Chapter 60

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  My eyes widened and cold chills ran through my spine like I had seen a phantom.

   Slowly, with mortified hands, I collected the phone from Raphael. My orbs were heavily focused on it as I watched its contents.

  This is impossible. This couldn't be me. I had been setup. Miles never came here so why am I seeing myself  with Miles in my matrimonial room that I shared with Raphael?

  And more importantly, why am I giving him Raphael's flash drive?! I squinted my eyes even more to try and figure out if the woman giving the flash drive to Miles was me because I honestly wouldn't do that especially not to a random person.

  I drafted my eyes back up to meet the exasperating orbs of Raphael.
I didn't know what to say. I was more confused than I was of being scared.

Why would I give Miles Raphael's flash drive and when did Miles ever come here? I could swear on my life that Miles never came here.
So what's really going on?

  Now it began dawning on me why Raphael would call multiple times a day, asking if Miles came here and I would always give him the same reply.

Miles never came.

  And now Raphael shoved this in my face making me seem like I had been lying to him all along. What is going on?

  "Cat caught your tongue Nicole?" Raphael asked, his tone very acrimonious at me.

  I shook my head, my lips slightly parted as I tried to get myself to speak but I was so confused.
"I don't know what's going on but I can swear on my life that Miles never came here. This--this seems like a set up"

Swiftly and yet angrily, Raphael grabbed the phone from my hands giving me a fright.
"Really Nicole! You are watching it with your own two eyes and you still try to act dumb and pretend!"

"I am not pretending! I honestly don't know what's going on. Miles never came here. Atleast I can't remember him coming here" I crumbled into tears before them all.

"And the woman giving him my flash drive ain't you?" Raphael asked with his tongue in cheek, chuckling darkly.

"It can't be me" I wiped my tears.
Coming closer to Raphael, I touch his chin, softly caressing it. "I'll never give out something that is that important"

"Exactly!" Raphael yelled, pushing me away.
I stumbled back, almost falling down.
What has gotten into my husband?
Tears brewed up in my eyes, distorting my vision.

"You are such a liar Nicole. So you've been the inside rat all along. My question is why? What did I ever do to you? The first woman I literally gave my heart to backstabbed me in such a painful manner. Not only were you working with the enemy, you lied to me and took advantage of my love. Isn't it so bizzare how we've been looking for who on the inside was selling us out to the ghost and it turned out that you were the very person doing that!" Raphael frothed like a beast.

  My heart slammed, my knees almost buckling to the ground at Raphael's numerous allegations at me. I was innocent of all these allegations.

  I'm in the middle of a conspiracy. I didn't do any of these. I love Raphael so much. I would not hurt him in such manner.
Oh Lord what's happening?

"Raphael I'm innocent. I'm not guilty of these charges. I'm not the inside rat Raphael. I'm your wife for crying out loud. I love you so much. I honestly can't explain what's going on but I know I didn't do any of all that" I pleaded with him.

Raphael began laughing and clasped his hands together. "Oh really. Even Miles has confessed to your crime"

  The air suddenly seemed too tight to breathe in as everywhere was getting too tensed. All eyes were stationed at the drama unfolding  and I was the scape goat all in the middle of it all.

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