Chapter 42

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  The spacious, dim burgundi lit regal hall was expensively furnished to match the affluent lifestyle of the elites in it.
Beautifully ornate round tables with scented candles placed on them formed a pattern in the hall.

  A mini fountain stood in the centre of the grand, monarchical hall. It was sprouting crystal clear water with speckles of gold shining in them.

The walls and pillars were adorned with green, pink, purple and white hyacinth flowers whilst the table had gardenia flowers littered on them.

  The flowers filled the entire hall with their beautiful, enthralling scent.
A monogram of the bride and grooms name was inscripted into the floors of the halls while live instrumentalist played at the centre of the hall.

  From the richly expressed decor to the expensive furnished decorations to waiters serving exquisite delectable cuisines; the entire ornamentation was superb.

  Nicole stared dewy-eyed the moment she stepped into the reception of Francesca's wedding. Every thing looked so beautiful.
"Raphael this is amazing" Nicole said in an undertone to Raphael.

"Just like you. You look so seducing Nicole" Raphael compliment passing her amorous glances.
Nicole was on a thigh high slit black versace gown with a low cut at the back showing of her bare skin.
  Her feet wore a gold encrusted Italian heel and her hands carried a Louis Vuitton black purse.

"You can be so naughty you know" Nicole gave a lopsided grin as they sat on one of the round tables exclusively retained for them.

"You love it" Raphael laughed.
The entire hall was packed with individuals. Nicole watched the bride and the groom engaging in a slow dance in the centre of the hall with other guests joining them.

"Shall I have this dance my lady?" Raphael huskily asked, standing up and stretching out his hand.

"Yes you shall" Nicole replied gracefully as her fingers met with Raphael's.

Slowly, he took her to the dance floor, his hands gradually encircling around her waist as they twirled along side the rhythm of the music.

"Nicole I can never stop loving you. Do you know that?" Raphael asked running his hands at her back, feeling her uncovered bare skin.

"Raphael don't do that. We are in public" Nicole chided but her cheeks were already heated up.

"I don't care. You are my wife" Raphael winked at her.

"Look over there, Uncle Alessio and Maya are talking" Nicole jutted with her chin for Raphael to gaze at the sight.

  Raphael whipped his head to the direction Nicole had her eyes stationed at.
Standing close to Alessio was a bubbly Maya. She hugged him occasionally, squeezing his cheeks like he wasn't a grown man.

  Nicole noticed Maya had become teary eyed as she spoke with her brother. She would occasionally make gestures with her hands which caused Nicole to let out soft giggles.

"Your mother is beautiful Raphael" Nicole locked her dark brown orbs back at Raphael's face.

He nodded, his eyes still on Maya.
"She is"

Nicole then noticed some men of high profile entering into the Constanzo Hall with entourage of guards flanked around them.
Among them were politicians, ministers, drug lords; men of reputable authority.

  Raphael let go of Nicole's waist the moment he sighted the high classed guests.
"Come with me principessa" Raphael told Nicole, leading her by the hand out of the dance floor.

Nicole spotted Valentine and Luis in the midst of the men. Seeing them brought back memories of their attack in Mexico.

  She shuddered at the thought and felt a cold chill run down her spine.

"Raphael. The devil himself" Valentine praised, taking hold of Raphael's hands and shaking it rigorously.

Nicole gave a graceful smile at both men, her hands interlocking with Raphael's free hand that wasn't held by Valentine's iron grip.

"I can see you brought your beautiful wife" Luis gave Nicole longing eyes.

"Luis do I need to make a necklace out of your eyeballs?" Raphael savagely asked noticing the stares Luis was giving Nicole.

Luis gave a breathy laughter at his remark.

"How has Havana been treating you both?" Valentine prod the moment they all sat.

"Lovely" Raphael abruptly stated.
"And you two?"

"Well it's been less chaotic than Mexico. Atleast we aren't fleeing from assassins" Luis teasingly replied.

"Who sent those killers Raphael?" Valentine quizzically asked.

"Diego Perez"

Both men didn't look the least surprised.
"How was he able to pull that off?" Luis mused.

"Somebody on the inside I presume. My men are working on finding the location of both him and Estaban"

"By the way, the chief of police is here. You noticed him?" Luis pointed at the tall, bald man that spoke with Micheal.

Raphael chortled. "I did. I might just see him later"
  Nicole just watched in silence as the three men coversed.
Occasionally she would make her voice known when questions were being thrown at her.

From discussions pertaining to the shipments of their drugs and ammunitions, to running of their hotels, casino's and clubs and signing contracts worths millions of dollars to scheduling meetings with the politicians and ministers that were in attendance at the wedding.

  "I have all the legal documents ready. I'll send some of the contracts to Lorenzo to peruse before arranging a meeting with the Arabs" Raphael informed.

  Luis was about speaking when the high pitched, alarming scream of Elisa rang across the hall.
Everyone stood in a flash, rushing towards Elisa as murmuring and panic flew the air.

  Raphael located Elisa who was crying but that wasn't what caught his attention.
Lying unconscious was the cold body of Maya with a hole in her chest seeping out blood.

  She had been shot by a silencer.

"Mother!" Raphael exclaimed, holding on to Maya as if she would wake up.
His heart sank so deep and his body became fueled with both rage and horror.

"Someone call an ambulance now!" Homero yelled orders at the guards.
All the capos present had their guns pulled out, tension, anxiety and confusion creating the ambiance in the hall.

"The shooter must be close by. Get that mother fucker!" Raphael yelled in such an extreme rage.
Some of the men sprinted out of the vicinty of the hall in a flash, their guns drawn to spill blood.

Nicole stared horror struck at Maya's body that was lying on the cold tiles of the hall. Life was seeping out of her with each nano second that passed by.

"She will be fine Raphael. Let's just get her to the hospital" Alessio addressed the situation, his voice hoarse.
  Nicole felt her body shiver and her legs buckled to the ground, meeting Raphael's already crouched form as he held on to his dying mother.

Tears distorted Nicole's vision and she cried out in fear.
Who shot Maya?

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