Chapter 67

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  I was going crazy and loosing my mind. Nothing was making sense  any more.
I had come to kill Nicole yet I met her already passed out and close to death. I should be happy shouldn't I?

  I should be happy that the one who betrayed me was close to her death.
Yet no matter how hard I tried to find the happiness, I felt nothing but guilt and pain.

  This stinging emotion in my heart was making me go nuts.
I paced around the room whilst Luca and his team of doctors worked on Nicole.

  I couldn't even bring myself to stare at Nicole's pale and bony body on the bed. I dared not look her way.

Thomas bitter words to me earlier today rang in my head, successfully making the wheels in my head spin.

  Was I too late to save Nicole?
Oh fuck!

  I was filled with rage, anxiety and a terrible fear. Nothing was going right anymore.

   Thumping footsteps were heard making its way towards the room after a while.

"Nicole?!" A frantic voice called out as some one pushed past me and approached Nicole's bed.

  I felt a bit relieved to see him. I thought he had totally cut off ties with me.

Thomas took in a sharp intake of air and swiftly, he pivoted to face me. His fiery eyes met mine and his fist were so balled up.

"You are happy right!? Capo dei capi are you finally happy?! You feel fulfillednow right?!" Thomas yelled at me, punching me in the face.

"Luca don't treat Nicole. Let her die. It's better for her to die than remain alive and be close to this monster!" Thomas spat unforgiving words at me.

  I couldn't react. I was numb. I let out a cough and sobs pushed past my lips.

"See what you have done to Nicole! Just look at what you did to your wife! Fucking looking at what you did to an innocent woman!" Thomas forced my eyes to gaze at Nicole.

  My eyes widened and I quickly averted my gaze from her. Even the doctors had mortified hands as they worked on Nicole.

  My heart soared with emotions and I cried bitterly. The proud mafia leader was taken down finally in front of his men by a woman. I was hit by heart break and I cried like a baby in front of the eyes that bowed to my feet.

"Have you seen where your obsession has landed you to? You were too obsessed and to insane over Nicole. You were too controlling over the poor woman that you preferred she died rather than see her with another man. You were more enraged with the fact that she hung out with Miles. You got so fuelled up and now look at where it has gotten you to. You've ripped an innocent soul out and made her body barren!" Thomas frothed like a beast, punching me again.

  I was too weak to hit back. I didn't want to.

"She lost a baby" Luca gasped, his white gloves filled with blood.

My head snapped to meet his and my jaws dropped.
"What!? How? Nicole never told me she was pregnant"

Thomas laughed hysterically and at once he held my hands.
"That explains it all. You see Raphael when I went to meet Nicole that night you had her locked up in that cellar, she was so nauseous. She kept on vomiting. I inquired what was wrong and she shrugged it off. Now I understand. You killed your own baby with these hands of yours"

  I shook my head at him, my tears streaming even harder. I didn't kill do it. I never knew Nicole was pregnant.

  I never knew.

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