Chapter 19

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    Her hands tried moving across the satin white sheets of the hospital bed but it proved abortive. Every move from her partially numb fingers were been restricted by a severe pain that flowed through her battered body.

"Raph I'm scared. The car. I don't want to die please"

  Those words, like a dying cry, echoed through her mind followed by a vociferous crash which immedately made Nicole instantly feel a jolt like electricity pass through her body, shaking her entire being.

  In a flash, she flew her eyes open only to be welcomed by a bright light. The searing bright light felt like a hot steel on her skin. It was awfully painful yet hospitable. It took a moment for her blurry visison to adjust to the oddly white hospital ward.
  White ceiling, white walls, white bed, everything was white. Her breathing was painful with each rise and fall of her chest. It felt like her lung had been stabbed by a dagger repeatedly. Her eyes darted to the oxygen machine placed next to her.

  So this was what was pumping air into her lungs...Nicole thought.
At least she was breathing. Oxygen was flowing into her system. Her eyes narrowed to the clock on the wall. It was ten on the dot. But was it ten am or ten pm?

    Nicole felt something grasping onto her pale fingers. Her gaze whapped to it, her dark brown eyes focusing on the source of the touch.
A large hand was interlocked with hers, tattooed fingers left on full display. His dishevelled and messy black hair cascaded down his face.

His eye brows were creased deeply. It looked like he was tired. He was slumped on a metallic stool, his head resting against the wall and fast asleep.

  He was in slumber yet he still managed to hold on to her hand. Nicole's weak eyes observed Raphael's rugged features. He always looked so peaceful in his sleep. Like he had not committed any sin.

"I'm alive..."Nicole murmured in a whisper.

It stirred Raphael out of his slumber. His eyes slowly fluttered open. They were dull and blue rimmed. They held so much pain and anguish.

  Immedately his gaze landed on Nicole, his eyes widened and he immedately perched closer to her.
"Nicole"his groggy voice said.

"You are awake"he stated with a warm smile.
Nicole nodded her head slowly like it weighed a ton and tried sitting up but she couldn't. A gypsum was wrapped from her wrist to her elbow. The pain felt piercing and excruciating irrespective of the countless drugs she was on.

"Don't worry just relax"Raphael admonished softly after noticing how she struggled to sit up.

  He looked at Nicole with a pained stare, her almost near death experience felt like a part of his soul had been ripped out and crushed to dust.

"I thought I lost you Bella. You made me so scared. I couldn't even think properly Nicole. Nicole I'm so sorry"Raphael tearfully began.

Sorry? She wondered. Why was he sorry. "Why? W-why are you sorry?" Nicole managed to speak in one breath.

He gazed at her, his blue cold orbs peered into her pale soul. "You are my number one responsibility and I almost lost you. I couldn't protect you"

Nicole gave a faint smile. Every breath she took felt so painful and she was finding it difficult to speak through the mask. "It wasn't your fault Raphael. It was just an accident" Nicole slowly said.

  Raphael exhaled and ran his hands through his dishevelled hair, roughing it more.
How could he tell her that it wasn't an accident? How could he bring himself to stare at her brown eyes, those loving eyes and shake her to the core by telling her that someone was after her life?

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