Chapter 23

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[3rd Person POV]

"Ahh~ That was some top-quality meat."

"Fufu~ Of course, I shopped in advanced and stored it in the refrigerator; all in preparation for this."

"I can't even imagine how early I'd have to get up to get ahold of this, makes me shiver just thinking about it."

"Nonsense. It'd serve you well to wake up early, Y/N kun."

"Hmm~ So I'd get to spend more time with you, right? Aww, you're such a charmer, Sensei~"


Y/N giggled as Kirisu blushed intensely, returning to their former banter after having their issues--mainly Y/N's--finally sorted out.

While Y/N still felt guilt from what he did and promised to make it up to her in the future, the pink-haired teacher was just glad to have him back and in high spirits.

"That blush on your face really suits you, Sensei... I wonder if they ever rewrote the red-nosed reindeer."

"You're comparing me to an animal now?!"

"Then I can be one instead~"

Y/N got on all fours as he approached the teacher, giving her a half-opened look in his eyes, effectively causing her to get flustered.

Kirisu grabbed a pillow and threw it on Y/N's face, causing the boy to let out an "oomph-!" and stumble back.

"What is going on with you today?! You're even more aggressive than usual!"

"I gotta make up for the missed days of teasing Sensei."

"Why would you put a quota on that?!"

"Why shouldn't I?"

The teacher huffed and crossed her arms, attempting to put on a tough attitude and trying to glare at Y/N, and all she managed to do was look cute.

Y/N stopped and sat properly, as the power of cuteness has struck him fatally, and he has to recover, while Kirisu fully thought that she successfully intimidated him--blissfully unaware of how many times she tried to do the same but none had worked.

"Seriously now, what am I to do with you..."

Kirisu massaged her head as if she had a headache, but she just grew tired after her banter with Y/N, though tiring as it may, it is one of her many things she grew to like after being with the boy for so long--but she would never admit to it.

Looking at the clock, Kirisu sighed before crossing her arms once again.

"It is getting late, it is best we sleep early so that we may fully enjoy the cultural festival tomorrow."

"Oh? You're letting me stay?"

"D-Didn't you say that you wanted to?"

"I never said anything...?"

Kirisu had a tinge of pink dusting her cheeks as she realized what actually happened.

Her wants mixing with what she actually wants to say.

And it seems Y/N knows too, judging by that stupid grin he's wearing.

As a response, Kirisu turned her head to the side, mimicking that of the Tsundere archetypes.

"W-Well, excuse me for being worried about you this late at n-night!"

"Uwaaahh, that was weak, Sensei."


Y/N just laughed at her as she grew increasingly flustered, further reminding her just how much Y/N can easily produce such reactions from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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