Chapter 58

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  I flopped my head back on to my sofa, tiredness oozing from my features.
I had a very tiring day at work and all I needed now was just rest and peace.

  Peace in my married life too.
In the past two weeks, ever since I confronted Raphael about his past affairs with Leila, we've been having issues upon issues over the phone.

  Why was he blind to the fact that Leila would destroy our marraige if she was still lingering around him?
She herself made it clear to me on how much she despised me and how badly she wanted Raphael.

  That woman will do everything in her power to get Raphael back and I was trying to avoid it.
I had specifically told Raphael to discharge her of her duties and just let her go far away from this mafia and from him but he wouldn't agree.

  He said it wasn't that easy to leave the mafia and Leila was one of his best assassins.
I mean ain't he the capo?
He makes the rules so why can't he change them?

  What is so hard in discharging her of her duties and sending her far away from us?
Raphael was just turning a blind eye to all my worries.

  Slowly, the creeping feeling of insecurity began washing over me once again.
Sometimes I felt Raphael wanted her around because he still felt attached to her and other times I felt he was just being honest with me.

  I didn't know what else to think. Leila was robbing me of my peace.
I was deep in thoughts that I buried my face in my hands and quietly sobbed.

  I was absent minded from everything else and I could only focus on my pain.

"Nicole" a distinct voice called out to me. I raised my head up to catch the smiling face of Miles looking down at me.

What was he doing here?
Quickly wiping the tears off my face, I offered him a faint smile.

"What's wrong? Why do you look pale?" He accessed my features.

"Please sit down Miles. It's nothing. I just miss my husband" I quickly lied.

"What brings you here?" I added.
I noticed he was holding a gift bag which contained something heavy and also some spiral binded files.

"Well you left these at work" he told me, handing the files and sitting down.
I collected and opened them, perusing through the files and its contents.

  My eyes immedately widened like a deer caught on headlights.
Shit. I was so preoccupied in thinking about Raphael that I forgot to carry along some important documents back home.

  It was the blueprints for a new tech innovation that I was to take home to study over night.
I glanced back at miles with grateful eyes.

"Thank you so much. I am meant to do a presentation on these tomorrow"

"I know" he concurred with a nod and a smile.

"Miles what will I ever do without you in this strenuous work of ours? Thank you so much. I would have totally embarrassed myself tomorrow without studying these" I said with relief.

"I should be thanking you. Your hard work in the office has also benefited me. Boss said he likes diligent workers like me who make sure to harness their prowess and also help other talented tech geeks. He promised me a raise" Miles told me grinning from ear to ear.

  My jaws dropped and a wide smile decorated my face.
"This calls for celebration! I'm so happy for you!" I exclaimed for joy.

"That is why I got this" Miles brought out a wine bottle which was kept inside his gift bag.

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