Chapter 44

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I froze. My heart sank to my knees, racing for its summit with the tremor in my body rising to its peak.

  My own husband just freaking pointed a gun at me.
My hands instinctively dropped, the gun lowering with my gaze diverting to Raphael's neutral look.

No sign of regret or concern.
Am I dreaming?
I want to be woken up because what the hell is happening right now!?

"Raphael..." my horror-striken voice came out as a whisper.

Nobody had the guts to interfere. It was a man and his wife. I felt like the entire hospital was void of any other being apart from I and Raphael.

My world came to an abrupt halt as Raphael tightened his hold on his gun.
Would he really do this?

"I'm just trying to help you...." I whispered.
Tears pooled in my eyes and trickled softly down my cheeks.
From the corners of my eyes, I could see a wry smile forming on Michael's face.

That fucking liar!

"You leave me no choice my love" Raphael gravely uttered.

Suddenly I felt the kick of a boot on my hand making the gun swing out of my hand at impact.

I jerked and shuddered, my heart rate increasing rapidly.

Luca kicked the gun out of my hand.
"You need to rest Nicole" he picked it right before I reached forward to grab it from the floor.

I watched Raphael tuck his gun back into his pants.
My eyes widenened as I realised it was just a distraction.
Raphael pointed the gun at me to distract me.

A part of me felt relived knowing he would never raise his gun to shoot me and another part felt angry at the fact that I could have killed Micheal and all these attacks would end--atleast I hoped so.

I shuffled my trepadised feet to Raphael. Clenching on to his collar, I watched his dull rimmed blue orbs stationed at me.

"Raph..please just listen to me" I pleaded, hot tears rolling effortlessly down my cheeks.

"That man is evil. He will kill us all please" I pleaded, pointing my fore finger at Micheal.
The wry smile had been replaced by a sober look.

What the hell!

"Nicole..." I heard Raphael call out to me. So many emotions swarm in his voice.
It held a lot of pain, regret and guilt.

"Baby please...that man isn't who you think he is. He...killed Maya" I sobbed onto Raphael's chest.

He encircled his arm around my waist and had an hand wandering through my braids.
He wasn't taking me serious.

I locked my gaze with him once more and began rambling in my speech as I sought to convince him that micheal was the one behind it all.

"Bella calm down"

I couldn't hear Raphael's voice any more. I tuned out everyone who kept trying to interfere.

"M-maya told me Raph. She screamed it that he would kill us all. We didn't believe she is dead..please believe me" I was literally crying my eyes out at this moment.

I couldn't even hear my own voice.

"Nicole please!" Raphael's gruff voice bellowed back at me which got me shuddering in my skin.

"I just lost my mother Nicole. We will find who ever did this I promise. I owe it to her to fish out the murderer but don't do this Nicole. Not now please"
I could feel the hurt in his voice as he spoke.

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