Chapter 7

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*3rd Person POV*

After what happened earlier,Y/N roamed the quiet halls of Ichinose Academy.

Classes were in session and only him was left alone.

He grew bored as time passed,trying to find some form of entertainment,the boy rubbed his wrist as it was starting to hurt because of the tightness he had incorporated to his straps.

His neck also started to hurt,he may need to go to the bathroom again to loosen up these things.

But now,he only wants to be relieved of his boredom.

"Welp! I guess I'll find Kirisu Sense-"


Having remembered of what transpired earlier,he was left with an empty feeling.

"Oh yeah...there's no way Kirisu Sensei would wanna talk to me right now,Heh"

Y/N put his hands behind his head and he continued his walk around the hallways,still searching for a source of entertainment.

While turning into a corner,he had an unexpected meetup with someone.

"Woah! Sorry!"

"Eh? Yuiga Chan?"

"Y/N kun?"


The moment they made contact,Y/N started to glare,his stare belittled Yuiga,and the way Y/N talked made him so nervous.

"W-What brings you here?"

"I dunno,probably you bumping into me"

"A-Ah,is t-that so? I'm sorry then..."

"Sorry ain't gonna cut in buddy,you need to kneel on a burning steel plate while repeating your sorries a thousand times"

"S-So scary!"

"Whaaat? Don't tell me you're not gonna do it? Bet you'll do it if Kirisu Sensei tells you to"

"Wha-? I-I'd never do something so life threatening! And I doubt Kirisu Sensei would even think about such a thing!"

"So you won't do it? Booooooring!"

"What is this even about? Why are you suddenly so mad at me?"

"Oh great,obvious questions,lucky me"


"He's deaf too,goodie"

Y/N had this sassy tone and bored look,every word he said was meant to belittle the taller was an understatement to say he was offended. How does Kirisu Sensei deal with him,honestly?

"If you're gonna waste my time,then Just leave,your entire presence is mocking me"

"H-Hey! That was uncalled for!"

"H-Hey! That was uncalled for!"

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