Chapter 11

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I tried to pay attention to the rambling going on in my office but I just couldn't. Images of what took place between I and Nicole kept on flashing through my mind.

She tasted so good. Hearing her beautiful moans was arousing and so enticing. I groaned within me. Heaven knows I just wanted to be in bed all day with her but work won't let me.
I felt so frustrated and annoyed that I had to leave early in the morning before she had the opportunity to even flutter her beautiful eyes open.

I wanted to fuck her again and again to be honest. I shouldn't have gone out so early. I should be in bed with her right now, cuddling her in my arms and massaging her thighs keeping in mind the numerous rounds I took her on last night.

I had sex with numerous girls in the past even with Leila but none was compared to what I had with Nicole last night. It wasn't just sex, we made love. I completely came undone and buried myself in her fucking sweet body.

God. I could taste her lips, her wet pussy. Fuck. My hands were itching to tie her up to the bed and fuck her again and again.
Her scent was radiating off me.

It felt like I could still feel her tongue intertwined with mine. She had the warmest lips I had ever tasted.
It felt so warm. So good.
What else could she do with that warm, wet mouth? Probably suck on my dick. I thought.


"What?!"I shot back at the masculine voice that dared to interrupt my reverie.
It was Thomas.

"Were you even paying attention?"He curiously asked with a brow raised.
I leaned in to my seat and flopped my head back.

My eyes scanned my four closest associates facing me in my office, the large rectangular table separating us.

"No" I replied abruptly and also honestly. I truly wasn't listening.

I could see the shocked expressions webbed over their faces.
"What the fuck?!"Luca yelled.

"You are an asshole Raphael!"Thomas added in a bitter voice. I grinned at them before erupting into laughter.

"We were talking about the transportation of the drugs through the coast of the Mediterranean for over thirty minutes Raphael! Dario sent word that the Saudis are willing to pay 50 million and also ammunitions has been..."

"Oh God!"I groaned listening to Thomas go on repetition about our work.

Thomas stopped talking and gave me a sly grin. "Excuse me, am I boring you?"

"Yes you are. Can't I just have rest? I should be at home with my wife on bed!"

They exchanged knowing glances deciphering what I meant.
"Well we can't all be winners. You are the capo of the capos and this is your job. Anyways the annual conference is coming up" Lorenzo announced.

Great. Fuck shit. When I thought I hadn't had enough work.
"Can't one of you go?"I quickly butted in before lulling my head back to the chair. I didn't want to attend that farcade charity conference.

"Nope. We all have to be in Milan Raphael. Your orders"Marco replied with a low laugh.

I rubbed my temples, cursing in Italian. "Fine. I'll go. What were we discussing again? Right the transportation of the drugs. Cocaine, marijuana and...."

I was immedately interrupted by the quick push of my office door open.
"What the fuck!"I yelled bolting up from my seat.

I had given specific instructions that I didn't want any one interrupting my meeting.

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