Back From The Past

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********Author's Note********
Takes place right after Steve returns the stones where they belonged at the end of Endgame.
But he doesn't stay in the past with Peggy
(Because fuck Peggy)
Everything else will be not be following MCU timeline
(Because I make my own rules 🤫)


And he tries to believe
That his life has a meaning
With his hand on his heart
Pour le monde, pas pour la guerre
(For the world, not for the war)

- Pour le Monde, Crowded House


"What is taking so long? Where is he?" A disgruntled Sam looked at Smart Hulk who looked just as agitated and confused as Sam was.

"I don't know! He blew past his time stamp! I don't know what happened."

"Well get him the fuck back here! Now!" Sam looked at Bucky who only looked down at the ground, sighing before turning away from the platform Steve was supposed to be on. Sam grabbed his arm as he started to walk away but then he heard a thump behind him on the platform. Bucky turned back, surprised to see Steve as he pressed the button to remove the nano suit.

"Steve? What happened?"

"Nothing." Steve shrugged Bucky's hand from his arm as he marched past him, not looking at anyone.

Smart Hulk shrugged, "Steve? How did it go? Did you get them all back where they go?"

"Yes!" Steve yelled as he avoided looking at them all as he walked to his car. He tossed the shield into the trunk before climbing into the front seat, leaning forward, resting his head on his hands on the steering wheel. He groaned when he heard tapping on the glass. He sighed, rolling down the window to talk to Bucky.

"What happened? I thought you were staying back with Peggy."

"I reeeeally don't want to talk about it Buck. Please. If you're coming with me then get in. Otherwise go away."

Bucky sighed before walking to the passenger seat, motioning for Sam to follow. He climbed into the front seat as Sam climbed into the back.

Steve started the car, "no one says anything."

Sam looked at Bucky who only shrugged. Sam sighed, leaning back in his seat as Steve drove.


Steve pulled into the driveway of the house Pepper helped him buy just outside of Brooklyn. "You guys can stay as long as you like. I know Nick is working on a new base as we speak." Sam and Bucky got out of the car, following Steve inside the house. Steve pointed to the stairs, "bedrooms are upstairs. Mine is down here just off the living room."

Bucky nodded as Steve didn't say anything else, only left for his room, slamming the door as he did.

"What happened?"

Bucky shrugged at Sam, "I'm not sure." He nudged him up the stairs, "let's pick out our rooms. We'll talk to him later."

Sam nodded his agreement as they chose rooms next to each other at the back of the house. He went downstairs to the back of the car, grabbing his and Bucky's bags as Bucky came outside. He handed Bucky his bag, "I guess that's one good thing about the compound being destroyed; we are now minimalists."

Bucky chuckled as he grabbed his bag from Sam. "Way to see the silver lining there Sam."

Sam shrugged, "someone has to." He grabbed Bucky's arm as he started to walk away, "is Steve going to be okay? With Nat and now Tony. He seems to be spiraling."

"I don't know Sam. But what I do know is that he has us. We'll figure it out."

Sam nodded as he sighed, watching Bucky walk into the house ahead of him. He was worried about Steve. He knew that he had been prone to depressive episodes before Thanos but then everyone was dusted and he was left in charge. Sam knew the responsibilities he put on himself were becoming too much.


Steve laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he thought about his encounter with Peggy when he returned the stones:

Steve entered the office of Margaret Carter with a smile on his face. He watched her flit about the office on the other side of the glass. He saw her come to the copy machine next to the window. She looked up at him, locking eyes with him as he grinned. He could tell he had set her off balance as she stared at him, unsure if it was in her head.

She set her papers down and entered her office to find Steve in front of her, "Steve?"

Steve nodded as he wrapped his arms around her. He felt her tense up at first, but relax into his grip after a minute, "it's me Peggy. I've missed you so much." He pulled away, not letting go of her waist, "look at you, Director of SHIELD."

Peggy nodded, moving out of his grip as she sat at her desk, motioning to the seat in front of her, "Steve. How is this possible?" She surveyed his face, the new stress lines and small streaks of gray in his hair. "You aren't my Steve."

He chuckled, sitting down, "I'm not. But I could be your Steve now. It's a long story and we have a lot to catch up on. But I'm here. I'm here to be with you." He felt his heart shatter as he watched her bring her left hand up to the desk and he saw the ring for the first time. "Are you married?"

Peggy shrugged, "what did you expect? I thought you died Steve. You think I would just wait around for the possibility that you would come back from the future to me?" She groaned, shaking her head as she looked down at her desk. "I don't even know what that means. That sounds crazy." She looked back up at him, "but that's right though, right? You're from the future? You're older than last I saw you. You've been through more pain."

Steve nodded, "yes, the future." He stood up from his chair, "I came back for you. I don't know what else to do. You're all I've thought about the last ten plus years! And now I'm here and it's too late. It's always too late!" He felt the anger welling in his chest, "I couldn't save Nat or Tony! Now you're gone too. There's nothing left for me!"

Peggy sighed as she stood up, seeing the angry tears welling in Steve's eyes. She didn't know what else to do but wrap her arms around him again once more as he calmed down. When he was calm, she placed her hands on his cheeks, looking up at him, "I have missed you Steve. So much. But I had to move on. You need to as well." She leaned up to kiss him gently on the lips as he pulled her tighter to him. She sighed, pulling away, "you do everything for everyone else. Maybe you should start thinking about yourself Steve. Go back home. Back to your time. This time isn't yours anymore."

Steve nodded, wiping his eyes with the palms of his hands. "I'm sorry I took so long Peggy."

"I'm not. I'm happy Steve, I only wish you were." She ran her hand gently down his arm, "now go. Please."


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