Chapter 47

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  "Thank you babe" Nicole smiled to Raphael as he helped her on to their Jet. She couldn't be more happier. Today, they were leaving Cuba and no words could describe how relieved she felt.

  Their trip to Mexico and Cuba had turned out to be a total nightmare-- one that she would never have imagined.
Assassins, death and blood became the norm.
With various conspiracies surrounding them, Nicole couldn't help but always ponder about their future together.

Some thing still bugged her deeply--Maya's warnings to her before she died. Nicole could still remember that day like it was yesterday.

Maya had specifically warned her about Micheal, claiming he was an imposter sent to kill them. She spoke of plots aiming at Raphael.
Whenever Nicole thought of it, she got so consumed with an unexplainable terror. Her heart beat would become so erratic and her thoughts would run wild.

How would she prove that Micheal was an imposter? And what plots are cooking up?

Nicole knew one thing for sure. She had to tread with caution. She publicly opposed Micheal and pointed a gun at him. If he was truly an imposter then he would surely try kill her the same way he killed Maya but Nicole knew Raphael would risk any thing and everything to keep her safe.

But would she have to sacrifice her life in the course of Raphael's mafia activities? Would she loose her husband in it?

  "Nicole what are you thinking off?" Raphael's rich voice jolted her out of her distressing thoughts.

Nicole hadn't realised that she was so lost in her thoughts. She adjusted herself in her seat and shook her head at Raphael.
"I'm just happy to be going back to Italy my love"

Raphael chuckled and held her gaze with his wistful stares. "I'm sorry this trip turned out this way bella. I truly don't want all these to scar you"

"Don't say that Raphael" Nicole paused and placed her hand on his.

Squeezing it softly, her lips wore a smile for him. "I've come to accept your world and mafia my love. I know this world is such a dangerous place and I need to be as strong as you are if I want to survive in your world of gun brawls"

She laughed at the last sentenced which she added teasingly.

Raphael was amused at the same time stunned at how daring and fearless Nicole had began to be.

Though this trip had turned out to be a bad one but it truly brought out a side of Nicole he had never seen.
She defended herself when they got attacked in Mexico and even killed one of the assassins.

She also had so much temerity to point a gun at his father.
The thought of her now daring and blood thirsty attitude in the face of danger got Raphael drooling.
It sparked his lust for her.

She was truly everything he wanted. She could be as soft as a lamb and yet as dangerous as a viper if the need arose.

But still, he couldn't let any harm come to her. She was his life and world. Loosing her as a result of his mafia--he totally dreaded that thought.

There were still enemies lurking around. 'The ghost' who he was still trying to find, was still very much around and waiting to strike again.

Then there is Diego that sent assassins to kill him and his wife and also an inside enemy in his life who caused Nicole's accident.
Raphael biggest weakness was Nicole. Any harm done to her was capable of making him go on a shooting spree.

He had to protect her. She was his precious doe.

"I'll always protect you Nicole. I will never let anything happen to you" Raphael reassured her.

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