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But when I come off cold
I'm not doing it on purpose
You caught me in a hole
That I dig for myself when I'm nervous

-Hard Sometimes, Ruel


Steve walked out onto the front porch mid morning the next day to find a little blonde girl in his flowers that Poppy had planted, "hey! Get out of there!"

The little girl stood up, crossing her arms as she looked up at him, "who are you?"

Steve scoffed, "this is my house and my flowers. That's who I am. Who are you?"

The girl smiled, displaying dimples, "I'm Lily! Like the flower!"

Steve tried to stifle a smile as he watched a few small curls fall into her face as she went back to a stern look, "and what are you doing in my flowers, Lily?"

Lily shrugged, "they are poppies! They're my favorite!"

"Mine too!"

Steve looked behind him to see Poppy come out onto the porch in shorts and a t-shirt. She approached the little girl, leaning down. Steve sighed, sitting on the porch as he watched them.

Poppy smiled at Lily, "I love poppies. That's why I planted them. What's your name sweetie?"

Lily grinned, "I'm Lily." She pointed to Steve, "he's mean."

Poppy laughed as she looked back at Steve to see him shake his head. She looked back at Lily, "well my name is Poppy like the flowers. And this is my friend Steve. I promise he isn't mean, just grumpy." She heard Steve laugh behind her as Lily nodded. She surveyed the little girl. Her hair was all messy like it hadn't been brushed in days and her dress was torn and dirty, "how old are you Lily?"

Lily held up 4 fingers, "I'm four! How old are you?"

Poppy chuckled, "well I'm 23." She pointed to Steve, "and Steve here is 105!" She laughed as Lily's eyes got really big. She pointed to the flowers, "you can play with the flowers, but don't step on them, okay?" Lily nodded as Poppy stood up, seeing a woman crossing the street. Poppy smiled at the woman as she called for Lily.

Lily sighed and stood up, "I have to go home. Nice to meet you Poppy." She looked at Steve, "Steve."

Poppy watched the woman pick up the girl, carrying her back across the street without acknowledging them.

Steve watched Poppy watch Lily be carried away by her mother; her mother that was obviously high. "Are you okay?" He stood up as she came back to the porch, avoiding his gaze as she went inside. He followed her inside as he heard her crying softly, "hey." He pulled her to his chest, wrapping his arms around her as she calmed down.

She sniffled, pulling away slightly to look up at him, "it's just that people like that are given kids when there's so many people that can't have kids. And ones with the ability to have kids taken from them by force like me. It isn't fair Steve."

Steve groaned, "I know Poppy. I'm so sorry." He pulled her to him once more, resting his head on hers. He kissed the top of her head before she pulled away.

She nodded, sighing as she looked up at him, "thanks Steve." She leaned up, kissing him softly on the lips before pulling away.

Steve watched her start to walk away, but grabbed her hand, pulling her to him as he placed his hand on her cheek, kissing her again. He heard her moan softly as he ran his tongue along the crease of her lips. She parted them for him as he found her tongue, flicking it softly with his. He pulled away out of breath as she watched him, "I'm sorry. I..." He sighed, "I shouldn't have done that."

Poppy shrugged, "I liked it Steve." She saw him shake his head, hesitating before walking away to his room, slamming the door as he did. She just stood there in the hallway alone before going to her own room, slamming her own door as she threw herself onto her bed.

Steve flinched as he heard Poppy slam her own door as he leaned back against his door, "fuck!"


Poppy noticed Steve avoiding her the next few days as Bucky and Sam left on a mission together. She sat on the front porch as Lily wandered over again. She smiled at Lily, "hello sweetie, how are you."

Lily nodded, "I'm okay."

Poppy watched her for a moment, "are you hungry? You want some juice or a popsicle?"

Lily smiled, "can I?"

Poppy laughed, holding out her hand as she stood up, "of course. Come on." She led Lily inside, leaving the front door open as she led her to the kitchen. She grabbed her a popsicle as she sat at the kitchen counter.

Steve entered the kitchen to see Poppy handing Lily a popsicle, "Lily, you're back."

Lily nodded, "Steve."

He laughed, "I have something for you." He smiled as her eyes got real big, "you have to leave the popsicle though."

Poppy grabbed her popsicle, setting it on its wrapper as Steve grabbed Lily's hand. She followed them to Steve's room. She stood in the doorway, not having ever been in his room before. She noticed the giant bed and art desk in the corner of the room with giant windows above it.

Steve grabbed a paper from his desk, handing it to Lily as she grinned, "do you like it?"

Poppy entered, kneeling down next to Lily, looking at the picture. Steve drew Lily in a new pink dress running in a field of orange and yellow lilies. She wiped away a small tear as she smiled up at Steve, "it's beautiful Steve."

Lily hugged Steve as he grunted, "thank you Steve! It looks just like me!"

He nodded, kneeling down next to her, "yeah. I have what's called an eidetic memory. That means I can see something just a few times and remember it. I'm glad you like it. Don't get any popsicle on it."

Lily laughed, "I won't. Thank you."

Poppy smiled, watching her walk away from them back to the kitchen. She turned back to Steve, "that was really sweet. I didn't know you knew how to draw."

He shrugged, "just a hobby." He saw her nod as she started to walk away, but he grabbed her hand to make her turn back to him. He grabbed another paper from his desk, "I made one for you too."

Poppy looked up at him as she accepted the paper before looking down. Her drawing was of her laying in a field of poppies, wearing a blue dress like the one she wore on her date with Zach. Her strawberry blonde hair was fanned out and she had a smile on her face with her eyes closed, "Steve, this is... I love it." She nodded, looking back up at him to see him blush. "Thank you."

Steve smiled, bringing his hand up to her hair, running his fingers through it as he heard her breath hitch. He moved his hand to her cheek as she leaned into it, closing her eyes. He ran his hand down to her jawline, running his thumb over her lips as she looked up at him, parting them for him. He sighed, dropping his hand, "we shouldn't leave Lily wandering around alone."

Poppy only nodded as she watched Steve walk away from her, disappointed he didn't kiss her again.

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