Chapter 30

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"What a lovely surprise. Miles how are you doing?"Nicole tittered, going over to him.

He nodded his head and offered his  hand to which she took.
"You look fully healed Miles" Nicole grinned.
Raphael came over to both of them and wrapped an arm around Nicole's waist.

"And so do you. How are you Mr Raph?"He inquired, his gaze landing for a brief second on Raphael's hand encircled around Nicole's waist before pushing it back to their faces.

"He is so possessive of her. It's good. It makes this more fun" Miles thought to himself.

"I am good Miles"

"We were about having breakfast, do you mind joining us?"Nicole prod.

  "I don't really think..."Miles attempted to object.

"Oh c'mon stop" Nicole pushed with a lopsided grin.
Raphael dug his nails into her skin causing her to wince silently.

  She held on to the arm he placed on her waist, trying to push it off without drawing anybody's attention but it only got him to dig his nails more into her skin.

  "What the hell is wrong with Raphael?" Nicole mused to herself.

"Well if you insist. I can stay for some minutes" Miles gave in with a broad smile.

"Well breakfast is ready. Shall we?" Raphael cooly made his voice known.

  They turned towards the dining area, miles going to sit directly opposite Leila.

Leila gave him uncanny stares.
She had planned it all- cooking up an errand and telling Sofia to go outside so she could spot miles.
Everyone would believe it was sheer coincidence.

"Looks like we've got a guest"Thomas spoke, his eyes browsing Miles.

Miles adjusted in his seat. Literally everyone was looking at him. He was the centre of attraction.

"Why were you outside the gates of our mansion Miles? Were you spying?"Raphael perused him with such a serious expression on his face.

Nicole was forced to look at her husband's serious face and raised brows.
She wondered why Raphael was being investigative.

"Oh no. I wasn't" Miles responded.

"Actually I saw miles by coincidence"Sofia added in his favour.

He passed a smile.
She returned it and looked back at Raphael. "I was going out to check for something in the nearby store. On my way back I spotted miles. He didn't even recognise me at first. The man was about walking past me" she chirped.

Raphael let his apprehension fall and his face wore a smirk. "I didn't mean to get you frightened miles"

"It's not a problem"

"We got to know miles through my accident. My car rammed into his indirectly saving me from hitting something that would have been more fatal"Nicole introduced him.

  Raphael's capos nodded their heads.
"So it was a good and bad thing"Luca said amused.

"Yes. I was in a coma. But at least I indirectly saved some one"Miles laughed.

Raphael still had his arm around Nicole's waist as they all ate. The only difference was this time, his grip on it had faltered but she was definitely sure that it would leave his finger marks on her skin.

"Do you stay around here Miles?"Nicole asked curiously.

"No, actually I was just coming from my office colleague's apartment. You know, um office duties"he replied evasively.

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