Chapter 43

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Raphael raged in an extreme fury. He subconsciously lets go of his mother's cold body and lurches out of the hall.
He wanted to kill the shooter himself. Nothing else would give him more satisfaction than embedding bullets into the body of the person that dared to shoot his mother.

  Nicole wrapped her hands around Maya's body, crying deeply into her chest as the panic soared in the air.
Hysteria filled the room. Confusion and chaos was the order as everybody stood on their toes not knowing who would be the next victim.

  The shooter was uncovered in an underground tunnel not far away from the hall.
Raphael had his men surround the area, ready to spill his blood.
In the speed of light, the assassin pulled out a revolver and in a flash, he pulled the trigger, aiming it for Raphael but Luis was quick to jump in the way, taking the bullet in his arm.

"Fuck. Luis!" Raphael yelled as Luis body made contact with the dusty ground.

That was enough distraction for the assassin to slip out of Raphael murderous grasps.

"We need to get this treated" Luca said in an alarming tone.

"Why the fuck would you take a bullet for me? You could have died!" Raphael yelled some more.

Luis gave off an agonizing laugh. "You are more than a business partner to me Raphael"

  The blaring sound of the ambulance cut into their discussion. It could be heard some few metres away.

"Lorenzo and Luca help Luis to his feet"Raphael sharply ordered as he tucked his gun back into his pants and ran for his mother.

  Pain like razor sharp blades cut into him the moment he spotted the pale body of his mother. Colour was absent from her face and her dress had become awfully ruby red.

"Raphael..."Nicole lost her voice on spotting Luis who limped into the hall a moment later with Lorenzo and Luca aiding his steps.

He was bleeding profusely. Fear and shock got her void of tone.
Who was going to be the next?

  Nicole had no idea of when the paramedics took Maya's body from her frightful hold and laid her on the stretcher.

  "She will be alright raph" Nicole whispered repeatedly as they all drove in their various cars, tailgating the ambulance.

Raphael was far too deep in his sorrow to hear Nicole. He tuned out everybody and everything that the only sound he could make out was the erratic and palpitating beat of his own heart.

  The drive to the hospital was very quick given the urgency of the situation.
The doors of the operating ward welcomed maya in an instant while a seperate doctor treated Luis' gunwound in a different ward.

Nicole stood petrified and so did everyone else. Elisa sobbed quietly whilst Homero comforted her.
Micheal stood by with Alessio.
They were men trying to control their surging emotions.

Aurora and Sofia sat by a corner, the Gracìas children coming over to them.
Nicole watched as they spoke in Italian and she saw faint smile etching on Aurora's lips.
Probably Anton had cracked up a lighthearted joke...she thought.

  The only person that wasn't present was Armani.
Raphael stood by himself. Refusing to sit down, he perched by the doors of Maya's operating ward.

Everyone felt terrified to reach out to him including Nicole.
He hadn't said a word to her ever since the incident.
Who knows what could be brooding in his mind?

It didn't take long for the doors to burst open.
Expecting good news, everyone who was seated bolted up to their feets.

The doctor walked up to Raphael and shook his head with a neutral look on his face.

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