Chapter 23

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   It's been three weeks since I got back from the hospital. Everything was going smooth, Raphael still worked late but at least I did get to see him every morning though I rarely saw him at night.
    He would work late at night and come back sometimes five in the morning. It was a cycle for him. I truly wondered how he was keeping up with the torturous routine. I just hope he wouldn't get insomnia as a result of his over working attitude.

I knew being in the mafia was a hell of work but I felt Raphael was just being a workaholic.
Like the man needs a fucking break!

I suddenly started missing the period I was admitted to the hospital. Atleast I knew Raphael got enough sleep and rest. It was just both of us in our own world. Just like normal couples.

  A shaky sigh escaped my parted lips as I reminisced about the period which brought Raphael to his knees.

"Baby what are you thinking off?"Raphael asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I looked around and realised we were in the kitchen. I suddenly remembered I and Raphael volunteered to make dinner. I was the one who brought the idea. I wanted us to spend more time together since it was clear that every night Raphael was never around and he seldom had time in the morning.
  I glanced at the carrots I was meant to be chopping and I registered that I hadn't even began.

"Raph"I began with a desperate cry.
He stared at me and caressed my cheeks. "What's wrong my love?"

"Will you go out again this night?"

Raphael sighed. "I truly have to babe"

A frown spread across my face and my lips quivered with each breath I took. "Why are you doing this? Our relationship...It's suffering as a result of your mafia. You hardly have my time anymore. I rarely see you again. Like I seriously wish I was never discharged from the hospital. I wish i was still in there at least..."

Raphael immedately placed a finger on my lips, making me stop my ramble.
"Don't ever say that. I love you. I swear I do love you so much. And I truly don't like how busy I am my love. I wish i could forfeit everything"

I listened to Raphael speak with tears pooling in my eyes. "Then why can't you forfeit all these? Why?"I sobbed.

I knew the reason to well but I just felt I needed to ask. I felt so empty these days. I hardly saw my husband again.
Raphael became like a mist that came and vanished. Whenever i did peak through my sleepy eyelids and gazed upon him in the early hours of the day, his rugged and bloody appearance would clearly remind me of what he was, what he was into.

This mafia. This fucking mafia scared the wits out of me whenever I thought of it.
If only Raphael knew how horror struck I had become as a result of his frequent night missions to God knows where.

Raphael didn't give me a reply immedately and he pulled me into his warm embrace, his intoxicating cologne feeling my senses.
"Everything I'm doing is for you Nicole"Raphael whispered as his hands ran along my spine.

I pulled out of his embrace and shot him a persistent gaze.
"Everything you are doing is for me? Please don't play that card Raphael. I have no business with your freaking mafia. I was branded yes but as your woman. I have no business other than that. I have no idea what even goes in your work and you are telling me you are doing all these for me? Are you trying to acquire more wealth huh?"

Raphael watched me as I spoke, spitting out my emotions.
"Answer me! Are you working your ass off to acquire more ill gotten wealth? You are already so rich Raphael. You are a barrister. You earn enough money from your chambers Raph..."

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