Chapter 72

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  I steathily made my way down the stairs, my hand gripping on to the rails of the steps for support.

  Everything that had happened in these last couple of days felt like a dream to me.
I honestly didn't think I would be alive till this day.

  I thought Raphael would have finished me off a long time ago.
A pained smiled walked its way to my face whenever I thought of Raphael.

  The man whom I loved with my entire being turned his back on when I needed him the most in the cruelest way possible.

  My own husband who claimed to love me till death actually planned to kill me and choose to torture me in a cellar for a crime I never committed.

  Sometimes it all felt like a nightmare which I wished never occured.
What hurt me the most was the baby I lost. My poor innocent child died even before it got the chance to be born.

  My child seeped out of me that fateful night and I cried my lungs out yet nobody came to my rescue.
Raphael probably enjoyed hearing me scream out in agony.

  He enjoyed my pains and watching me die off slowly.
Oh heavens.

My legs grew weak and I struggled not to fall as I reminsced about that night.

Raphael had taken so much from me and he had turn me into a hollow soul, a shadow of my self with a broken heart as the only thing I clinged on to.

  No matter how much I tried to not focus on the pain, it was still there and kept on reoccuring everyday.
I was scarred and hurt deeply.

  His attitude to me had left a deep injury within me and I fear it would never heal.
I just wanted an end to all these. I wanted an end to this marraige and this relationship.

  I want to start my life afresh and head back to Nigeria, back to my family not with these murderous and bloody wolves.

Who would ever believe my marraige tale if I did tell them of all I faced as a result of getting married into the mafia?

I got into a fatal accident that almost claimed my life, I and Raphael encountered series of attacks from assasins in Mexico and Cuba and to top it all off, my husband had me tortured in a dark cellar whilst his real enemies roamed about freely.

  I lost a baby and my will to live.
What a year for me!

"Nicole why are you standing there, please come eat"  Raphael called out to me from the dinning area.

  I didn't even realise I had been fixed onto one spot for so long. I didn't say a word to him and walked further.

  Aurora,Sophia and Emilio had flown to Mexico three days after I told Raphael to leave my room.
It was for a family event. Raphael chose not to go and I wasn't even going to join them anyways.

  It was just I and him in the mansion apart from the workers and honestly I felt so uncomfortable. He was always trying to talk to me or come close to me.

It's so ironic how weeks ago, I craved for Raphael's presence and I was so ecstatic to tell him the news of my pregnancy but now I just want him far away from me.

  Setting my eyes on him creates anxiety and floodes in memories I wish to forget.

I didn't say a word to him and sat down on one of the chairs. Raphael had taken it upon himself to always serve me breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  I watched him dished out a large morsel of food for me in a plate and my eyes rolled at him.

I began eating, adverting my gaze from his as he went to sit opposite me, watching me as I ate.

  We ate in silence for a while but it didn't stop Raphael's unwavering gaze to leave me.

"Do you like the food?" He asked breaking the silence.
I huffed and dropped my cutleries, pushing the food away.

"What's wrong bella?" Raphael asked hyper with raised brows.

"What's your problem exactly? What are you trying to achieve by putting on this act of yours. It won't change how I see you if you must know" I spat.

Raphael sighed and gave me a soft smile. "I'm just trying to be a dutiful husband to you principessa. It's not a charade I promise. I will work tirelessly if I have to in order to win back your love and I don't care how long it takes me to do so" Raphael replied with the most serious look.

  That word 'husband' , it caused a tornado of emotions within me and my heart beat race.

There was a time I derived joy in reminding myself that Raphael was my husband but now I'm scarred and just the very thought brings shivers down my spine.

"You won't be my husband for long so stop all these shit" I found my voice.

"I don't get you. Why do you say so?" He queried.

"What's not to get? I want a divorce and I'll file for one" I spat carelessly at him.

Raphael's jaws dropped to the ground and he seemed so pale in an instant.
"You can't do that Nicole"

"And why can't I?" I shot back at him.

"I love you Nicole. I really do. Don't file for a divorce.  Give me another chance to prove myself worthy of you please" Raphael was literally begging me with his eyes growing teary and weak.

I shook my head and stood with a bolt. "I'm tired of this marraige"

"You don't mean that don't..give me another chance...give us another chance please Bella" Raphael pleaded almost like he was trying to convince himself.

"I do mean it. Fuck your second chance. And to hell with your love. I'm done with this marraige. I don't even see you as my husband any more so all these shit you are doing is of no use" I scowled and watched Raphael break as I spoke.
  I care less about how he would feel. He made my life hell and I want out of this marraige.

  I gave him one last frosty glare before swiftly walking upstairs.

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