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At first, you try to fight it
Feelings you could find no way of hiding
And then you're always worried 'bout the timing, is it right?
But you know that you're always on my mind

-Stuck With Me, Timeflies



Poppy turned to see Lily running up to her, colliding with her as she got out of the car. She laughed, picking Lily up off the ground. "Hello to you too! How are you Lily?"

Lily sighed, "I'm okay. I missed you."

Poppy chuckled, setting Lily on the ground as she sat on the front porch, "I missed you too little one. I was only gone for a few days."

"I know. Did something happen between you and Steve? Is he your boyfriend?"

Poppy sighed, hearing Steve come out of the house to sit on the step above her, "I don't know Lily."

Lily nodded, pointing to Steve, "he's sadder when you aren't around."

She heard Steve sigh behind her, "I know." She looked up to see Lily's mom on the front porch of their house, calling to her. "You better get home little one. I'll see you again soon. I promise."

Lily groaned, "okay. Goodbye Poppy. Bye Steve."

Steve smiled, "goodbye little one." He stood up, holding his hand out to Poppy as Lily left. "Come inside?"

Poppy nodded, smiling as she grabbed his hand, following him inside. "Steve." She pulled him to her once inside, crashing her lips into his as he moaned, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her body firmly to his. She pulled away out of breath, "we need to talk."

Steve chuckled, "I know. Why are you kissing me like that?"

Poppy giggled, "I missed you."

He laughed, grabbing her hand as he led her into the living room. He sat on the couch, turning towards her as she sat next to him, "I missed you too."

Poppy sighed, nodding, "you retired so that you could move on to something else. Something for yourself. A family." She looked down at her hands, "I can't give you that Steve."

Steve groaned, moving closer to her as he placed his hand on her cheek, making her look up at him, "something for myself is whatever I decide that to be. And there's more to family than just having babies. I don't need a conventional family. I'm an old man as you've pointed out." He smiled at her small giggle, "I don't know what I'd do with a baby."

She laughed softly, leaning into his hand on her cheek. "Why did you lie to me before? When you said that you regretted kissing me."

He sighed, "I felt bad for wanting you. Because I'm not good enough for you. Because I'm an old man. And you're so young and beautiful and perfect. I thought if I lied that it would be easier for me to forget how I felt about you. I'm sorry I hurt you."

She nodded, "I thought I wouldn't be good enough for you."

"Of course you are Poppy." He leaned towards her, pulling her to his lap, making her straddle him as he kissed her.

She moaned as the kiss became more intense. She groaned as she pulled away. "I want to. But I can't Steve." She stood up, pacing in front of him.

"I know Poppy." He grabbed her hand, making her stop, facing him between his legs.

"I've never given myself to a man before Steve. It's always been taken."

"I know." He pulled her to him, resting his head on her chest as she wrapped her arms around his head, resting her head on his. He sighed as he pulled away, looking up at her, "when you're ready. I'd never pressure you."

She nodded, "I know you wouldn't." She groaned, "I have to talk to Zach."

Steve grinned as he stood up, "does that mean you'll be with me? You'll choose me?"

She chuckled, "how about, we'll see how it goes?"

Steve nodded, "absolutely." He grabbed her hand, "come with me."

She was confused as he led her to the garage to a car covered in a tarp. Steve pulled the tarp back to display a black Corvette Stingray, making her gasp.

"This was Natasha's car." He opened the passenger door, pulling out a leather jacket as he handed it to her, "this was hers too. They're yours if you want them. I think they've been sitting in here for long enough. Someone should use them."

Poppy threw her arms around his neck, "thank you Steve!" She pulled on the jacket, noticing it still smelled like her, making her eyes well up. "Thank you."

He smiled, "I know you'll take care of it. Go, talk to Zach and come back here and have dinner with me?"

Poppy nodded, "I will." She kissed him quickly before getting into the car.

Steve laughed, opening the garage door as she whipped the car out and away the same way Natasha would have.


Zach watched Poppy walk up to him at the bar, making him smile, "you look great. I love the jacket!"

Poppy looked down, "oh yeah. Thanks! It was my friend Natasha's. Steve gave it to me. Can we talk?"

Zach nodded, walking to the end of the bar, out next to her, "of course. What's up?"

Poppy sighed, looking at the ground before looking back up at him, "I think you're really sweet Zach."

He groaned, "but... But I'm too sweet? But there's someone else? But what?"

She moved closer to him, placing her hands on his cheeks, "but there's someone else. I'm sorry Zach. I really like you. But I'm in love with someone else."

"Love? Who?"

"Steve Rogers." She shrugged as she heard him laugh.

"Of course." He rested his hands at her waist, "well at least if I'm going to lose a girl, I can't imagine anyone better than Captain America."

Poppy laughed, "I'm really sorry. I really could have loved you if he wasn't in the picture."

Zach sighed, nodding, "That actually makes me feel worse, so thank you for that." He chuckled as she groaned, "no. It's fine. But, let me know if it doesn't work out with the old man."

Poppy giggled, "I will. Can I kiss you?"

Zach nodded, "you better." He saw her smile as she leaned in, closing the distance to kiss him as he tightened his grip on her. He finally sighed, pulling away, "go. Please."

Poppy nodded, "goodbye Zach."


Steve heard urgent knocking on his front door as he was just finishing making dinner for him and Poppy. He opened the door to find a crying Lily. He knelt down in front of her as she threw her arms around his neck, "what's the matter love? It's late. Why are you out when it's dark?"

Lily sobbed, talking through sniffles, "my mommy isn't waking up." She pointed back to her house.

Steve groaned, pointing at the stairs of the porch. "Sit. I'll go check." He watched her nod as she sat on the top step of his porch before he walked away.

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