Chapter 34

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"So your grand mother is Cuban?"I asked Raphael as we took a walk on the sea shore.

  When we arrived yesterday, we spent our day unpacking and also getting used to the environment. We took a stroll out of the villa but not too far.
Though I had begged Raphael to let us explore the way he took me out when I first got to Italy but he blatantly refused to let us go too far from the villa.

  I was very much annoyed and flabbergasted by his sudden refusal. I badly wanted to explore this beautiful country but Raphael objected to it.

  The fact that he is so dominating can be very annoying at times. It felt like I had no say in some issues neither was he willing to listen to my point of view.
He was becoming too dominating and overbearing.

  Though after noticing how angry and sad I had become, he decided to spill the beans on why he didn't want us to wander too far from the villa.
In his defence, he said Mexico was too dangerous and he just wanted me to be safe.

  I felt so confused and scared at the same time but I knew it had something to do with this fucking mafia.
I just wish he can quit and we can just be ordinary normal couples.

"Yes she is. Armani was very fortunate to have such a good woman as a wife" Raphael replied as he interlocked hands with mine.

  The sand squished in between our toes as we both walked bare footed on the beach.

"I'm sorry she died Raphael"I apologetically offered my condolences.

For a young man like him, he had experienced way too many deaths and bad memories. Sometimes, I felt so sorry for him.
He looked at me and gave me a peck on the forehead causing me to giggle.

"I still don't understand how you are German"I told him, hiking my brows.
Raphael was a man of many nationalities. I wonder why he was a citizen of different countries.

Was it for security reasons?
Raphael let out a sharp exhale. "Well wife..."He began. I paid rapid attention.

"My mother was born in Germany. Which makes her a citizen by birth. I was born in Italy but I spent some of my early years in Germany. About ten years in Germany. I became a citizen by...."

"Descent" I completed for him, beginning to understand his nationalities.

"Brava ragazza timida" he praised though I had no idea what he meant but I am sure it's a good thing.

"So you are born to a german-italian mother and African father. Your granddad is full Italian while your grand mother is Cuban. That makes you both African and European. Are you a citizen of Cuba too?"I asked.

He shook his head at me. "That is only my grand mother"

"Wow. Raphael your family ties cut across nationalities"I exclaimed.

He gave a shallow chortle. "You would be surprised to be honest. Speaking of family ties, I think we need to head back into the villa now"

  I watched Raphael comb his hands through his hair. A frown washed across my face and I decided to inquire the reason. "Why?"

"Well Alessio wants to meet I and also you my lovely wife. He wants me to meet with some drug barons"Raphael explained.

  I gulped and my heart sank. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever believed that I'll have something to ever do with crime bosses but here I am in a world of guns, drug and blood.

  My thoughts ran wild and I immedately pulled out my fingers from our interlocked state and fiercely gripped onto Raphael's  arm.
"Raphael is it a must for me to come. I don't want to go" I pleaded.

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