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Two years later

The crowd cheered on as Nicole addresed them.
Two years had past since she and Raphael decided to separate.

Nicole had relocated to America after that and started up her own tech company with the help of Jordan, her younger sister's husband.

She told Amarachi the truth, which was that she and Raphael had seperated but she left out the entire frenzy of gun brawls she had experienced in Italy.

Amarachi and Jordan were bewildered on recieving the news but they didn't push Nicole further on divulging more and respected her personal space.

Though he kept his distance, Raphael continuously kept on sending Nicole income but Nicole didn't take a dime.

She wanted to build her own empire without needing his effort.
And now her dream was coming true.

She had created an educational app which would be launched today.

"This new learning app will help in empowering our young children to do more and reach for the stars" Nicole happily concluded before she settled her eyes on Amarachi.

Amarachi waved at her from the stage, her face filled with glee at her sister's success.

"I would love to dedicate the success of this app and my company to my lovely sister and her husband..." Nicole hadn't even finished before the crowd appluaded her once more.

"They helped me in every step of the way and grew me from the scratch. I still have a long way to go but I know I'll definitely get there" Nicole addressed them all with a bright smile sitting on her face.

Reporters and journalists were scattered all around, typing down all she said while her pictures were being taken from all corners of the room.

  Amarachi stood up from her seat and ambled on stage, embracing Nicole tightly. Over the years, she had grown to love Amarachi more than she could imagine.

"I love you Nicole" She smiled.

The applause continued as they both went ahead to take their seats.

"Where did Chinenye go?" Nicole asked. Amarachi had named her two year old daughter after her late mother, Chinenye.

"Jordan took her to the restroom. The little girl ate too much" Amarachi replied and Nicole nodded with a smile.

Soon after, the launching event ended and the after-party was in full bloom.

Nicole quickly left the hall for the waiting room in a bid to change her heels.

"Why are these heels so tight on me? The fuck" Nicole huffed in annoyance

She sat down on one of the chairs and took off the heels when the door to the waiting room opened.
Nicole looked up and right there, her breathing caught in her lungs.

"Nicole" came his distinct husky tone. Nicole had her eyes goo-goo and every nerve in her body stood.

Could it really be him or was her eyes playing tricks on her?
But it couldn't be a trick because he looked very much real.

There he was, in front of her holding a bouquet in his hands. He was dressed in his signature black suit and his hair seemed shorter but it was still slick, not a single hair was out of place.  A stubble hugged his jaw.
He hadn't changed a bit over the course of two years, his blue orbs still carried the same intensity it had when she first fell for him.


"Raph...you..." she called out and stood up immediately.

Nicole felt so stunned and robbed off her speech. She couldn't believe her eyes. "You came. How did you know I would be throwing this function?" Nicole had her lips slightly parted.

"Have you forgotten I'm a mafia boss? I know you didn't want me to come but I couldn't hold myself. I had to come witness you become the woman you had always wanted to be" Raphael told her with doting stares.

Raphael took in her features and he felt his heart melting once again. "You are more beautiful than I remembered. It's so good to see you bella" Raphael lowly whispered as he approached her.

"I actually wanted you to come Raph. It's been so long. I am really happy seeing you here. Amarachi would be so happy to see you too"  Nicole had a smile saturating across her features.

"I saw her and she showed me where I could find you," He said cockily. Nicole chortled. She should have known that it was Amarachi who directed him here.

As they both stared at each other, each person in their thoughts, they couldn't help but remember the times they shared together.

Those familair feelings which buried themselves throughout the past months resurfaced in them once again. They had never actually gotten over each other because it wasn't a total breakup or an end to their relationship.

They just decided to take a separation until they were ready again.

Now that he was in front of her, Nicole wanted nothing more than to tell him how much she had missed him and how much she had thought of meeting him again for the years they had been apart.

"I have missed you. I missed you so much. There wasn't a day I didn't think of you or of us. I really wanted to just come see you but I had to respect your wishes" Raphael spoke on cue, his voice a husky whisper, handing Nicole the bouquet.

Nicole smiled lovingly at his gift.
"I have missed you too. You know that we needed the time we spent away from each other. It made me grow and heal" Nicole acknowledged and he nodded. Raphael took hold of her hands and gazed right deep into her eyes.

"I have been working on myself you know. I have been working on my character. I want to be a man worthy of your heart" Raphael continued pouring out his heart.

"That is so beautiful Raph. I appreciate the sacrifice you made for me. Honestly the two years away felt like a decade and I looked forward to the day when we would see again" Nicole felt her tears coming forth but she didn't push them back. She let them all out.

Raphael wiped her tears away and cupped her face in his large hands.

"I want to earn your love and your trust back gradually. I want to be someone worthy of your love but only if you still feel we should be together" Raphael sultrily said.

Nicole felt her heart melt with each word he spoke.

"I will be with you every step of the way Raphael. I assure you of that"

"I will take that as a yes from you then" Raphael winked and Nicole nodded with a smile, her face going beetroot red.
His one hand moved from her face and snaked around waist whilst  the other hand held her chin up to kiss him.

He latched his lips on hers slowly, their heartbeat syncing and their tongues moving passionately in the slow yet sweet kiss.
Nicole gave herself into the kiss, her hands encircling around his neck.

He was a man of darkness but she was his light.

  Their marriage and love was not without hurdles and neither of them knew what the future held for their relationship but their love would keep them going.

That was a certainty.

* * * * * *

I'm so done.

Thank you guys so much for reading this novel and following Raphael and Nicole in every step of their love!

Thank you guys so much honestly.

Have a very wonderful evening!

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