in this position, Sakura could hear foot steps and voices. She couldn't make out what they were talking about, seeing as they were muffled to her. But this is a good chance for her to read their minds.

Mizunoto ranks. There were too many of them but that's what they are. However, when another person stepped within her parameter, she felt his aura. Another hashira.

Digging her sharp nails against the white snake's body, Sakura used it's pain to climb out and see what was happening outside.

"It's an upper moon! Kill her!"

Gritting her teeth, she flew her mind from head to head, in case the serpent hashira memorized her technique. Dodging and jumping back from their attacks, Sakura was slowly getting tired of being attacked, especially when the skies are turning from dark purple to light purple, in a few minutes, the sun will come up and burn her completely to death.

When her back was finally pressed against a tree trunk, Sakura concluded that to save her own skin, she has no choice but to kill them all while jumping from her mind from different bodies. But when she flew her mind into the second hashira that came, her eyes suddenly grew wide.

His name is Tomioka Giyu

He is a water breathing hashira

But Sakura reading information about him suddenly stopped and instead all she could see were two children - one boy and one girl happily playing together. As Sakura looked closely, the little girl looked like-

"Welcome home, Seriya." Giyu smiled at her softly.

Upon hearing him, Sakura felt a sudden, intense headache. It felt like her head was being ripped apart. Her head began to be filled of memories she didn't know to whom it belonged to. Seeing the same two children playing and talking together, there is no doubt, the little girl is her.

And then, Sakura passed out.

yokai | t. giyu, douma & k. muzanWhere stories live. Discover now