Chapter 20

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[3rd Person POV]

"Seeya tomorrow, Sensei..."

That was what Y/N last said to her before he supposedly disappeared.

It had been 3 days since then, and Y/N hasn't turned up yet, nor did he leave any messages or anything.

It was unnervingly peaceful within the academy.

Kirisu could do nothing but wait for him to turn up, since he isn't responding to messages and she doesn't know where he lives, even the headmaster has 0 records of Y/N's address, making it weird as to how he's able to enroll in such a prestigious school with missing information.

Currently, she's intimidating everyone, standing there...menacingly, as she watched them teach Nariyuki Yuiga how to swim properly and not look like a dying fish.

Since Uruka Takemoto is hopeless when it comes to teaching others, Kirisu sighed and made up her mind to teach him instead.

Using her observation skills, she was able to deduce that Yuiga is afraid of water, rendering him unable to swim.

The pink-haired teacher was able to guide him though, using kind words and patience to slowly make progress.

She never let go of the student's hands as he did his best to utilize what was said to him properly.

Then, eventually, he did make progress, Uruka counting it as 5 meters of progress.

Seeing as Yuiga was able to properly swim now, she left the matter to Uruka's hands and left the pool.

She had already realized how much boring a day is without her precious student, and how his energy filled the void in the dull place she worked at.

Soon, she joined Uruka in taking a shower...

The two talked about Kirisu's past and Uruka's upcoming Contest.

She was able to provide the tan-skinned girl good advise about her initial nervousness to the whole thing, how everyone is expecting her to win and how much she wants to win.

Instead of telling her to calm down, Kirisu told her to accept and enjoy such emotions as it only comes once in a lifetime.

Before leaving the shower, she told her to savor every bit of it as it is a privilege to those with talent.

The next day came...

And well, Y/N still isn't here, but...

Uruka greeted the teacher enthusiastically.

Kirisu was taken aback by her energy, and it heavily reminded her of Y/N, having a quick flashback of him running to her.

"G-Goodmorning, Takemoto san."
Kirisu greeted back.

"Sensei! Your advise yesterday, I took it to heart! As for the tournament, I'm gonna get myself fired up and savor it!"
Said Takemoto with her usual energy, leaving Furuhashi and Ogata shocked to what is happening before them.

"I-I see, I didn't do much, however..."

"Also, Sensei! You have one heck of a body!"

"B-Body?! Exactly where are you respecting me...?!?!?!!"

[Later that day...]

"You're still aren't here, Y/N kun..."

Kirisu muttered as her fingers traced Y/N's desk in their old classroom.

Her expression is that of someone heavily worried, seeing that Y/N causes trouble out of spite or to relieve his boredom, Kirisu found it unbearable that she doesn't know what's happening to him or how he is.

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