Chapter 64

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   Crying is often accompanied by the inability to feel any other emotion at that point. Crying makes one feel humanly.

  It reminds us of the fact that we are capable of feeling pain. A single tear drop can signify either tears of joy or tears of sorrow.

  But there is a stage where the pain heightens, stealing that beautiful ability to cry. A stage where you become numb and can't even react to situations any more.
All your thoughts freezes and you can't even scream out.

   From dawn till dusk, I always gazed upon the ceiling of my cellar.
The screeching of rodents and sound of my frequent rumbling stomach  kept me awake every single day.

  My eyes were dried and deserted, I had no tears left to cry. The dark cellar stunk of sweat, vomit and urine.

  I used my dried tongue to lick over my parched lips but I winced at the action as a result of an open wound on my lips.

  It was one of the numerous injuries I had acquired from Leila. I can't still believe Raphael sent her down here to beat me up so I could confess.

   My finger made tiny circles on the floor of the cellar as if I was counting when my torture would come to an end. I felt entirely numb. Leila had done a very good job in ruining my body and Raphael had lived up to his word of making me regret ever meeting him.

  Because right now, I just wished I never met him. I wish we didn't cross paths that fateful day. I was a fool to think I could handle being married into the mafia.

  I definitely can't and Raphael is not meant for me. This cell of his was as cold as his heart and it left me shivering and pale.
The dress that once covered my body had been reduced to nothing but rags that could barely cover my entire body.

The place was eerie silent but I was used to the silence. I found comfort and peace in it.

  My eyes trailed to the iron bars that kept me hostage. I counted them daily to keep myself busy.
They were twenty strong bars with a huge, heavy lock which hung from it.

  I let out a dismissive sound as I stared at the bars. There was no use in locking me here.

I could not leave even if I wanted to. My wings had been cut off and burnt to ashes.
My legs were bounded with claims and allegations that weighed more than dumbbells.

  I wasn't even aware of my directions and paths outside this cellar. I could barely see past my nose.

  Dirty rodents ran past my feets but now I was no longer scared of them. Infact they kept me company. Staying in this cellar for close to a week, I had become familair with everything and now I didn't care if they nibbled on my skin.

  Cough broke out from my lips and I gasped for air.
I swiped my tongue over my lips in a bid to get it wet as my throat felt parched but it was of no use.

  My stomach rumbled and my broken ribs hurt. I clutched on to my side and gulped saliva for relief but nothing seemed to work.

I needed water.  It had been a day since I last took few drops of water and also food. I needed it to quench my thirst and fill up my parched throat.

    Crawling slowly, my skin grazed against the sandy cold floors of the cellar until I had reached the iron bars of the cellar.

"Somebody please.....I need water" I cried out under this unbearable torment I was being subjected to.

"Water..." I pleaded once more, my hoarse voice breaking the silence and resonating through the walls.

    After several minutes, the loud thumping of footsteps reached my ears and I decided to rest my head on the floor, waiting for whoever will come.

  "What do you want?" A tall man claded in black outfit coupled with earphones placed in his ear rudely asked me.

"Water. I need water please" I pleaded, trying to push my body up to get a good view of his face which seemed blurry in my vision.

  Without saying a word, he left, leaving me once again to my disheartening thoughts.
I didn't even know if he would come back or not.

  Minutes later, he arrived but now he wasn't alone.
He came with Raphael.

  The iron bars that held me hostage were unlocked and Raphael stepped inside with a bottled water.

"Nicole do you want to drink water?" Raphael asked with a sarcastic tone.

I nodded with a whimper. "Yes please" my voice was low but Raphael perceived my reply.

"Where is my drive?" He asked in that same monotone manner.

I forced myself to stare at him for a while, wondering if this was the man I married standing right in front of me.

"I don't know where it is"

"Then you get no water" he scoffed.

"Please I need water. If I do not get water I might die" I whimpered, caressing my throat.

Raphael gave me a sadistic smile and proceeded to open the bottled water.
"Here drink" Raphael said to me, passing the bottled water.

  I forced my body up and held out my hand but suddenly, Raphael tilted   his hand and the watery content poured on to the cold cemented floors.

  My body shook in terror and I shuddered at Raphael's cruelty to me. His rich chuckle filled the air as the water trailed to drench my dress.

"Drink it from the ground"
  Raphael emptied the bottle right before my eyes and proceeded to walk out when I quickly grabbed him by the leg.

"Just kill me please Raphael. Kill me already. I don't want to go on living again" I pleaded out.
I was tired. Absolutely tired of everything.

"Your soul will breathe under my feet until you die so you better get used to this"  He blurted those words at me before pushing me back and walking away.

  I watched Raphael leave and my heart stung with pain.   Slumping on the floor, I found myself gasping for air and my vision slowly had dark dots appearing in them.

  Before the guard could lock my cellar, I could see a faint image of Thomas who pushed his way in.

  I was too tired and drained to even look up at him.
"Nicole.." he lifted my head and placed it on his laps.

  I could barely hear him.
"Here drink this. I overheard you asking Raphael for water" Thomas said to me as he tried feeding me from the bottled water he carried.

  Greedily, I gulped it.  The liquid wet my tongue and parched throat but I still felt thoroughly weak.

  I could feel the life slipping out of me with each breath I took.

"Nicole are you alright?" Thomas asked, urgency in his voice.

I summoned up strength to speak but no matter how hard I tried, I could barely say enough of what I had in mind.

"Thomas..." I gasped, closing my eyes for a brief moment as the dark dots encircled my vision.

"Micheal is...the...ghost" my last words came as a dying whisper and immedately the darkness pulled me into its abyss.

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