Chapter 40

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Raphael immediately went rigid. Standing on the spot and staring face to face at his mother who he hadn't seen for more than fifteen years got him as rigid as a statue.

  Nicole watched the scenery unfold, anxiety eating her up. She knew fully well Raphael hated his mother and she never thought she would actually get to meet his mother.
Hell she hadn't even met his father yet!

  Nicole had her eyes focused at Raphael before darting it to the teary orbs of Raphael's mother, Maya.
Raphael really took after his mother in facial features.

He was her exact replica. Same blue orbs, full eyebrows and long lashes, dark, long raven locks cascading over their shoulders and their peach lips.

  But Nicole noticed something else; she looked frail and sickly. Her blue eyes were dull and her eyebags were fully out. Dark spots could be spotted carving its markings all around her face.
Her peach lips seemed dried and stains of blood tainted her blue shirt.

"Raphael" she faintly whispered breaking the unsettling silence that had taken control of the atmosphere.
Maya was struggling not to break down but her body betrayed her as few hot tears dropped from her eyelids.

Nicole whipped her gaze to Raphael's only to spot him raising his gun once again, pointing it at his mother's head.

"Why were you following I and my wife?"Raphael savagely asked. His Adams apple gobbled with each word he uttered.

He was brooding with anger. The astonishment that had once carved its abode in his features had totally vanished like it was never there.

What now stood in its place was raw, bloody anger.
His hold on his gun didn't waver for even second.
Nicole was horror struck. Her restive eyes faced Maya who didn't look scared. She probably was expecting this type of reaction from Raphael...Nicole thought.

Maya pressed her lips tightly so as not to break down but her traitorous body gave her away once again as the tears streamed like flood waters out of her.

"Raphael please.." She pleaded in between tears.

"Why were you following I and my wife Maya!?" Raphael seethed in anger.
Maya took few mortified steps backward because it seemed Raphael would shoot at any moment.

"Raph calm down please"Nicole interceeded trying to pacify him.

"Do not interfere in this Nicole. Have I made myself clear?" he gravelly ordered with such an authority that got Nicole fearful.
Nicole could only nod, her trepadised  gaze now focused on Maya.

"I--i got informed by homero that you were in Cuba Raphael" Maya confessed with trembling lips.

"That doesn't answer my question bloody bitch!" Raphael spat not minding how hurt Maya would feel.

Nicole gasped on hearing how he addressed his mother.

Maya gazed at Raphael with her swollen eyes. She knew fully well she deserved all what she was getting from Raphael.
She never treated him right from childhood and she expected him to be this rude towards her.

"I wanted to just catch glimpses of you and my daughter in law before you both would travel back to italy" Maya added in one breath.

Raphael let out a breathy laughter "Who is your daughter inlaw? You mean my wife? Is she the one you are referring to as your daughter inlaw?"

Maya felt confused and so did Nicole.
Her eyes locked with Nicole's for a second before diverting back to Raphael's amused expression.
"Y--yes" she timidly nodded.

"She is not and will never be your daughter inlaw. What status do you hold in my life that Nicole should be addressed as your daughter inlaw? Never in your miserable life call my wife your daughter inlaw you got that?" Raphael commanded inching closer to Maya and pressing the cold opening of the gun in her head.

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