Chapter 14

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*3rd Person POV*

Day-time soon rose, replacing the night with it's light. Times like this are where people usually do their activities and whatnot, but with the exception of two people.

Kirisu's eyes slowly opened as her body woke her up, being a teacher usually means getting up early, and she's grown used to it, even on the saturdays such as this one.

She sat up from her bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, she was about to get off only to feel someone next to her.

Y/N still lay asleep beside her with the same relaxed expression she last saw before she fell asleep herself. His scarf was neatly folded on the side of his pillow and some of his scars from the past were exposed.

The pink-haired teacher slowly got out of bed, careful not to disturb her sleeping friend as she made her way to the kitchen.

She isn't really an amazing cook, but she can cook breakfast atleast. She makes one mean fried rice and curry!

Looking at any available foodstuffs in the fridge, she grabbed a few eggs to fry and Miso Soup to cook

Put coffee grounds in the mixer and began cooking.

The aroma from the kitchen should have been able to reach the bed and to Y/N, but this boyo is so tired that he ignores the delicious aroma.


25m later, Kirisu is finally finished in cooking and setting up their table, now only waking up Y/N is left!

She didn't really think much about it until she's face to face with him...

Kirisu really didn't want to disturb him because he looks so peaceful, but he also looks malnourished, so he has to eat!

"Y/N kun..."

It all started with a simple, soft call.
Everytime she would call his name, she'll find it difficult to continue. But she presses on.

"Y/N kun."

Then she began to lightly shake him.

"Y/N kun, it's time to wake've slept enough already."

Then the Liar suddenly became responsive.

He first buried his face further into the pillow and remained motionless for a few minutes.

"Y/N kun..."

He moved again, this time his hand went to his neck, he gently caressed it before he finally faced Kirisu with the tired look in his eyes.

His emotionless expression made it hard for Kirisu to get a read on him, which also made her vulnerable to his next move.

The boy sat up and hugged her by the neck as he remained emotionless, Kirisu was taken aback by this, but Y/N didn't let go.

"Y-Y/N kun?! What're you doing?!?"

"Ohayo..." he quietly muttered as he let her go..

When Kirisu finally calmed down from her flushed state, she thought of what happened and what might've caused him to do that.

And looking back to that emotionless expression he had, she deduced that he might still be half-asleep.

"*sigh* Come, Y/N kun. The food is gonna get cold..."


He grabbed unto Kirisu's back as he quietly followed her to the nearby table, he sat opposite to her and received his breakfast.

Mafuyu Kirisu x Liar!M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now