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I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift, I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

-Smells Like Teen Spirit, Malia J


Zach eyed Poppy as she approached him outside the club he worked at. She wore a short, black bodycon dress with long sleeves that fell off the shoulders. He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek, "you look amazing Poppy."

She smiled, "thanks!" She motioned to the three men behind her, "Bucky, Sam and Rick. They don't bite, I promise. I'm sorry I don't actually have any friends that are women."

Zach laughed, shaking each of their hands, "it's fine. If I were a less secure man, I might be jealous." He smiled as she grabbed his hand and he led them inside. He led them to a private VIP table in the back.

"Alright! Now this I like!"

Bucky rolled his eyes as he hit Sam on the arm. "Keep it together." He looked up, grinning as a waitress in a short red dress came to take their orders. "Whiskey all around?"

Zach placed his hand on Poppy's thigh, "tequila for this one and for me."

Bucky shrugged, "okay then. Whiskey for the rest of us. Thanks doll."

The waitress stopped at Poppy, "mighty fine escorts you have here."

Poppy smiled, leaning towards her, "you're free to any of them but this one." She grabbed Zach's hand as the waitress smiled, winking at her.

"My name is Izzie. Let me know if you guys need anything else. I'll be right back with your drinks."

Poppy hit Bucky on the arm after Izzie left them.

"Ow! What was that for?"

She glared at him, "you can flirt all you like, but don't you dare call another girl doll."

Bucky laughed, "oh, that. I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again."

She nodded as Izzie returned with their drinks. She grabbed her and Zach's tequilas, handing Zach his.

Zach grabbed the salt and limes from the tray, making Poppy wait. He grabbed her left hand, putting the salt on the back of her hand, "you lick the salt, take the shot and then put this lime in your mouth. Quickly, ready?"

She looked at Bucky who nodded his encouragement as she looked back at Zach, "okay." She licked the salt, trying not to make a face as she took the shot as Zach placed the lime wedge in her mouth.

He laughed, doing the same as he watched her. "Okay?"

She nodded, "like a deconstructed margarita."

He grinned, "exactly. You're so cute."

She giggled as he leaned towards her, kissing her as she heard Bucky clear his throat. She pulled away, laughing as she stood up, grabbing his hand. "Let's dance."

Zach nodded, following her as Bucky stopped him.

"She's only ever been drunk the once. Don't let her drink too much."

Zach shrugged, "you got it." He followed Poppy onto the dance floor, positioning himself behind her as she pressed her body to his with his hand on her stomach. She brought her hand up behind her on his neck as she danced on him, feeling him bring his other hand up to her arm, slowly running his fingers up and down her arm.

Poppy turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she crashed her lips into his, feeling his hands on her lower back. She pulled away when he placed a hand on her ass.

Zach moved his hand back to her back, "I'm sorry."

She shook her head, "no, it's okay." She placed his hand back as she kissed him again, hearing him moaning softly. She pulled away again, out of breath, "I'm sorry."

Zach shrugged, bringing his hand to her back, interlocking his fingers, "it's okay Poppy. I'm okay just being here with you."

She nodded, "thank you."


At the end of the night, Zach turned to Poppy and the guys, "anyone hungry?"

Poppy nodded, "I am."

Bucky shook his head, "no. Why don't you guys go get something to eat." He looked at Zach, "and bring her home this time. To the compound."

Zach nodded, "of course."

Poppy rolled her eyes at Bucky as he kissed her cheek, "I'm fine Bucky."

He smiled, "I know. Go on then."

Zach gripped Poppy's hand as he drove them to a diner that was still open, leading her inside to a corner booth. He smiled as she ordered chocolate chip pancakes and sausage and coffee.

She looked up at Zach as he grinned at her as the waitress walked away, "what?"

He shook his head, "nothing. You're cute. I really like you Poppy."

She blushed, "I like you too Zach."

He nodded, leaning back in his seat, "so tell me more about you. Your childhood, where you're from. I can hear the accent."

"Oh." She felt her face flush red with embarrassment as she looked down at the table. She sighed, looking back up at him, "I was born in Russia. I um, I was taken from my parents when I was a kid. Around 5. To a place called the Red Room."

Zach placed his hand on her thigh, pulling her closer to him, "I'm sorry Poppy."

She nodded, "they take little girls. The one natural resource the world has too much of. That's what Dreykov said. He was the one in charge. I was one of his girls." She hesitated, "not one of them, but his favorite girl. They do whatever they want to break the girls, turning them into killers at a young age. And they sterilize them when they become old enough so they don't get distracted by children."

Zach watched her look at her lap during the whole explanation. He brought his hand up to her cheek, "I'm so sorry Poppy. I had no idea."

She shrugged, "it's okay. Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow. She saved me, took down the Red Room before she died. So as you can imagine, I didn't have much of a childhood. And I've certainly never dated before."

Zach nodded, "that's okay. We can go at any pace you're comfortable with."

She smiled, "thank you Zach. For being so great." She rested her head on his shoulder as they sat in comfortable silence as they waited for their food.


Steve stood up as someone entered the compound. He sighed, sitting back down as he saw Bucky with Sam and Rick, "where is Poppy?"

Bucky motioned for Sam and Rick to continue without him as he looked at Steve. "We went out dancing. Zach took her to get something to eat before he brings her home. What are you doing going on a date with Sharon?"

Steve groaned, standing up, "I heard Poppy ask Rick out and you said she spent the night with Zach. I was jealous and only asked out Sharon to make Poppy jealous. I'm an idiot."

Bucky nodded, "yes. For once I agree with you. For the record she only slept at Zach's place. As in sleeping. Nothing else."

"You could have told me that!"

Bucky glared at his friend, pushing on his chest, "and you could have told Poppy how you felt a long time ago! Stop playing these games Steve."

Steve nodded, sitting back down as Bucky walked away. He waited until he heard Poppy enter, standing up as she did. "Poppy."

She sighed, crossing her arms, "what are you doing here Steve?"

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