Chapter 57

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  I came down from my car, heading into a dainty pastry shop. I was on my way to work and I wanted to grab some snacks.

   Pushing open the glass doors, I trod towards the counter.
The decor was comfortable. It wasn't too posh to feel out of place and also wasn't too plain either.

  Rounded wooden tables and soft chairs formed a pattern in the shop,the mild tone of classical music soaring in the air.
The environment wasn't animated. It was peaceful and serene.

Placing an order to go of two pancakes and some spring rolls by the counter, I ambled towards one of the chairs and waited for my order.

  My mind drifted towards Raphael. I missed my husband so much. It was already close to a month and he still wasn't back.
Was it that serious back in Mexico?

The only thing that comforted me was my assurance that he would come back and also our late night calls.

   A waiter brought my order to me wrapped up.
"Here you go Ma'am" a soft feminine voice called out to me.
With a smile, I collected my food and sauntered outside.

  Surprisingly, my gaze fell upon some muscular men, about three men of equal muscularity leaning om my car.

  Confusion rocked my expression and my brows puckered at them.

"Please move. I want to get in" I told them.

"Dante wants to see you" one announced with a crooked smile.
Oh, so they were Dante's men.
  "Why? I'm on my way to work" I inquired, folding my arms.

"Come see for yourself"another replied.

I sighed and nodded.
Why did Dante want to see me? What was so important that he had his men follow me all the way here?

  I trailed behind them as they led me towards the nearby bar close to the pastry shop.

  I spotted Dante's car packed outside and I rolled my eyes.
Pushing  open the doors of the bar, the men led me towards the VIP lounge section of the dim wisteria coloured bar.

  My gaze locked with Dante who had a blonde sitting on his crotch, slowly grinding her lower half on him.

"Is this why you wanted to see me? To show me how loose you are with women?" I spat at him in annoyance.

  Dante chuckled richly and tapped the blonde to get off him.
Standing up, he towered above me.

"Did you know that your darling husband almost died in Mexico?" He asked with an uncanny smile.
I let out shortened breaths, "I don't understand what you mean. How did that happen?"

"Oh he didn't tell you?" Dante taunted,ambling around me.

"I know nothing of that sort" I replied.

"Well a bomb was planted in one of Raphael's warehouse. He was very lucky to leave with his life you know. It was just at the dying minute"

My heart shattered and my knees almost caved to the ground.
How come Raphael never told me?

"Is he safe now?" I asked almost in tears at the news.
Dante used a finger to wipe off the tears forming in my eyes.

"Of course sweetheart. But not for long. Your husband will die soon. It's certain. He has way too many enemies. And once he dies, I'll have you and this mafia" he maniacally uttered.

In a flick, anger doused upon my face and my expression changed.
"How dare you utter such rubbish! Are you insane?"

Dante laughed more which only got me angrier.

"If you ever try to hurt my husband Dante, I personally will kill you in the most painful way you could ever imagine. I promise you that" I gravelly threatened meaning every word I said.

  With a sharp pivot, I pushed past Dante's men and left the area.

  I can't believe something like that almost happened to Raphael and I wasn't aware.
Why did he keep me in the dark?
I could have become a widow over night and I wasn't even aware.
  Oh Lord help my marriage.

* * * * * * *

  I laid on my bed, my thoughts in disarray as I stared at the open starry night sky through my windows. The tempting breeze blew into my room without any hesistance causing me to shiver a little.

   Ever since Dante told me that news earlier in the morning, my mind hadn't been at peace.
I found myself drifting into my sorrowful thoughts every nano second.

  I was so distracted at work. I could not do anything rather than think of Raphael.
I had tried calling him several times but he just wouldn't pick.

Was he that busy that he could not see my calls?
A low groan escaped my lips accompanied by a deep sigh.

What was going on in my life?
At that moment my phone rang and I quickly picked it up in hopes of it being Raphael.
Fortunately, he was the one calling.

"Raphael! Where have you been? I've been trying to call you since" I cried upon the picking the call.

"I'm sorry baby. I've been so busy at work" he apologised.
I shrugged it off and nodded.

"Raphael did you almost get killed by a bomb?" I immedately threw the question at him.

Raphael remained silent for a moment.
"Who told you that?"

"So you didn't want me to know" I confirmed my suspicions.

"It's not like that. I just don't want you getting unnecessary worried" he explained himself.

I was bewildered.
"Unnecessary worried? My husband almost got killed by a bomb blast planted in his warehouse! That is enough reason to worry!" I exclaimed.

"I'll be fine bella. I'm close to getting whoever is behind all the deaths and attacks. I'll be back in your arms soon ok" Raphael reassured me.

A faint smile appeared on my lips. I was about ending the call when I suddenly remembered Leila's words to me the last time spoke.
I was tempted to ask.

"I want to ask you some thing Raphael and be brutally honest with me" I announced to him.

"Sure my love"

With a deep breath, I asked.
"Have you and Leila been intimate before?"

Silence settled between us and my anxiety grew.

"Why are you quiet Raphael?" I prod, mild annoyance playing in my tone.

"We have but that was before I even met you"

My jaws dropped and my heart ceased to function. It seemed like time had stopped at that moment.

"What! And you still keep her around you?!" I yelled.

"Baby calm down. Why are you even asking this?"

"Really? You won't even let me hang out with Miles who I have done nothing amorous with yet you keep your former sex partner around you Raphael. Should I be worried?!"

  Raphael sighed. "Miles--I dont trust him around you"

"He saved my life once Raphael! I can't believe you would hide such an information from me!"

"I didn't hide it. I just didn't think it was necessary to tell you. And besides that was the old me principessa.  I've been nothing but loyal to you" Raphael defended himself.

"How can I trust you now?" I asked in a whisper before ending the call abruptly.

  I quickly switched off my phone incase he would try calling and buried my head in my pillows.

Oh Lord. 
What was going on in my life?
Why am I in the dark concerning everything?
How can I trust Raphael now after knowing this.

  Heavens please save my marriage.

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