Chapter 31

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The bar was boisterous and rowdy, scarlet red lights illuminating the interior giving it an angry atmosphere.
The air had a stench of alcohol and cigarette soaring it.
Music was blasting in all corners, hitting the walls and reverberating.

Three men stepped out into the warm summer breeze.
Laughing could be heard amongst them.
The sun was clearly setting, the sky throwing a golden glow across the earth surface.

"Hey man I told you that chic in there is too fiesty"one spoke to the man in the middle between his fits of laughter.
With coffee brown hair swaying across his face, he pushed it behind his ear and folded his arms.

"See how she bodly said you aren't her type"Another croaked with his deep voice, placing an arm on the shoulder of the one in the middle.

Petro eyed his two friends as they made jest of his attempt to woo a stripper in the club.
"A knife in her throat will get her to submit herself"he spat.
"Alfonso and Tom, you both should fucking stop laughing" petro insists, shooting hard glares at both of them as they head over to their packed car.

"We won't" Tom replied, laughing even more at Petro's embarrassment.

"This will get you to stop"an unfamiliar masculine voice spoke from behind them.
With a pivot, they turned their heads to meet a suited man pointing a gun at them.

Freezing at once, their heart beats rapidly.
Attempting to run, they turn forward only to meet another man pointing a gun at them.

Alfonso hastily knocked the gun out of the man's hand with his feet and panic ensues in the atmosphere.

The armed man behind them pulls the trigger but they are quick to dock down. Neither of the group wants to go down without a fight.

The man pulled Alfonso by the collar and slams him into a wall while Petro quickly scrambled to the ground and reaches for his fallen gun.

He picked it as two other armed men emerged from the alley.
He aimed the gun at one of them and shot.
His heart beat was erratic as he shuffled his feet to the parked car, squating down and leaning against it.

Leaning against the bonnet, he unloaded bullet as the sound of gunshot became more frequent.
The piercing sound of screeching tires made petro peak over.

Tom fought with one man whilst Alfonso fought with two. Punches, blows, kicks became the norm in the atmosphere.

A jaguar, two sedans and an SUV sped towards their direction. Coming to an abrupt hault, about fifteen men all armed and masked stepped down.

"Fuck"Petro hissed. They were clearly out numbered.
Flicking his eyes over to his friends, he aimed the gun at one of the men.

A painful kick on his arm had the gun flying over from his hands.
Petro spun his body around, locking his eyes with the blazing glare of Raphael's.

He gripped Petro by the collar and slammed him towards the glass windows of the car, making it shatter into smithereens.

Petro fell back towards the bonnet, crawling backwards by the arm in a bid to get away from Raphael.
Raphael roughly stepped on his leg so hard that the sound of a bone breaking was heard.

"I don't want to kill you--at least not yet" Raphael furiously whispered as he yanked petro up by his collar before kicking him in the groins and pushing the man to the ground.

Raphael turned to access his friends.
They were lying on the ground, groaning and crouching to their groins. They were seriously injured with blood oozing out of their nostrils. Their brows and lips had been cut and their face was characterized by puffy red eyes and swollen faces.

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